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Posts Tagged ‘Costantino Ragusa’

Issue #4 of the radical ecology paper ‘L’Urlo della Terra’ is out (Italy)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

In this issue: in Italian language:
– Starting again from Nature
– The struggle against technology: a few thoughts
– Transplants: tears of those who receive and those who give or sell
– Post-human anti-specist crossing
– Fastidious Xylella, unbearable State – Chronology of a false emergency and considerations on the subject
– Leaps in the night…
– A letter to the Expo 2015 catering – Analysis of a counterproductive action
– Solidarity and complicity, on nocivities and the need to oppose them – Notes on the attempted attack on IBM in Switzerland by Silvia Billy Costa and their trial in Italy

What does starting again from Nature mean? Has it been abandoned?

We’re certainly losing interest in it precisely when it deserves all our attention, commitment and energy.
Hearing the urgency for green spaces, environmental dangers, more ecological catastrophes to come, yet another rare and ‘photogenic’ species at risk of extinction… being shouted out by the media every day, our capacity for empathy towards what is less and less around us or under our feet, the Earth, has become saturated.

The daily description of the ongoing ecocide is lost among many other likewise serious events such as war; in this inextricable tangle of cause and effect, one puts up with the impotence in thinking about the future and understanding the present, so much so that certain milieus now incapable of looking beyond have come to the point of even supporting misanthropic theories about human extinction. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Update on the trial against eco-anarchist comrades Silvia, Billy and Costa (Italy)

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

2nd March: The last session of the trial took place at the court in Turin. Prosecutors and defence lawyers gave their statements. Prosecutors demanded 5 years and 8 months for Costa, 5 years and 4 months for Silvia and Billy.
The sentence is due 23 March.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Trial update of eco-anarchists Silvia, Costa & Billy + Week of Agitation against Technoscience (Italy)

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

On January 13, the first hearing of the proceedings against Billy, Silvia and Costa accused of possessing, transporting and receiving stolen explosives and for attempting to sabotage the IBM international nanotechnology research centre in Zurich was held in Turin. Comrades from various parts of Italy were present in court in solidarity.

To support their thesis the prosecution presented two witnesses: Digos inspectors [political police] from Turin who had followed the investigations that began immediately after the comrades arrest in Switzerland. Only one of the two witnesses was cross examined by the prosecution and the defence. Apparently it seems that the trial will be quicker than was said at the beginning, the next hearing was set for March 2 where the prosecutor and lawyers will speak.

For a complete hearing report refer to www.tgmaddalena.it

From the solidarity meetings in view of the trial there was a strong desire to continue a radical critical path and struggle against the technosciences.

From 22 to 28 February there will be a WEEK OF AGITATION throughout Italy against the techno-sciences and the world that produces them. On February 26, a PROTEST AGAINST EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in front of the EFSA headquarters in Parma, and many initiatives are being planned in various cities of Italy.

To read the callout for the week and for contacts:



From actforfree.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Trento: Two repeaters sabotaged in solidarity with Silvia, Costa and Billy (Italy)

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

From informa-azione, via actforfree:
We receive from anonymous email and spread:

“On January 14 we burned and destroyed two repeaters in Trento. Let’s stop electronic control and electromagnetic pollution. For Silvia, Costa and Billy, still on trial.”

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Posted in Direct Action

“Smarter Prison? – Call for War on the Technology Multinationals” publication from Return Fire (UK)

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

Submitted to Return Fire in the last month of 2015, as part of the challenge to create diverse Black December activities. Return Fire take full responsibility for delaying publication while we awaited corrections, which we now amended into the text and formatted for release. Big love from our trench to the comrades standing proud in the Turin courts around this very time. Shouts to the fighters who carry on beyond the Black December timeframe and harry the dominators in all corners of our lives. Freedom. R.F.

– solidarity with Silvia, Costa & Billy

Note from Return Fire: We transcribed the following essay, submitted by ‘Radical Interference’, which unfortunately cannot fit into our upcoming Volume 3 (Winter 2015-2016). We are happy to see that the invitation from the Greek dungeons for a Black December campaign (to re-intensify our insurrectionary fervour while not forgetting to exchange experiences and rationales around various topics of struggle”) was taken up in this form, so as to broaden and develop the offensive against modern domination. Solidarity and strength to Silvia, ‘Costa‘, ‘Billy‘, Marco, Adrián, Nicola and Alfredo, and to the rest of the comrades in our struggle. In the spirit of ‘Avalon’; always present in our memories and active hands. Let’s extend the energy of Black December beyond the New Year, through the trial that starts in January and the proposed week of mobilisation, and onwards on the path of total liberation. Winter Solstice, 2015


At this time, as the wheels of this monstrous society continue to grind on, and the scattered insurgents make to throw what they can beneath the tracks to slow it down in whatever way, we are left with some questions. These are questions that, in our opinion, deserve more thought and provocation than they usually assume in the circles of anarchists, rebels and land-defenders. Namely; it is clear that mobilisations (independent of any timeframe), such as those for our imprisoned or fallen, are a practical necessity in order to constitute diverse forces that are ready to face and understand the consequences of any struggle that materially contests the ruling order; in other words, so that repression lessens in its power to stop us in our own tracks. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Communiqués of three comrades on trial following an act of sabotage on a high voltage pylon that took place in 2005 (Italy)

Sunday, November 22nd, 2015

Translated by actforfree from silviacostabillyliberi:

The appeal hearing due on 5th October 2015 was postponed to 19th October because an expert appointed by the prosecution and a DIGOS officer [political police] from Pisa in charge of the investigation were absent.

The comrades’ communiqués:

Silvia and Costa:
A high voltage pylon run by Terna [electricity company] on the La Spezia-Acciaiolo railway track was sabotaged in 2005 with two dynamite charges. The action seriously damaged the pylon but did not cause it to fall down.
In the days that followed an anonymous letter sent to press agencies and the Pisa editorial group of the radical eco paper Terra Selvaggia explained that the action had been carried out against renewed plans to reinstate nuclear power. These plans had never been really dismissed after the referendum following Chernobyl, but they continued to be pursued in numerous research centres, such as the Faculty of Nuclear Engineering of the University of Pisa, considered an institute of excellence on a national level. In the same area, at the S. Rossore natural park, another structure stands out: the CISAM, site of an experimental nuclear reactor and a military research centre. This plant recently caused controversy because of the dumping of radioactive water in the Navicelli canal linking the city of Pisa to the sea. Toxic water, which has been declared safe by the usual local servants of ARPAT [state agency dealing with environmental matters] and ASL [state health agency]. On the contrary this poisonous water reminds us that there’s no way out of nuclear power: what has been produced or left as waste is the legacy of a world where energy production and military control come before anything else, even if all they give is a landfill-like world. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Eco-anarchist comrades Billy, Costa and Silvia sent to trial again (Italy)

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

Via ContraInfo:

On July 17th 2015, the preliminary hearing against Silvia Guerini, Costantino ‘Costa’ Ragusa and Luca ‘Billy’ Bernasconi took place in Turin, Italy. The three have been previously arrested and jailed for several years in Switzerland, accused of having organised an act of sabotage against a nanotechnology research centre of IBM, under construction at the time. On April 15th 2010, they were stopped and arrested by Swiss police who searched their car and found explosives, as well as leaflets claiming the imminent action under the name ‘Earth Liberation Front Switzerland’.

They have now been indicted according to the article 110 of the Italian penal code, which is used to punish offenses of criminal association. Particularly they’re accused of having conspired together to plan the action in Italy, of having illegally obtained the materials needed to assemble and prepare explosive devices, and of having smuggled such devices between the Italian and Swiss border. All charges include the aggravating circumstance of the ‘purpose of terrorism’, historically used in political trials in Italy to obtain long pretrial detention, and longer prison sentence if found guilty.

The judge at the preliminary hearing accepted the thesis proposed by the deputy prosecutor Enrico Arnaldi Di Balme and found irrelevant that Billy, Costa and Silvia have already been tried and convicted in the Swiss Confederation.

The trial will commence on January 13th 2016 in Turin. Let’s use it as an occasion to relaunch the struggle against environmental destruction.

In view of the trial, the three comrades are facing a hard time and need to cover several legal expenses, so they’ve shared a call for support. Any help is much appreciated.
Donations can be made to: conto corrente postale intestato a (postal current account payable to) Marta Cattaneo, IBAN: IT11A0760111100001022596116, BIC: BPPIITRRXXX.
Please specify donation reason: solidarietà a Silvia Billy Costa (solidarity with Silvia Billy Costa).

More info on the case and updates (in Italian):

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Posted in Social Control

Turin: Preliminary hearing of the trial against Silvia, Costa and Billy + Solidarity event (Italy)

Wednesday, June 10th, 2015

11th June will be a day of international solidarity with Marius Mason and all long term anarchist prisoners, another occasion for dedicating them our time and thoughts and for carrying on the struggle together with them.

This year’s day of international solidarity is entitled “Transition: the struggle is not over“, and is also in support of Eric McDavid, released in January after 9 years of
imprisonment, and of Marius’ gender change.

On the same day the preliminary hearing of the trial against Silvia, Costa and Billy will be held in Turin. The comrades are once again on trial for the events following which they already served years in-prison in Switzerland: the charge of attempted sabotage on the IBM nanotechnology research centre of Zurich. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Bristol: Banner drop for prisoners (UK)

Friday, May 8th, 2015

325 receives and transmits:

Our greetings go out to Em, who just turned 34 behind bars after laying traps for
police cars.

One banner read:

‘Happy Birthday to Anarchist Prisoner Emma Sheppard! – Down with all cages!’

We know what a boot looks like,
When seen from underneath,
We know the philosophy of boots…

Soon we will invade like weeds,
Everywhere but slowly;
The captive plants will rebel
With us, fences will topple,
Brick walls will ripple and fall

There will be no more boots
Meanwhile we eat dirt
and sleep; we are waiting
under your feet.

When we say attack
You will hear nothing
At first

- Margaret Atwood “Song of the Worms”

The other banner:

‘Capital is ‘Green’ as Nuclear is ‘Safe’ – Against Industrial Society – Hands Off
Billy, Silvia, and Costas.’

In reference to 3 anarchist ecologists who the Italian state want to re-try over an
unsuccessful action in Switzerland, and the capitalist marketing ploy of Bristol as
the European Green Capital.

Both banners were hung over the M32 during the morning rush hour on Thursday 30th April.

Recently word has reached us of international police collaboration in the UK
targeting action or publication groups allegedly connected to a thwarted plan to
liberate guerrillas from dungeons in Greece. Solidarity to the underground who, from
Scotland to Bristol to London, head out with hackles raised and spray-paint, rocks
or slingshots in their pockets and blazing hearts never extinguished. A wink of
complicity for those that defiantly acted for freedom and who got away.

State repression is a hurdle for any liberation tendency. Here in England
anarchists, outlaws, and would be fighters with the Kurdish resistance to ISIS (see
the case of Shilan Ozcelik) can all attest to that. We call attention to the common
thirst for freedom in all these cases. May struggle continue in every form that is
necessary. Regardless of the outcome of the election pantomime we are ungovernable.

- Anarchists in Solidarity

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Eco-anarchists Billy, Silvia and Costa are on trial again 23 April 2015 (Italy)

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

From informa-azione.info
Translated by act for freedom now


Five years have passed since we were arrested in Switzerland when police at a checkpoint on the Albis pass, Canton of Zurich, found explosives, propane gas canisters, petrol cans and several copies of a claim by Switzerland Earth Liberation Front in the car we were in. The target of the proposed attack was the Binning and Rohrer Nanotechnology Centre, a structure that was under construction at the time, property of IBM in collaboration with ETH, the Federal Polytechnic of Zurich.

The trial took place a year and a half later where we were accused of: preparing deliberate arson; concealing and transporting explosive material; unauthorized trade (importation) of explosives. Federal prosecutor Hansjörg Stadler demanded sentences of 3 years and 4 to 8 months, broadly accepted by federal judge Walter Wütrich. The court confirmed all the charges, except that of illicit traffic (importation) of explosives, a charge we were cleared of.

Parallel to this, the Public Prosecutor of Turin had begun a thorough investigation of the explosive cartridges that the Swiss authorities had found on us to find out where the material had come from. When the investigation was completed, prosecutor Enrico Arnaldi Di Balme issued three more charges against us: terrorist activity involving lethal and explosive devices, possession and transport of explosives in the public space and receiving stolen goods (explosives), all charges aggravated with ‘terrorist intent’. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle