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Posts Tagged ‘Athens’

Athens: Action outside the embassy of Spain in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco (Greece)

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

On Tuesday evening, March 8th 2016, we went with banners, flyers and sprays outside the Spanish Embassy in Athens (on Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, in the Makrygianni district) in a minimum display of solidarity with captive comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, who stand trial in Madrid.

The banners read: “All laws are terrorism – Freedom for Mónica and Francisco”; and: “A life of combat – Prisoners to the streets – Freedom for our bodies – Madrid, 8-9-10/3/16”. Walls of the embassy building were tagged with: MONICA Y FRANCISCO LIBRES (“Mónica and Francisco free”). Among the slogans shouted (mostly in Spanish) were the words “Mateo Morral: Presente” – as well as “Javier Recabarren: Presente” in view of the week of actions in Chile in memory of the 11-year-old comrade. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

CCF Escape Case: Evi Statiri and Athena Tsakalou are not allowed to attend their own trial (Greece)

Friday, March 4th, 2016

Regarding the trial for the escape plan from Korydallos prison against the members of the C.C.F. something truly incomprehensible is unfolding…

Two of the defendants, Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri cannot be present at court during the trial because of certain restrictions as part of their conditional release from pre-trial detention.

During the three times the court convened so far, the same thing happened: the judge calls their names to register their attendance and every time the exact same dialogue follows. The defence attorneys have to explain that both women are under conditional release and if restrictions are violated they will be re-arrested. These restrictions are in the form of house arrest for Athena Tsakalou who lives on Salamina island, while Evi Statiri is not allowed to cross the 1km radius from her residence. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Prison sentences in the 2nd trial against Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

UPDATE: Post-sentencing statement of Nikos Maziotis.

On March 3rd 2016, the Koridallos prison court sentenced all co-accused in the second trial against Revolutionary Struggle with regard to the attack with a car bomb containing 75kg of explosives against the Bank of Greece’s Supervision Directorate in central Athens on April 10th 2014; the shootout in Monastiraki on July 16th 2014 (when comrade Nikos Maziotis was injured and recaptured by police); and expropriations of bank branches.

Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to life in prison plus 129 years and a fine of 20,000 euros.

Revolutionary Struggle (fugitive) member Pola Roupa was sentenced to 11 years in prison on misdemeanor charges (if arrested, she will stand trial on felony charges, too).

Antonis Stamboulos was sentenced to 13 years in prison.

Giorgos Petrakakos was sentenced to 36 years in prison plus a fine of 9,000 euros.

-via contrainfo.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

CCF Escape Case: “The perpetual move towards freedom…” by Christos Tsakalos of the CCF / FAI-FRI (Greece)

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

“It’s like playing a game with marked cards… You know that the odds are against you, but you keep playing… What for… but in order to continue the game… And to find others in the future to win the game… This is our heritage… ”

On February 15 the trial for the escape plan of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire began. A total of 28 people are being tried, including our relatives and other people who have no connection to the case.

As Conspiracy of Cells of Fire we have taken on the responsibility for the plan and its practical/technical preparation (weapons, explosives, rockets, stolen vehicles) found in the hideouts of the organization.

But the answer to what led us to the decision to escape, the judges and cops won’t find it neither in the weapons nor in the explosives or the decrypted messages found.

Anyone can find the answer as long as he listens to the rattling of the chains worn on him, chains baptized as freedom. A “freedom” which exchanged our life with cables, devices and screens… a “freedom” wearing the mask of a happy slave… But there is nothing real behind the mask…

Life is being strangled by the blackmail of the financial tyranny, the underpaid sweat of labor dungeons, the batons, tear gas and bullets of repression…
Meanwhile, the skies are raining death with bombs that turn entire countries into mass graves, small children washed up dead on the shores of the Aegean and thousands of people deserted in concentration camps…

At the same time, the lie is turned to truth from the journalist’s propaganda, technology controls our moments and emotions, the spectacle flashily dresses our loneliness, and the Western man becomes victimizer and victim of his amnesia, as he forgot what it means to live free. This is the answer to not only why someone should escape from prison, but also to become a fugitive from the legal life of an obedient being…

These thoughts are the abettor of our getaway. If we could, we would dig the walls even with our own nails to escape and to dig up the arms for the cause of freedom and revolution. And no matter how many of those attempts fail, or how many heads break onto the prison bars, at the end the bars will bend.

Because the stocks cannot be counted neither with weapons nor with explosives but with the belief that this world must be demolished, to let freedom blossom.

Both the judges and cops know us to be stubborn… That’s why they chose to take our relatives as hostages. To blackmail us emotionally and wrest our silence. But there will never be a cease fire between us and power…

The judicial authorities in 10,000 pages of files, try to make their lie a more convincing lie and call 20 witnesses (half of them executives of the anti-terrorist service) to confirm this. They accuse my mother, Evi (wife of my brother) and Christos (brother of the comrade C. Polydoros) as members of “the terrorist organization CCF”.

Their conviction has already been ordered from the palaces of power. This is a sample of the arrogance of a power that believes it’s playing without an opponent.

This trial is a poll of the struggle… In short, we must violently interrupt the onslaught of an iron repression, which, since it can not make us kneel, aims at our people.

But the challenge is not only to subvert the judicial coup that blackmails us through the persecution of our relatives, but also to transfer the fear to the homes of the enemy. Where they think they are invulnerable. And if the tracks of repression marching are already reverberating… it’s time for our own weapons to be heard.

“One day we will have to gamble for everything”, against all our yesterdays of postponement, without hesitation to stand abreast our executioners… it’s us or them…

Absence deletes people.. but there are those who are missing in exile or confined in one kilometer of “Freedom” and are present in our hearts… People just like Athena, Evi and finally Christos, because today to remain human is by itself an act of courage..

Our day will come…

Christos Tsakalos – Member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / F.A.I.

- Translated by A-politiko.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter in solidarity with the struggle of hunger striker Fabio Dusco (Greece)

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

Since Monday the 15th of February prisoner Fabio Dusco began a hungerstrike against the special conditions of detention that have been imposed upon him by the police and the Ministry of Justice.

Specifically, Fabio, who faces charges for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire plan to escape from prison, was initially taken to Korydallos prison. In the early morning hours of the following day, riot police made a sudden intrusion into his cell and took him to the Attica Removal Centre. After the first day of the trial he was incarcerated at the Attica General Police Directorate.

This demonstrates that special conditions of detention introduced with the emergence of Type C prisons not only have not been abolished, but still operate covertly.

At the same time, the judicial dictators continue with their monologue, since, apart from Fabio, who is detained in isolation and has already begun a hunger strike, Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri cannot attend the trial as a consequence of the fascist restrictive conditions of their release which are still not lifted. Athena is exiled on Salamina island and Evi is not allowed to move further than a 1 km radius away from her residence.


Initiative of political prisoners detained in the underground ward of Korydallos Prison


via insurrection news

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerilla Cell (Greece)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

The plan.

To the anarchist “space”.

i. The call.

Every call for action, like “Black December“, is an attempt to coordinate our forces. It is an effort to interrupt the normal flow of reality. It is a plan to invade it with our own characteristics and subvert it. It is a poll of our desire for anarchy here and now, and of our ability to confront the forces of order. It is an occasion for people acquainted or not, to meet in the field of action and try to raid the palaces of the state, organized and abruptly. It is an international signal of complicity to all the comrades within and outside the walls that strengthens our solidarity. It is an anarchist agreement which confirms that there are people in all corners of the earth, that without speaking the same language, they coordinate the pulse of their hearts, align their gaze facing the enemy, clench their fists, wear a hood and attack against the social engine of authority, its structures and its relations.

The call of “Black December” had such moments …

And now what? Back to normality?

Each call for action may be just a snapshot of revolt repeating itself, waiting for the next anniversary, the next opportunity, the next “Call” or it might turn into an appointment with history…

To all those for whom anarchy means “I burn behind me the bridges of capitulation and of social peace”, the anarchist action has not any date of beginning or end…

Thus, the bet of “Black December” actually unlocks a larger bet. A bet for those whose calendar of attack is constantly stuck in today, here and now. The challenge of creating an autonomous anarchist pole for the organization of the anarchist urban guerrilla. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Fabio Dusco on hunger strike (Greece)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

via insurrectionnews:

According to information we have received, Fabio Dusco, who is currently on trial accused of aiding the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in their failed escape bid, began a hunger strike on the 16th of February, 2016. Fabio was recently kidnapped from Korydallos prison by anti-terrorism police and forcibly transferred to the Removal Center on Petrou Ralli St where he is expected to remain for the duration of the trial. His forced transfer and the forced DNA extraction and assault against anarchist comrade Panagiotis Aspiotis sparked ongoing protest mobilizations by the prisoners at Korydallos. We will provide more information as soon as it becomes available.

Solidarity with Fabio and the ongoing prison struggle in Greece!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

CCF Escape Trial: Case postponed due to Lawyer’s Strike (Greece)

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

15 Feb: Today starts the trial for the CCF escape plan. The trial didn’t begin because the lawyers have gone on strike for their “job rights”.

The next day of trial is set for 22 February.

Long live CCF – FAI/IRF

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Flyposter: Project Gorgopotamos – CCF Escape Trial (Greece)

Monday, February 15th, 2016

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Forever Guilty’ -Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF (Greece)

Friday, February 12th, 2016


The trials of anarchist prisoners who chose to give a violent form to their ideas and values, who chose to associate with fire, explosives and bullets their hatred towards Power, is another instance of a war between the Anarchist Revolt and the world of Sovereignty. That’s why, reaching the end of such a trial, the third one in a row I have to face due to my action as a member of the anarchist group of direct action Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I feel the need for my words to meet again with every anarchist comrade outside the walls.

Since September 2009 when I made the leap towards illegal freedom while being wanted, choosing to continue anarchist action through taking part in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire until now, it’s been six years. Six years, five of which have run through the concrete time and space and the suffocating reality of captivity. About 1825 days walking endless kilometers in circles under a piece of sky carved with barbed wire thorns. About 1825 days locked before sundown.

Five years away from wandering in the wild streets of anarchist action, away from those beautiful moments where attack shatters regularity. Five years where the appearance of comrades, friendly and loved ones is being reflected in the windows of predetermined visiting hours and days, completing a puzzle of faded portraits of so many people who have a living reason to cross the threshold of the prison hoping in “sometime together again”.

Yet in these five years there has not been a single moment when I looked back doubting whether it was worth it. Because the value and the beauty of anarchist revolt cannot be replaced by the cold mathematics of court sentences.

In these five years of continuous prosecutions, the decades of penalties imposed on me, the courts to add on more decades, more years, more exiled days in this armored Neverland, I still remain proud of my choices and for joining the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and its overall action, which undergoes your trials again and again constantly repeating the same and the same charges :

Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist…


For your own rotten civilization
For the poisoned ideals and values that you represent
For the brutality and horror on which you step building your careers


Because although being captive my heart is wherever anarchist Conspiracies are being concocted against the culture of Power, next to those who burn flatness, next to those who incite in any way the constant anarchist insurrection and next to those who live at the limits through the attack on sovereignty and for that reason


As for the overall action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, I’m a living part of it just like it is my own living part. However, this concerns only me and my comrades and in no way am I willing to assist the judicial authorities in their work. But all judges who have actively assisted in the war against Anarchist Insurrection should have in mind that responsibilities never retire and will always go after them.

And I know from history that always throughout the years there are consciousnesses who choose to walk in the trails of anarchist revolt and to arm their desires. To all those comrades who perhaps are already moving in the shadows or perhaps move there in the future, I have to say that if I occasionally feel some moments of freedom it is through the anarchist attacks which remind me that the Constant Anarchist Rebellion is being continued.

So I feel proud that even now, after five years of captivity and multiple more years hanging over me I can still yell through the cracks of your, reinforced with double concrete layers and triple rows of barbed wire, walls:


Panagiotis Argirou
Proud member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty