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Posts Tagged ‘Anarchist Federation (UK)’

‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’ : A Collection of Texts against Civil Anarchism (Dark Matter/ACN)

Monday, November 9th, 2015

Here’s a new link for our booklet about Civil Anarchism, due to a bug showing a 404 on the sidebar, which we can’t access right now. Beyond the ‘Movement’ – Anarchy!


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Posted in Library

‘Fighters, do not despair or hesitate!’ by V.Q

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Text taken from our pamphlet printed with Dark Matter Publications‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’ : A Collection of Texts Against Civil Anarchism.

Fighters, do not despair or hesitate! We are at war. And as in all wars, distinctions begin to gather – rebels, fighters, discreet purveyors of safe houses, information and weapons, collaborators, the acquiescent, the ones who sit it out and keep their heads down, the new police which is made up of friends and lovers, not only the common enemies. We must understand that anarchism is a word that can be taken by anyone and so we must look to action as well as to speech. Not every anarchist is an anarchist, not every anarchist is for us. This is the first wound of war, but need not be fatal.

Comrades, do not be afraid to attack your friend if this becomes necessary because it is only when war is declared and we wake from more sonambulent times (I do not say peaceful), that the things we let pass then, now become essential to confront. Years of creeping irritation and depression become outright argument. And not only that. Last year, in response to heightened night-time attacks against infrastructure by anti-social anarchists, a social anarchist group in Easton, Bristol, (UK) cut back some trees on a cycle path “in broad daylight” so that the nice middle-class cyclists who are gentrifying the area could be safe from the teenage underclass muggers and wrote a communiqué as if it was a political action in a blatant attempt to insult and recuperate the attacks by the anarchists of praxis and the new FAI. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’ : A Collection of Texts Against Civil Anarchism

Saturday, November 30th, 2013

PDF: Civil anarchism book

Bored of the type of anarchism that seems to exist only as a boring routine of endless meetings and crap benefit gigs full of self-important tossers?
Sick of middleclass mummys boys pretending to be proles?
Fed up of being told what the “class struggle” is and isn’t?

We are too and so we put together this booklet about it.


From Dark Matter and 325 associates

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Posted in Library

‘Fragment: Violence’ by L

Monday, June 24th, 2013

This short text is part of a collection of critical writings in progress concerning “civil anarchism”, as put forth by Venona Q. and Dark Matter publications, which is a response to a statement by the UK Anarchist Federation/Libcom denouncing the non-fatal shooting of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare in Genoa, Italy(1). Two anarchist comrades, Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito are accused of the action, which was claimed by Olga Cell-FAI/FRI. Solidarity to the accused, who are imprisoned in Ferrara, Italy. This fragment is simply a meandering series of thoughts, the results of a notepad and a rainy afternoon, rather than a ‘manifesto’ or the kind of dry political statement that it is in response to.

I. “By having carried out dozens of attacks against targets of the system, with especially destructive material results, we were and will always be precise. We aim specifically against the institutions and the officers of the system, giving special attention to not injure someone who is not a target to us.” CCF

Violence is neither good nor bad.
It is the State’s basis for it’s domination and consent. Any one who breaks this relationship is usually deemed criminal and/or insane. Any acts used in this transgression are usually deemed “unlawful” or further, “terrorism”. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Solidarity to the comrades struck by the operation “Ardire” (USA)

Saturday, June 23rd, 2012

From Anarchist Library:


Here at the library we don’t usually publish such statements and communiques, mainly because there are plenty of other places where solidarity can be expressed. Anyway, this time we want to express our unconditional solidarity to the comrades struck by the repression in Italy and elsewhere, following the shooting of Adinolfi.

We are disgusted by the behaviour of the various organizations which chose to distance themselves from the “violent ones”, starting a media campaign to “wash” their precious acronym and their precious ideology.

Needless to say, we are disgusted by the state, which opened the hunt to the (“evil”) anarchist.

Anarchist Library


“Solidaridad con lxs compañerxs golpeadxs por la Operacion “Osadía”

Aqui en la biblioteca usualmente no publicamos declaraciones o comunicados, principalmente porque hay muchos otros lugares donde la solidaridad puede ser expresada. De cualquier forma, esta vez queremos expresar nuestra incondicional solidaridad con los compañerxs golpeadxs por la represion en Italia y en cualquier lugar, posterior al ataque a Adinolfi.

Estamos asqueadxs por la conducta de varias organizaciones las cuales escogieron alejarse de “lxs violentxs”, iniciando una campaña mediatica para “limpiar” sus queridas siglas y su querida ideología.

Está de más decir que estamos asqueadxs del estado, el cual abrio la cazeria de lxs (“malvadxs”) anarquistas.”

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Posted in Social Control

Concerning Operation Ardire and collaborators-snitches who call themselves “anarchists” (Italy)

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

From Rojoscuro via Actforfree/Bpd:

Facing yet another repressive operation of the Italian state

“Operation Ardire” is the name of the recent repressive assault on our anarchist comrades. A number of rebels were arrested, others are under investigstion. Moreover arrest warrants were issued against dear comrades who are locked up in the dungeons of other countries, like Gabriel Pombo Da Silva (Germany), Marco Camenisch (Switzerland) and a number of members of the CCF, who are imprisoned in Greece. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Dark Nights #20 – Scandalous thoughts – a few notes on civil anarchism (ACN)

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

4 pages A4 – PDF Download free.


1: Scandalous thoughts – a few notes on civil anarchism.
2: In Memory of Mauricio Morales – Solidarity letter from the Imprisoned Members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.
3: Action Chronology.


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

International Network of Counter-Information & Translation

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Posted in Library

Scandalous thoughts – a few notes on civil anarchism

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

Every so often, cyclically, collective or social anarchism becomes restrictive to some anarchists and an anarchist individualism reasserts itself. It happened at the turn of the twentieth century when some of the great anarchist thinkers began to question some of the more communistic dogmas. It is happening once more, and once more we witness some of the social anarchists writhe in panic as their comfortable dream is disturbed and they wittingly or unwittingly reinforce the stranglehold of the State by condemning their unruly sisters and brothers who appear to threaten the pursuit of what one comrade has aptly described as ‘civil anarchism’.

It is a horrible creature, this civil anarchism. A slathering, craven and despotic monster with eyes in the back of its head which tries to be what anarchism will probably never be – palatable to the modern consumer masses. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control