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Featured Blogs

New BMW Site Aligns .bmw TLD With the Company's Future

Tony Kirsch With every .brand that is launched onto the web, the industry watches closely to examine their strategy, analyse their success and evaluate whether the approach can be replicated and learned from. We've seen a wide range of launch strategies in recent months, from the full transition of to, to the BNP Paribas online banking sites, to the promotional site for the Australian Football League (AFL). more»

Registering and Monetizing Personal Names

Gerald M. Levine At the top of WIPO's list of the most cybersquatted trademarks for 2015 (issued on March 18, 2016) is "Hugo Boss" with 62 complaints. The report also reveals that the fashion industry led other commercial sectors with 10% of complainant activity. Not surprisingly, in this sector companies (couturiers extending their services to the general public) are branded with the personal names of their founders. Why any registrant would intentionally target well-known personal names in the fashion industry is a mystery because there's no future in it. In fact, complaints are never answered and always successful. more»

Welcome to Notflix! Your Streaming-Free ISP with the Best Quality of Experience!

Martin Geddes It has been widely taken as "obvious" that a "no blocking" rule for ISPs is a good regulatory policy. Is this really the case? Does it save consumers from harm... or cause harm? Netflix has reached the point of being well over 30% of Internet traffic at peak time for some ISPs. This places three costs on the ISP and its users... So for someone who isn't a streaming video user, they are paying a share of the direct costs. more»

What Will the Internet Look Like in the next 5 - 7 Years?

Karen Rose We all know that the Internet is one of the most important tools of our time, but we can't afford to take the Internet -- or its future -- for granted. There are uncertainties facing the Internet's future and how they evolve will have a profound impact on society and our ability to solve some of the world's biggest challenges... To help answer these and other questions, the Internet Society is embarking on a collaborative initiative to envision scenarios for the evolution of the Internet. more»

What is the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC)?

Doug Isenberg As a longtime member of ICANN's Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), I'm impressed by the important work that this group does on behalf of trademark owners worldwide (as I've written before). While some die-hard IPC members spend countless (and, often, thankless) hours working virtually and in-person (at ICANN's global meetings) for the constituency, I find it very educational and worthwhile to participate on an ad-hoc basis. more»

US Congress Hearing on "Privatizing IANA" - Thursday, March 17 (Live Video Feed Available)

Dan York On Thursday, March 17, 2016, a U.S. Congressional committee will hold a hearing on the topic of "Privatizing the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority" (IANA) starting at 10:15am US EDT (UTC-4). You can learn about the hearing and view the written testimony at and watch live on the included pages. The hearing is before the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee. more»

The Future of Interdomain Interconnection and Traffic Control

Nick Feamster Today, we are excited to announce, in partnership with the Open Networking Foundation and Open Source SDN, the official launch of iSDX - open-source controller software for an industrial-scale Software-Defined Internet exchange point. iSDX allows independently operated networks to interconnect and exchange traffic in completely new ways. This software, which we've been developing for nearly three years, now finally operates at the scale of the world's largest IXPs and interoperates with SDN-capable hardware switches, opening up new possibilities for interdomain business relationships and traffic exchange. more»

SIP Trunking: Common Pitfalls and Quick Fixes

Chris Surdenik With companies shifting away from on-premises and "traditional" telecom networks to Internet-based protocols - such as Voice Over IP (oIP) - the market for critical communications infrastructure - most notably SIP trunking - is on the rise; not only multiple failover sites but cloud-based SIP-as-a-service solutions are now popular options. However, there's a caveat: problems unique to SIP systems that can cause IT headaches if you're not prepared. Here are three of the most common. more»

Don't Break out the Champagne Just Yet: More Work to Do Before IANA Transition Occurs

J. Scott Evans After two years of meetings, comment periods, and more meetings, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers submitted its IANA transition proposal to the US Department of Commerce last week at the end of the ICANN 55 meeting in Marrakech. While this is a critical milestone and the multi-stakeholder community should be commended for its efforts, several concerns still remain. more»

Charter Approved to Review All Rights Protections Mechanisms in All Generic TLDs

Philip S. Corwin On March 9th, 2016, during its final open meeting at ICANN 55 in Marrakech, Morocco, the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council approved a motion that I proposed to adopt the Charter of the Policy Development Process (PDP) to Review all Rights Protections Mechanisms (RPMs) in all Generic Top-Level Domains. I serve on the Council as one of the two representatives of ICANN's Business Constituency, and my fellow Councilors have designated me to serve as the GNSO's Liaison to the Working Group (WG), and as its Interim Chair. more»

What If IANA Transition Was Only a Mirage?

Danny Aerts The U.S. government has long had a far-reaching control over the internet's technical center. What will happen now when ICANN's Board puts together a proposal on how to transfer responsibility for certain key functions within the domain name system to the internet community? Last week, ICANN had its 55th conference in Marrakech. The most important result of the meeting is that all parts of the so-called internet community approved that ICANN's Board will send a proposal to the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) which suggests how to transfer responsibility for certain key functions within the domain name system to the internet community... more»

Proving and Rebutting Respondent Lacks Rights or Legitimate Interests in Accused Domain Names

Gerald M. Levine Paragraph 4(a)(ii) of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy requires complainants to offer evidence conclusive by itself or sufficient from which to infer that respondents lack rights or legitimate interests in the accused domain names. As I've pointed out in earlier essays (here and here) the standard of proof is low and relies on inference, for good reason; beyond the visual proof and what may be obtainable from on- and offline research, respondents control evidence of their choices. more»

Perfect Storm Brewing at ESPs Amidst Growing PowerMTA Admin Crisis

Fred Tabsharani Sometimes, a software company is as much about people as it is about technology. Who says PowerMTA admins don't have influence? Not only are they the influencers of our brand [Port25] they are also the main influencers and decision-makers when it comes to purchasing decisions. more»

An Unprecedented Look Into Utilization at Internet Interconnection Points

Nick Feamster Measuring the performance of broadband networks is an important area of research, and efforts to characterize the performance of these networks continues to evolve. Measurement efforts to date have largely relied on in­home devices and are primarily designed to characterize access network performance. Yet, a user's experience also relies on factors that lie upstream of ISP access networks, which is why measuring interconnection is so important. more»

Overreaching Trademark Owners and the Misguided Better Right Theory of Domain Name Ownership

Gerald M. Levine In Blogs devoted to news from the domain name industry and domainers, there is great glee in reporting about overreaching trademark owners. The reason for the glee, I think, is that it's a form of collective sigh from domainers and the domain industry that the UDRP is working as it should, which means that Panels are careful in their assessments of parties' rights. more»

News Briefs

FBI, Apple Hearing Over iPhone Encryption Halted

FBI says it may have found a way to unlock Syed Rizwan's iPhone without Apple's help and while exploring this option, a federal judge has postponed tomorrow's hearing. ›››

WIPO Reports Rise in Cybersquatting Cases, Triggered by New gTLDs

According to the latest report from The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), trademark owners filed 2,754 cases under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) with the agency in 2015 - an increase of 4.6 % over the previous year. ›››

Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) Joins M3AAWG to Reduce Hosting Industry Abuse

The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) has joined the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) to continue efforts on developing best practices for hosting and cloud service companies as well as sharing other information that will protect end-users. ›››

Google Launches Project to Track Encryption Efforts - Both Internally and at Other Popular Sites

Google launched today a new effort to track the progress of encryption efforts - both at Google and on other popular websites. Google hopes the project will hold the company and others accountable to encrypt so as to enhance web safety and security. ›››

Bangladesh Central Bank Governor Quits Amidst One of the Largest Cyber Heists

Bangladesh's central bank governor has resigned today amidst theft of $81 million from the bank's U.S. account, as details emerged in the Philippines that $30 million of the money was delivered in cash to a casino junket operator in Manila. ›››

Internet Society Applauds Plan to Transition Oversight of Key Internet Resources

The Internet Society (ISOC) Board of Trustees today passed a resolution to strongly support the plan developed by the global Internet community presented to the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration to transition oversight of key Internet resources. ›››

ICANN Submits Transition Plan to US Government

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Board Chair Dr. Stephen D. Crocker today submitted to the U.S. Government a plan developed by the international Internet community that, if approved, will lead to global stewardship of some key technical Internet functions. The news was confirmed today at a press conference finalizing the ICANN 55 meetings in Morocco. ›››

Governments Agree to ICANN Accountability Proposals, Giving Green Light for IANA Transition

Intellectual Property Watch – Governments gathered at the 55th meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in Marrakesh this week have agreed to not object to the final proposal on enhancing ICANN accountability. ›››

Head of UK Intelligence Agency Says Tech Companies Should Provide a Way Around Encryption

In a speech at the Internet Policy Research Initiative at MIT, British intelligence agency GCHQ director Robert Hannigan said Monday that law enforcement and intelligence officials want only targeted ways to stop what he called "abuse of encryption" by ISIS and other terrorists and criminals. ›››

In Memory of Ray Tomlinson, April 23, 1941 - March 5, 2016

Internet pioneer, Ray Tomlinson has passed away. He died at his home yesterday morning from a suspected heart attack at the age of 74. While best known as the creator of the email messaging system, Tomlinson made tremendous contributions to the field of computing science, evolution of the Internet, and ultimately how the world communicates today. ›››

Repeat DDoS Attacks the Norm in Q4 2015, 24 Attacks per Target on Average

During Q4, repeat DDoS attacks were the norm, with an average of 24 attacks per targeted customer in Q4, reports Akamai in its newly released Q4 2015 State of the Internet - Security Report. ›››

UK's Proposed Spy Law Can Force Apple to Bypass Security, Plus a Gag Order

The newly proposed British spying law, the Investigatory Powers Bill (IPB), is reported to include methods that would permit the British government to order companies like Apple to re-engineer their own technology, similar to current demands from the FBI. In addition, if the law passes, it would be accompanied by a gag order. ›››

Google, Facebook, Twitter and Other Tech Companies Join Forces to Support Apple in FBI Case

Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft are among tech companies that have joined Apple in its iPhone fight with the U.S. government, according the latest report from the Wall Street Journal. ›››

Approach IoT With Security in Mind, Says AT&T; Chairman

By 2020, some 50 billion devices are expected to connect to the Internet and the economic value created by IoT could be worth as much as $11.1 trillion -- roughly 11% of the global economy by 2025, according to a new report released by AT&T. ›››

Google Offers Free DDoS Protection for News Sites

Google has announced its first initiative out of Jigsaw which is the expansion of its experimental service, Project Shield. Google is offering Project Shield as a free service leveraging Google technology to protect news and free expression sites from DDoS attacks on the web. ›››

ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade is Misleading the US Senate, Says Sen. Cruz

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has released a statement today regarding a letter that Cruz, Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) received from Fadi Chehade, CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on Friday. ›››

3.2 Billion People Online in 2015 - Up from 3B in 2014, Facebook Reports

At the end of 2015, 3.2 billion people were estimated to be online -- up from 3 billion in 2014, according to the study conducted by Connectivity Lab at Facebook. The increase is "partly attributed to more affordable data and rising global incomes in 2014." ›››

Facebook's Chief Sympathetic to Apple's Position in Clash with FBI

Facebook's chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg made comments at the Mobile World Congress tech show in Barcelona today stating he is sympathetic to Apple's position in its clash with the FBI. ›››

Large Volume of DNSSEC Amplification DDoS Observed, Akamai Reports

A dramatic increase in DNS reflection/amplification DDoS attacks abusing Domain Name System Security Extension (DNSSEC) configured domains have been observed in the past few months, according to a security bulletin released by Akamai’s Security Intelligence Response Team (SIRT). ›››

Internet Society Responds to FBI vs Apple Encryption Debate

The Internet Society today expressed concern over the recent order from the United States District Court for the Central District of California requiring Apple to bypass or disable the auto-erase function on a seized iPhone and to enable the FBI to more effectively conduct a brute force attack on the device. ›››

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V12 Group Sustains Customer Satisfaction by Deploying PowerMTA for Launchpad Platform

Port25 With more than 8,000 platform users, 85 percent of which are brand-name retailers, reaching out to 110M US households, V12 needed an MTA (Messaging Transfer Agent) that would execute high delivery rates, offer more control, and easily enable the latest authentication protocols. more»

United States Court Has Granted an Interim Relief for DCA Trust on .Africa gTLD

DotConnectAfrica A United States District Court, Central District of California - Western Division ruling has granted an Interim Relief for DotConnectAfrica by issuing a decision that ICANN should hold off from delegating the .AFRICA top-level domain (TLD) for ZA Central Registry (ZACR). more»

Verisign Releases Q4 2015 DDoS Trends - DDoS Attack Activity Increasing by 85% Year Over Year

Verisign Verisign has just released its Q4 2015 DDoS Trends Report, which provides a unique view into online distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack trends from mitigations enacted on behalf of customers of Verisign DDoS Protection Services and research conducted by Verisign iDefense Security Intelligence Services. more»

February Biggest Month to Date for Radix, Over 750K Domain Registrations

Radix Domain name registry operator, Radix announced that February 2016 was its biggest month ever in terms of new registrations. Lead by .online, .site, .tech and .pw, Radix saw a record number of 768,683 new registrations in the month. more»

Best Practices from Verizon - Proactively Mitigating Emerging Fraudulent Activities

MarkMonitor On Wednesday, February 24, we hosted a webinar - Best Practices from Verizon, Proactively Mitigating Emerging Fraudulent Activities - with Patrick Flaherty, Assistant General Counsel for Marketing, IP & New Media Law & Policy at Verizon. more»

The Latest Mobile Web Report Q4 2015 from DeviceAtlas

Afilias - Mobile & Web Services DeviceAtlas recently released a new edition of its quarterly Mobile Web Report based on web traffic during Q4 2015. The new issue reveals various trends on the most popular operating systems, device vendors, device models with the main focus being comparison of Android and iOS web traffic throughout the whole of 2015. more»

Radix & WHMCS Offer Free .HOST Domains to All WHMCS Customers

Radix Leading Web Hosting Billing and Automation provider WHMCS, announced today that its partnership with the .HOST domain registry (Radix) has received an impressive response within the first week of launch. more»

New .BET Domain Now Available to the Public

Afilias Afilias, a leading domain registry operator, announces public availability today for the new "dot BET" or .BET top level domain; .BET is being launched to support the burgeoning gaming industry making it easier for consumers to find betting sites. more»

Radix and SnapNames Announce Exclusive Partnership

Radix SnapNames, one of the world's largest domain name aftermarket companies, has teamed up with Radix, a major Registry Operator for a variety of memorable top-level domain extensions, for several exclusive auctions. more»

Neustar Data Identifies Most Popular Times of Year for DDoS Attacks in 2015

Neustar Neustar today released preliminary data indicating April, February, October and December as the most popular months for DDoS attacks. The report, compiled from 2015 data from Neustar's Security Operations Center (SOC), also details the rising threat of multi-vector attacks. more»

Radix Gives Its TLD .SPACE a Makeover

Radix Radix's domain extension .space surpassed 125,000 registrations in just about a year from launch and is all set for its next big mission - growing customer awareness. more»


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Chuck Kisselburg
Director, Strategic Partnerships at CommunityDNSJoined on Oct 28, 2009

Doug Isenberg
Attorney & Founder of The GigaLaw FirmJoined on Feb 08, 2016

Nick Ashton-Hart
Associate Fellow, Geneva Centre for Security PolicyJoined on Nov 08, 2013

Greg Aaron
President, Illumintel Inc. and Co-Chair of the APWG's Internet Policy CommitteeJoined on Oct 30, 2008

Bob Parsons
President & FounderJoined on Mar 03, 2004

Mark Partridge
Managing Partner at Partridge IP LawJoined on Aug 12, 2004

Jon Lawrence
Executive Officer, Electronic Frontiers Australia; Board member, ISOC-AUJoined on Jun 07, 2005

Gideon Rop
Project Manager: DCA Registry Services Kenya and ISOC Kenya MemberJoined on Oct 16, 2011

Bill St. Arnaud
Green IT Networking ConsultantJoined on Dec 05, 2011

Gregory Francis
Managing Director at Access PartnershipJoined on Sep 17, 2010

Steve Atkins
Founding partner of anti-spam consultancy & software firm Word to the WiseJoined on Nov 23, 2009

Stephane Bourque
Founder, CEO and President at Incognito Software SystemsJoined on Dec 17, 2012

Wolfgang Kleinwächter
Professor Emeritus at the University of AarhusJoined on Sep 09, 2011

Chris Buijs
Head of DeliveryJoined on Dec 21, 2011

Bob Frankston
Independent Internet ProfessionalJoined on Aug 25, 2003

Eric Hernaez
Chief Executive Officer of NetmoboJoined on Jun 15, 2007

Richard M. Smith
Computer & Internet Security ExpertJoined on Jul 11, 2003

Brett Watson
Senior Manager, Professional Services at NeustarJoined on Aug 15, 2005

John Levine
Author, Consultant & SpeakerJoined on Jun 14, 2004

Paul Budde
Managing Director of Paul Budde CommunicationJoined on Feb 04, 2009

Derek Morr
Senior Systems Programmer, Pennsylvania State UniversityJoined on Jan 10, 2009

Corey Grant
Senior Industry Consultant at NeustarJoined on Apr 14, 2015

Sam Dickinson
Internet governance consultant & writerJoined on Aug 05, 2010

Susan Crawford
Professor, Cardozo Law School in New York CityJoined on Nov 19, 2003

Frank Schilling
FounderJoined on Aug 24, 2006

Mark Goldberg
Telecommunications ConsultantJoined on Apr 24, 2007

Frederick Felman
Chief Marketing Officer at MarkMonitorJoined on Nov 18, 2008

George Michaelson
Senior Research and Development Scientist at APNICJoined on Feb 12, 2010

Katim S. Touray
International Development Consultant, and ICT for development advocateJoined on Sep 16, 2012

Bill Nussey
CEO & AuhtorJoined on Feb 28, 2005