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No fresh set of eyes for small business, advisers say


The ATO's treatment of small businesses is under fire at a parliamentary inquiry.

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan says sometimes, when businesses are not doing well, they want to blame the ATO.

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan says sometimes, when businesses are not doing well, they want to blame the ATO. Photo: Dominic Lorrimer

When it comes to the way the Australian Taxation Office deals with small business taxpayers, its approach has been criticised.

Let's not kid ourselves, we take money from people and sometimes people don't like that. 

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan has said there's a fresh set of eyes on disputes.

But one of the ATO's fierce critics, the man who heads Independent Contractors Australia, Ken Phillips, says that "in relation to small business people, independent contractors and the self-employed, the approach, culture and behaviour of the ATO is aggressive and oppressive".

Phillips' submission to the parliamentary inquiry into scrutiny of the ATO gives examples of taxpayers who have had problems with the agency.

"The ATO treats such people as 'the enemy' and routinely commits acts of unfairness and injustice against them," he says.

There are several other people who spoke to Fairfax Media who suggest the culture within the ATO remains as tough as ever when it comes to small business. "There's still considerable resistance by certain people at the ATO to engage in meaningful mediation," says tax lawyer Graeme Halperin.

He says when a tax dispute gets to a review at the objections stage, "there's a strong tendency to support the analysis at the audit stage, that's the culture."

Another tax barrister, Chris Wallis, says Jordan's claim that there's a fresh set of eyes on disputes is "absolute total rubbish. And it will always be so while the review people work alongside the audit people, and cut and paste past decisions. There is no cultural change at that objections level".

Melbourne-based tax adviser John Filippo, who has himself been in a long-running dispute with the ATO, says cultural change has not trickled down. He says reviews at objections stage are plagued by delays and the only way to have true independence is if the government revisits a recommendation by Inspector-General of Taxation Ali Noroozi that the objections area be carved out under a separate commissioner.

But Jordan, who has managed to fight off an ATO split, is firmly against that idea. "The notion that someone else being appointed is somehow going to fix all these problems is not sound," he says. "Let's not kid ourselves, we take money from people and sometimes people don't like that."

He doesn't dismiss the impact that disputes with the ATO can have on peoples' lives, but says sometimes, when businesses are not doing well, they want to blame the ATO: "It puts strain on families, things do go pear shaped and sometimes people want another party to point to … 'If only you [ATO] didn't want your tax money. I would have been OK'. I would challenge if that's the case."


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