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Coles, IGA, Foodworks cut-price cigarettes labelled reprehensible by Quit

The Ukrainian-made Imperial Tobacco cigarettes range between $3 and $6 cheaper.

The Ukrainian-made Imperial Tobacco cigarettes range between $3 and $6 cheaper.

Coles, IGA and Foodworks stores are selling cut-price premium brand cigarettes for as low as $20 a packet that are imported from Ukraine, in a move that has been described by anti-smoking advocates as "reprehensible".

In recent weeks, Fairfax Media has bought cigarettes from Imperial Tobacco's line of brands that are from two different countries of origin - New Zealand and the Ukraine.

The cigarette companies are not doing this make money, they're doing this to keep people hooked. 

Quit Victoria director Dr Sarah White

The Ukrainian-made Imperial Tobacco cigarettes range between $3 and $6 cheaper than the company's cigarettes made in New Zealand, depending on the location of the store and brand.

Tax including GST on any cigarette is currently a minimum 59c per stick.

Tax including GST on any cigarette is currently a minimum 59c per stick. Photo: Tamara Voninski

Quit Victoria director Dr Sarah White said the price drop was concerning.

"So we know that [from] the tobacco companies themselves is that prices are the thing that gets them," Dr White.

"Any measure that is trying to make cigarettes cheaper for people to keep them hooked on an addictive product that kills two out three long-term smokers is reprehensible.

The brand at the centre of the change is Peter Stuyvesant Blues.

The brand at the centre of the change is Peter Stuyvesant Blues. Photo: Joe Armao

"The cigarette companies are not doing this make money, they're doing this to keep people hooked on their toxic product."

A spokeswoman for the federal department of health said high taxes were part of suite of measures, including advertising bans and education campaigns, the government was doing to help curb smoking.

"The Australian government would be concerned about any reduction in the price of a packet of cigarettes that may attract young people to take up the habit.

"We have one of the highest rates of tax on cigarettes in the world as a means of deterring people from smoking, but if cigarette companies legitimately bring product into the country and drop the price unfortunately there is nothing we can do about that."

The brand at the centre of the change is popular, premium brand Peter Stuyvesant Blues.

The Ukrainian version is called "Peter Stuyvesant Originals Blue" while the NZ version is dubbed "Peter Stuyvesant Classic Blue".

Quit Victoria's Dr White said it was an interesting development.

"It seems like a strange step to take because this is one of their premium brands and they're devaluing packs made in Ukraine of a premium brand and we have not seen a price variation between variants of the same brand before," Dr White said.

"We strongly suspect that there is manipulation of prices particularly in areas where people cannot afford premium price packs and there are studies that show there are prices lower around schools."

There are slight variations in the packaging between the Ukrainian and New Zealand varieties but both appear to be fully compliant with Australian plain packaging laws.

Differences include the layout of the brand title on the packet and the Ukrainian cigarettes internal packaging is shiny foil with an American-style rip open while the NZ cigarettes have matt foil internal packaging and are pull-open.

Woolworths appears to still be selling the more expensive NZ variety.

The origin of supply is interesting for Australian customers. In 2015, Ukraine dropped its lawsuit, funded by British American Tobacco, against Australia at the World Trade Organisation over plain packaging laws.

A spokeswoman for Imperial claimed the company had not changed country of import.

She also denied the company had changed its country of import to provide cut-price cigarettes to the Australian market.

"The Ukraine-manufactured product is a brand extension," the Imperial spokeswoman said.

"Our Ukrainian facility has the machinery necessary to manufacture this particular product. The balance of that brand family is manufactured in NZ."

A spokeswoman for Metcash confirmed it wholesales from New Zealand and Ukraine.

"Metcash currently purchases numerous tobacco products from Imperial Tobacco which it distributes to a diverse range of retail customers including IGA and Foodworks. This includes products originating from New Zealand and some product originating from the Ukraine," the spokeswoman said.

Metcash had not pressured Imperial Tobacco to change its country of import.

A Coles spokesman also confirmed the supermarket giant had not requested a change of country of manufacturer with any of its tobacco suppliers.

"Tax including GST on any cigarette is currently a minimum 59c per stick. Tax makes up the majority of the price that our customers see in store," the Coles spokesman said.

"The price differential you have noted is due to the recent introduction of a new product, 'Peter Stuyvesant Originals Blue 20pk,' which is currently priced at $20. We also sell 'Peter Stuyvesant Classic Blue 20pk' which is priced at $25."

101 comments so far

  • Thanks for letting me know about this. I'll nip down to Coles tomorrow and stock up.

    Date and time
    March 25, 2016, 4:36PM
    • Could you not find some cheaper way of generating smoke, say for example burning bark or lawn clippings. You could make a sort of hookah and have your friends around.

      Date and time
      March 25, 2016, 11:50PM
    • Good on you.
      As a non-smoker who dislikes smoking and thinks it should be banished from all public places - though preferably to exclusive, Victorian-style smoking rooms on the top of buildings in the CBD - I nonetheless tire of the sanctimony directed against smokers.
      We all die, and the medical care we receive prior to our death costs a fortune whether the cause is smoking-related or not.
      In fact smokers are so civic-minded that not only do they contribute a fortune in taxes to the commonwealth, they also die early, minimising their drain on the pensions and superannuation of everybody else.

      Bingo Little
      Date and time
      March 26, 2016, 1:06AM
    • The government has been gouging smokers for years by imposing punitive taxes. This is nothing more than a revenue grab dressed-up as a health initiative. As it stands, the revenue gouged from smokers pays for 50% of the cost of Medicare despite the anti-smoking lobby screaming for smokers to be denied medical treatment and labor's new impost will not only cover 50% of the cost of medicare, it will also be applied to cover the cost of Gonski. The facts are some people are so addicted, they will cut down on other necessities in order to afford cigarettes and that includes putting food on the table for their children. Perhaps the government should consider taxing sugar, alchol and fat to fund Gonski.

      Smokers will be driven to buy illegal tobacco and cheap imports but at least it will leave some money over to buy food for teh childrren

      Date and time
      March 26, 2016, 8:59AM
  • Is 20 bucks a packet low?

    Date and time
    March 25, 2016, 4:41PM
    • Yes, it is, as the government is about to put them up to $40 a packet apparently!

      Date and time
      March 25, 2016, 7:22PM
    • and the sooner the better - but why so low?

      Date and time
      March 25, 2016, 9:44PM
    • They are talking about packets of 20 which means they are about $1 a stick. Packets of 30 of some brands are cheaper than that. The whole taxing of cigarettes is a rather mixed up idea. If the Government were serious about reducing smoking they would put the minimum age for smoking up by 6 or 12 months each year. When they put the tax up they tell us that it is to reduce smoking and then tell us how much more they will receive from that. That seems like an oxymoron to me, if people give up smoking they will get less income from that. The other argument is that health costs will decrease which is also highly unlikely. Smokers often die suddenly at a younger age and spend very little time in hospital. People now live longer and spend a lot more years in aged care. I have given up smoking after more than 50 years smoking and I know of many people who have never smoked that have spent more time in hospital than many smokers.

      Date and time
      March 25, 2016, 11:59PM
    • The sooner the better? If they increase taxes much more, people will simply grow their own tobacco. Not hard in a country where it grows wild!

      Bingo Little
      Date and time
      March 26, 2016, 1:07AM
    • Fact: The average price for a pack of 20s in California is AUD7.58 while their smoking rate is 9.3% compared to Victoria's 13.2% (adults over 18) and they don't have packet warnings or anywhere near the smoking and advertising bans we have.

      Fact: The highest smoking rates of more than 20% coincide with the lowest income levels. Less than five percent of people with graduate degrees smoke. Less than 5% of those in the top income tax bracket smoke. Higher taxes on cigarettes will mean a poorer quality of life for the disadvantaged and their children.

      Fact: The higher the price, the more criminals will be involved. Already crime groups supply around 15% here and rising. In low taxed US states it's negligible.

      Fact: Higher cigarette and alcohol taxes coincide with higher rates of illicit drug use.

      Conclusion: Let's face it, the taxing is all about raising government revenue and has done nothing else except increased crime and made the poor's lives harder. While all of the advertising bans and nanny state lecturing has done zero just like those car accident ads.

      And all of the above will get much worse if the price doubles to $2 per cig as the do-gooders are desperate to bring about.

      Frankston South
      Date and time
      March 26, 2016, 9:47AM

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