
Ai Takagi: DFAT breaks silence on Singapore's sedition case against Australian

The Turnbull government has criticised Singapore's jailing of eight weeks pregnant Australian publisher Ai Takagi for publishing seditious articles as the 23-year-old defended her hugely popular website The Real Singapore

Pregnant Aussie jailed in Singapore for sedition

A Singaporean judge says Ai Takagi's posts incited “vitriol and hatred” against all foreigners in Singapore.

"We regret that Ms Takagi was given a custodial sentence, given she is young, pregnant and had issued an apology," a spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in a rare comment on a judicial case in another country, except in matters involving a possible death sentence.

The statement came as Takagi, who has been sentenced to 10 months' jail, told Fairfax Media the website that attracted 134 million page views over nine months allowed Singaporeans to share their views.

Ai Takagi has been sentenced to 10 months in prison for publishing seditious articles on the website The Real Singapore.
Ai Takagi has been sentenced to 10 months in prison for publishing seditious articles on the website The Real Singapore. Photo: Fairfax

"The website wasn't as has been painted in the Singapore media," Takagi said after receiving the stiffest ever sentence imposed in Singapore for publishing articles deemed to be seditious.  

"Actually it was about citizen journalism so that people could air their views about all sorts of things," she said on Thursday, a day after apologising in court for any harm she had caused to Singaporeans.

"There were over 30,000 articles published on the website but they obviously picked out only about six ... but it was painted like the whole website was pitching foreigners and Singaporeans against each other."

Takagi said it is highly likely she will give birth to her baby while in jail.

"I am a bit worried about that," she said, adding she hasn't been told if she will be taken to a hospital for the birth.

She has been given until April 22 to organise her personal affairs before going to jail.

Takagi, who established the website in 2012 when she was studying law at the University of Queensland, told a court before she was sentenced that she knows "the harmony which Singapore enjoys today requires careful and continuous efforts on the part of everyone, citizens and visitors alike, to maintain".

"I sincerely apologise for the harm I have caused through my actions," she said.

Singapore's sedition laws make it an offence to promote hostility between different races or classes in the society which has large ethnic-Chinese, ethnic-Malay and ethnic-Indian populations.

The laws have been used to stifle free speech in the strictly controlled state.

Media representative groups have also criticised Takagi's conviction. 

Court papers said Takagi was responsible for the website's day-to-day operations, controlling and uploading content.

Takagi and Singaporean Yang Kaiheng, 27, a fellow student at the University of Queensland who she was to later marry, were arrested while visiting Singapore in February last year.

Police had received a complaint the website had published comment inciting hatred in Singapore's Filipino community.

The website was shut three months later.

Prosecutors alleged that Takagi fabricated and published seditious comment, including one article claiming that a Filipino family instigated a fracas at a Hindu festival.

One article alleged that a Chinese woman made her grandson urinate into a bottle on a train.

Another charge related to withholding from police information on the website's advertising revenues.

Prosecutor G. Kannan told the court that Takagi's "brand of sedition is best described as slow-burning type sedition which is more insidious than in-your-face racial invective".

"The Real Singapore was not an electronic version of her soapbox to spread the word. It was a money-generating business," he said.

Mr Kannan said rational readers of the website were likely to reject vulgar and offensive comments but that Takagi's posts "cultivated ill-will at a much deeper level".

He argued Takagi should be jailed for 12 months because of the wide dissemination of offending material that was published.

Takagi's lawyer Choo Zheng Xi told the court that Takagi has been caring for her husband's paralysed father and helping to run her husband's noodle stall.

Mr Choo argued that given Takagi's remorse that she should receive a 10-week jail sentence, allowing her to give birth outside jail.

The court should consider "not what she has done wrong but what she has the potential to put right", he said.

District judge Salina Ishak said in brief sentencing remarks she took into account the nature and extent of the material, financial gain from the publication and extent of distribution.

Takagi's sentence was deferred until April 22 so that she can attend to her private affairs.

She told the court she now considers Singapore her permanent home.

In Singapore's jails pregnant prisoners are seen regularly by a medical officer.

She is expected to be taken to a hospital to give birth.

Yang has pleaded not guilty to similar charges and his trial has been set for Monday.

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