WA News

Perth domestic violence victim says courts failed her on VRO breaches

A Perth woman who fled a violent relationship with just the clothes on her back, while her former partner breached a restraining order more than 20 times, says she is devastated police prosecutors let him off with "just a slap on the wrist".

Rebecca Burton spent more than two months living in a women's refuge and claims prosecutors did not consult her before offering her former partner a deal that involved dropping more than half the VRO breaches she lodged against him in exchange for an early guilty plea in court.

A Perth woman says she feels failed by the system after her violent ex-partner was let off with a fine and suspended ...
A Perth woman says she feels failed by the system after her violent ex-partner was let off with a fine and suspended prison term for breaching the VRO against him more than 20 times.  

"They don't negotiate traffic fines or parking infringements, so why are they negotiating breaches to VROs when it's the only instrument that keeps us safe in these situations?" she said.

"It's not acceptable because it's meant that a judge is going to base their sentencing decision on the number of breaches that they see.

"I lost two months of my life living in restricted circumstances because he was threatening me...meanwhile he's allowed to roam the streets and do whatever he likes."

On March 3, Ms Burton's former partner, Antonio Politi, appeared in Midland Magistrates Court, charged with 37 breaches of a VRO and one charge of threatening to injure or harm.

It is not clear if all the charges related to Ms Burton. 

Police prosecutors dismissed 24 VRO breach charges and the threatening to injure or harm charge, leaving the magistrate to sentence him based on 13 breaches of a VRO.

Despite numerous requests for an explanation as to why the breach charges were dropped, police are yet to provide any comment to WAtoday on the matter. 

Mr Politi received a $1500 fine and seven months' imprisonment, suspended for 12 months.

Ms Burton claimed when she rang the detectives who dealt with the charges, she was told negotiating early plea deals was routine and a matter of course.

"To hear the VRO breaches had been negotiated was devastating for me because I thought, what's to stop him going and doing this again?" she said.

"How is a judge supposed to decide if he goes to jail or not if they're not getting the full information in front of them?

"Because he entered an early guilty plea, the opportunity for me to make a victim impact statement in court was also removed."

Ms Burton claimed the decision by prosecutors to dismiss some of the charges could also deter victims from going through the process of reporting a breach to police. 

WAtoday understands it is not uncommon for state prosecutors to offer early guilty plea deals if it does not consider it in the public's interest to proceed to trial, particularly if a deal is unlikely to impact the penalty the offender receives.

Ms Burton sent a letter to Police Minister Liza Harvey, the Attorney-General Michael Mischin and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in March lobbying them to change the laws to make people who repeatedly breached a VRO accountable for every breach.

On Friday, a Change.org petition supporting the letter had been signed more than 30,000 times.

But Ms Burton claimed her letter and follow-up calls to the agencies were not returned until Wednesday, just hours after WAtoday put questions to the offices of Ms Harvey and Mr Mischin office about the matter.

Ms Harvey said a new directive announced by Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan in February placed domestic violence among police's top four priorities.

"I have heard devastating personal stories of women who have suffered family and domestic violence and I can say addressing the causes and enhancing the response to family domestic violence is a priority," she said.

"With regard to breaches of VROs, each prosecutor has discretion to negotiate with the defence and each case should be dealt with according to the individual circumstances."

In March 2015, Ms Harvey and Mr Mischin announced an overhaul to WA's Restraining Order Act.

Mr Mischin said the changes were expected to better protect family violence victims in WA.

The legislation, which is currently being drafted, is based on 73 recommendations listed in the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia's report on Enhancing Laws Concerning Family and Domestic Violence.

Despite Ms Harvey and Mr Mischin both referring WAtoday to the reforms after being asked about Ms Burton's case, none of the 73 recommendations directly relate to changing the way people who repeatedly breached a VRO are prosecuted.

The report said the "third-strike" imprisonment sentencing laws for repeat offenders, introduced in 2012, had not been effective as repeat offenders often grouped a number of breaches into one court date, which only counted as one strike.

"Offenders are able to accumulate a very high number of charges of breaching an order and, by having these dealt with by a court on the same day, potentially avoid the presumptive sentence of imprisonment," the report read.

"This issue was frequently mentioned during the commission's consultations; many people consulted contended that the penalties imposed for breaching violence restraining orders and police orders are too lenient," the report read.

"The concern is that inadequate sentencing sends the wrong message that breaches are not treated seriously by the justice system and victims may, therefore, be discouraged from reporting breaches or the future commission of family and domestic violence."

WA Police and Midland detectives were contacted by WAtoday on three separate occasions for comment but did not respond to questions relating to why police prosecutors dropped 25 charges against Ms Burton's former partner.