
Rock-star fund managers mostly yesterday's heroes

Fund managers may have lost some of their allure, but they shouldn't be written off entirely, writes John Collett.

It doesn't seem all that long ago that some fund managers had almost rock-star status, at least among investors.

A few still do, particularly among some of the boutique fund managers that are not owned by financial institutions. For some, the status is justified.

Kerr Neilsen of Platinum Investment Management is as close as it gets to rock-star status in the fund manager world.
Kerr Neilsen of Platinum Investment Management is as close as it gets to rock-star status in the fund manager world. Photo: Angus Mordant

Funds managers generally find it hard to outperform the markets in which they invest after accounting for their fees.

While that has always been the case the difference now is that there is more awareness of their shortcomings.

The latest Mercer survey of managed fund performances confirms how hard it is to outperform. For five years to the end of February this year, the typical Australian shares fund produced an average annual return of 6.4 per cent. That is against a return for Australian shares, including dividends, of 4.6 per cent.

However, the Mercer numbers do not include the fund managers' fees. Mercer reports returns before fees as the fees vary depending on the route the investor takes into the fund – whether directly with the fund manager or whether through a financial adviser or investment platform.

Nevertheless, the investment management fees of the fund manager, plus other costs, add-up to at least 1 per cent for most small investors. The situation is even trickier for investors as there is little consistency in the best-performing funds.

Often, the best performer over one time period will be the bottom dweller over the subsequent period. And, there is always the risk the fund manager will substantially underperform the market for an extended period.

Not that long ago, large financial institutions could rely on their financial planners to keep the money flowing into their fund management arms – whether the funds were any good or not. Since the financial planning rules were tightened, that's harder to do.

Another reason managed funds are not as popular with small investors is the advent of exchange traded funds (ETFs). These are low-fee funds that are listed on the Australian sharemarket and mostly track market indices and commodities markets.

More self-directed investors, such as those with their own super funds, are choosing ETFs. They are using them particularly to get exposure to overseas shares.

While a "passive" investment will never do better than the market it tracks, nor will it do worse.

Large super funds use fund managers successfully, but they have the scale and bargaining power to get fund manager fees down. They have the research capability that gives them a better chance of selecting winning managers than small investors could ever hope to achieve.

Small investors have to play the hand they are dealt the best they can. The most likely best strategy is to "buy the market" cheaply.

There is still a place for fund managers in small investors' portfolios but probably more as supporting players. Fund managers can also be useful for investors wanting to diversify into alternative asset classes, such as infrastructure.

Twitter: @jcollett_money