Federal budget: Lagged leaders need to tackle their calorie deficit in lean times

It's Easter weekend and what an exciting time to be alive as the PM would say. And for many, especially the kids, the excitement peaks with the Easter egg hunt.

However in this cautious modern era, eating chocolate has become a worry.

Malcolm Turnbull channels Veep

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull appears to have a new slogan straight out of HBO series Veep.

Louise spruiks "moderation in all things – including chocolate".

In fact there are many health professionals who recommend a few grams of dark chocolate a day. But that takes the fun out of it and health conscious Louise has never been fully forgiven by her kids for giving them carob eggs 30 years ago.

Malcolm Turnbull will need to lift his calorie intake if he wants to survive a long campaign.
Malcolm Turnbull will need to lift his calorie intake if he wants to survive a long campaign. Photo: Jeremy Piper

And as Easter gets under way, so does the contest between our political leaders.

Leaders looking alert

I don't know if you've noticed but the leaders of the three main parties are looking very good. Very trim and, I'd like to say, alert.

I have a sneaking suspicion that they've given up the chocolate, and therefore the fun and they've gone into a serious green smoothie and herbal tea phase. The nutritionists among you will know that this is a high risk diet.

Charlie, who is a distance bike rider, and Louise's good friend who runs half marathons tell me that if you want to have ongoing energy, which a 100-day election campaign will demand, you have to "front load the carbs".

Is Education Minister Simon Birmingham a bit too thin for an energy-sapping election?
Is Education Minister Simon Birmingham a bit too thin for an energy-sapping election?  Photo: Andrew Meares

Heaven knows what rear loading would be, but it seems if you're going to get four hours sleep a night and rush around all day while staying wide awake for the likes of Leigh Sales, Lisa Wilkinson and Virginia Trioli, then our leaders must carb load.

But how to do it? Charlie has some tips based on his experience of running around the country speaking at university forums in his role as an economist. According to Charlie, in Sydney there's only one place to carb load and that's Harry's Cafe de Wheels at Woolloomooloo.

Our leaders might need to head down to the legendary Harry's Cafe de Wheels at Woolloomooloo.
Our leaders might need to head down to the legendary Harry's Cafe de Wheels at Woolloomooloo. 

Harry's Tiger pie is the go and best washed town with a Tooheys or two.

Calorie deficit

As each of the leaders rush back to Canberra, they're in trouble because my old mate Alex Sloan, the capital's great ABC radio presenter, tells me it's never been the same since the green tea set arrived and the great Canberra institution of Greasy Louie's closed.

The Prime Minister, with his four or five hours sleep, should aim for about 3000 calories a day. A Greasy Louie's hamburger would have handled that in one go

I'm told that the Prime Minister, with his four or five hours sleep, should aim for about 3000 calories a day. A Greasy Louie's hamburger would have handled that in one go. And then you can drink as much green tea as you like.

Simon Birmingham, our Education Minister, is doing a great job but I am worried he is too thin. As a good Adelaide boy he would well know he should head down to the Adelaide railway station for a pie floater, an intriguing dish consisting of a meat pie sitting in a bowl of thick pea and ham soup. It's an education in nutrition that can power a willing student all day.

And in Melbourne, where all of the leaders will be heading in the next 100 days as they fight over seats, there's no better place than the iconic Stalactites in the Greek quarter that's been open 24/7 for decades.

Its signature souvlaki gives the undernourished the option of adding a serving of hot chips inside the pita wrap. The home of democracy sure knows how to keep the great debaters fired up.

Looks have limits

So while last week we talked about saving the world, this week it's about saving the body when it's flat out for more than three months trying to save its political skin. But looking good has got nothing to do with it.

Wheelchair-bound President Roosevelt might not have been a good look in today's terms but what a leader he was. Rotund, cigar chomping, port guzzler Winston Churchill saved Britain and Angela Merkel, built a bit like a Kombi van, is the star leader of Europe.

It's all about stamina and agility and I'm suggesting that our increasingly svelte political leaders carb load, along with the rest of us, over the Easter break.

They are in for the fight of their lives and their mantra might well be yet another three-word slogan: "Alert not embalmed."

Happy hunting to all.

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