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Sydney bank worker charged with $500,000 fraud

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Megan Levy

A Sydney bank worker has been charged with fraud after allegedly stealing nearly half a million dollars from customers' accounts, police say.

The 34-year-old man was arrested at North Sydney Police Station on Wednesday and charged with three counts of fraud.

He works for Bank of Sydney, previously called Beirut Hellenic Bank, and he is not believed to be an executive-level worker, Fairfax Media understands.

Detectives received a tip-off from a bank last week about 70 suspect transactions allegedly carried out by one of its staff members.

Officers from the State Crime Command's Corporate Corruption Team launched an investigation into the man's activities, and allegedly uncovered 80 transactions totalling $492,000 that were paid into two separate accounts. 

The bank employee was granted strict conditional bail, and is due to appear at the Downing Centre Local Court on May 5.

Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis, the commander of the Fraud and Cybercrime Squad, said 21 people had been charged by the Corporate Corruption Team since its inception just over a year ago.

In that time, detectives had laid 431 charges, with the alleged frauds totalling more than $43 million.

"The good work of these investigators should reassure businesses in NSW that police are doing all they can to ensure they can operate in a corruption-free environment," he said.

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