Lazy person’s guide to a health(ier) Easter Chocolate included.

It’s the Easter long weekend and let’s not kid ourselves: it’s going to be full of chocolate. But if you just sloth around, filling up on Cadbury Creme Eggs and Lindt Bunnies, you know that come Tuesday, you will feel pretty crappy. Lethargic. Worse than you did when you headed into the long weekend on Thursday afternoon. Here’s how to have a healthier weekend, without feeling like you have to abstain completely or do a full on fitness kick.

1. Walk 

Make the effort to get up every morning, and go for a four km (or more) walk. This will put you in the right frame of mind for the day, without being as hardcore as a run (of course, if you want to run in the course of your walk, feel free!). Walking benefits everyone and everyone can do it, no matter your fitness level. If you walk every day of the long weekend, you’re more likely to make healthier food choices, and even if you don’t, well, at least you’ve gone for a walk that morning.

2. Make a deal

With yourself. So, if you’re going to eat chocolate, at least try and make sure that your meals are healthy. A good breakfast, lunch and dinner is the key to lasting health and just because you’re going to eat chocolate, doesn’t mean you should throw it all in. Lean proteins and vegetables are a great base for meals. Also, if you stick to this over the weekend, you’ll at least have room in your belly for another choccy egg.

3. Play something

That’s: play a game of cricket with the family after Easter lunch; a social game of tennis with friends on Saturday; kick the footy with the cousins at your Easter picnic. Just get active somehow, after/before you’ve indulged in a big lunch and you will notice that the food digests easier, you’ll be less likely to need to pass out after lunch, and you’ll have less of a “sugar hangover” the next morning.

4. Water + eggs

Flush the Caramello eggs down with plenty of water. You’ll help your system digest more easily and feel more hydrated – which automatically makes you feel better. A great way to make sure you’re getting enough is to have a glass of water for every chocolate egg you eat. If chocolate isn’t your vice, and wine or beer is, same goes: A glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you consume is a good way to stay slightly on track.

5. Do some work on the house

Yes, instead of watching a House of Cards marathon (though highly recommended viewing), get up off the couch and do some gardening. Clean the gutters. Paint the spare room. Rearrange the furniture. Clean the garage out. Anything you can do that involves you actually getting up and moving around, will be more beneficial than sticking to the couch, glued to the television.

6. Be a tourist

Whether you’re going away or staying home for the weekend, the key is to be an active tourist. Go for walks along the coastline if you’re away, head into tourist areas and go sightseeing if in your home town – pretend you’re taking an overseas visitor to our top spots. It’s a great way to get out, be amongst it and keep active on the weekend! Incidental exercise is one of the most important contributing factors to overall health. And you might surprise yourself and enjoy it.

Nedahl Stelio

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Nedahl Stelio

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Nedahl Stelio is the editor of The Juice Daily, and a self-confessed health nut. A mother of two, Nedahl has been a journalist for over 18 years, is a former magazine editor and author of Mojo Mama Secrets. She believes barre is the new pilates, coconuts will never go out of fashion and that everyone should eat eggs for breakfast.

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