Ukip struggling after ‘massive’ election costs


Exclusive: Source reveals £500,000 spending gap that may result in legal action and loss of HQ Ukip is in serious financial difficulties after it “lost control” of its finances during the general election campaign, The Independent on Sunday can reveal. A funding gap of more than £500,000 may force the party to abandon its headquarters … Continue reading

UKIP’s Suzanne Evans facing the sack after Farage comments

Suzanne Evans

Media captionUKIP’s deputy chairwoman suggested “divisive” Nigel Farage should not lead the Out campaign for the EU referendum UKIP’s most senior woman is facing the sack after she told the BBC’s Daily Politics party leader Nigel Farage was perceived as “very divisive”. Deputy chairwoman Suzanne Evans has been dropped as a party spokesman and officials … Continue reading

‘No electoral fraud’ in Nigel Farage-contested Thanet South seat’


Nigel Farage (left), Al Murray (centre) and Craig Mackinlay (right) all contested the South Thanet seat “No evidence” of electoral fraud has been found in the Thanet South seat contested in the general election by Nigel Farage, police have said. The UKIP leader failed to win the seat, losing out to Conservative candidate Craig Mackinlay. … Continue reading

Ukip campaign chief attacks Farage


Leader called ‘snarling, thin-skinned and aggressive’ Nigel Farage has become a “snarling, thin-skinned, aggressive” man who is turning Ukip into a “personality cult”, the party’s campaign chief has said in a stunning attack on his leader. Ukip’s economics spokesman Patrick O’Flynn blew open simmering tensions within the party in an interview with The Times, saying … Continue reading

Election 2015: Beaten UKIP Grimsby candidate Victoria Ayling blames smear campaign for failure at poll

The 2015 Election Count at Grimsby Auditorium for the seats for Great Grimsby and Cleethorpes.
Victoria Ayling, UKIP.
Picture: Jon Corken
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Requested by: Sam
Date: 07/05/2015

   NO PURPLE REIGN: Ukip hopeful for Great Grimsby Victoria Ayling, pictured at the 2015 Election Count at Grimsby Auditorium PICTURE BY JON CORKEN.  A night which had promised so much for Ukip and their General Election candidate Victoria Ayling, turned into a horror show as they were beaten into third place in the town … Continue reading

General Election 2015: UKIP vote surge across Merseyside


Ukip secure second place across number of Mersey constituencies as poll share increases Ukip leader Nigel Farage UKIP increased its share of the poll massively on Merseyside – becoming the second biggest party in a number of constituencies. While Nigel Farage’s party made no gains, its vote share surged dramatically into double figures for the … Continue reading

BNP sees 99.7% drop in votes in 2015 general election, party all but wiped out


Somehow they claim their ‘efforts paid off’ The British National Party has received just 1,667 in the 2015 UK general election, a vast drop from 2010 when it garnered 563,743. The far-right party fielded just eight candidates this election, securing zero MPs and being beaten by Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol and Monster Raving Loony … Continue reading

Ukip suspends election candidate Jack Sen over racially charged comments

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Nigel Farage apologises and disassociates party from member’s views including claim that Ed Miliband is linked to ‘shadowy elite bent on west’s destruction’ Jack Sen, former Ukip candidate for West Lancashire, in a picture from his Twitter account. Photograph: Twitter Ukip has suspended another of its parliamentary candidates a week before the general election after … Continue reading

UKIP Has Changed Britain’s Conversation. Now It Needs a Big Win.


UKIP Leader’s Candidacy Divides a Town. Nigel Farage, the leader of the U.K. Independence Party, visited Ramsgate, England, last week during his campaign for a seat in Parliament. He faces both strong support and opposition there. RAMSGATE, England — As word spread that Nigel Farage was on his way for a stroll through this faded … Continue reading

Exposed: EDL thug in South Thanet backing Nigel Farage’s Ukip as rival candidate receives sickening abuse online

Former EDL organiser Gary Field was spotted at a Ukip event in Kent Mr Field was tagged after he was convicted in 2013 for an assault One Labour canvasser said that Mr Field sprayed her with deodorant Mr Field said he did spray her but claimed the incident was just ‘banter’ Gary Field, pictured,  was … Continue reading