Preventing far right extremism? Schools in EDL and BNP heartland only monitoring ethnic minority pupils

EDL rally

EDL supporters from South Yorkshire at a demo in Rotherham, near Barnsley, 2014, by Chris/Flickr Schools in an area with a history of far-right activism have been singling out black and ethnic minority pupils in monitoring for signs of radicalisation – while suggesting white children are not at risk due to their skin colour. The three schools, in Barnsley, South … Continue reading

Welsh far-right group under fire for recruiting children

South Wales British Movement

The South Wales British Movement have been taking youngsters on away days to the beach and beauty spots as part of their Young Dragons wing Image taken from Internet Facebook group South Wales British Movement A “poisonous” far-right group operating in the South Wales Valleys has come under fire after setting up a wing to … Continue reading

Let Us End the Myth of Islamic-Only Terrorism

One of the biggest far-right terrorist campaigns to hit the UK came not from the English Defence League or British National Party, but the machinations of a Ukrainian student. However, his hatred of the ‘non-white’ and Muslims is a thread he shares with both groups. Pavlo Lapshyn’s brilliance in engineering had earned him work experience … Continue reading

English Defence League leader endorses Ukip. This is a nightmare for Nigel Farage

Ukip wants to distance itself from violent English nationalism Hat tip to the Political Scrapbook: the leader of the English Defence League has announced his support for Ukip, has called upon other “nationalist” parties like the BNP not to run against them and has started promoting Ukip events on the EDL’s facebook page. This has got … Continue reading

Ex-National Front man stands as UKIP candidate in Kent

Editorial. The following was picked up from the British Democracy  Forum , a meeting place where people are sometimes known to air strange and disturbingly right wing views.  We cannot testify to the veracity of this assertion therefore, but when we know more, we’ll bring you more. Also, it should be read in conjunction with the next story, about endorsement of … Continue reading

Guilty verdict in Rochdale grooming trial

NB: This post was published here yesterday. It has been updated slightly to reflect subsequent developments. Nine men have been found guilty at Liverpool Crown Court of operating a child sex ring in Rochdale. The verdict sees all of the offenders jailed, and will hopefully offer some closure to the victims and their families. There is no doubt at … Continue reading

Far-right embarrass themselves at the polls – and at the count

National Front members including Peter Tierney, Liam Pinkham, Stephen Dumont and Gary Lucas try to unveil an "Anti Zionist League" banner during the election count

The far-right failed miserably at yesterday’s elections. This was a nationwide trend, with the BNP losing all of the seats it contested, but it was particularly heartening to see on Merseyside. Given all the commotion they’ve been causing recently, it remains the case that the people of Liverpool resoundingly reject the politics of hate. Not … Continue reading

The National Front’s long march back to politics. In next month’s elections, the far-right party of Britain’s past is contesting its highest number of seats since 1982. Jonathan Brown investigates how it re-emerged from the demise of the BNP

 In the febrile politics of the 1970s the National Front (NF) ruthlessly exploited working-class fears over immigration to create a far-right threat unseen in Britain since Sir Oswald Mosley. The party’s shows of strength saw police and anti-fascists clash violently on the streets while at the 1979 general election the Front was able to mobilise … Continue reading

Threat of anti-fascist demonstration stops mayoral debate

LiverAF Bolton

Liverpool University has cancelled the Mayoral Debate scheduled for Thursday 19 April due to demonstrations called by anti-fascists. Liverpool Antifascists – followed by Unite Against Fascism – called the demonstrations in opposition to the platform given to candidates from the National Front, British National Party and English Democrats. We stand opposed to fascists as a … Continue reading

Guild Refuses To Hold Mayoral Debates

LiverAF Bolton

Update: Liverpool University has confirmed the new venue for the debate as the Sherrington Building on Ashton Street. Liverpool Antifascists’ demonstration has moved accordingly. Map here. It has emerged that the Liverpool Guild of Students has refused to host the Liverpool Mayoral Debate on Thursday 19 April. This is because three of the candidates are fascists … Continue reading