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When Kyung Cho, an untenured biology professor, turns the knob on the front door of his parents’ “stunning Queen Anne” house in a wealthy Boston suburb, he is surprised that it’s unlocked.

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Fans of bestselling author Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices will not be disappointed by this first book in a new series. Lady Midnight: The Dark Artif

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Jane Mendelsohn’s Burning Down the House is a soap opera of a novel that aspires to be a Greek tragedy, an epic, or a saga of the fall of a family empire . . .

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It should be noted, in the interest of full disclosure, that the mother of this reviewer was a member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP).

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Many readers will pick up this book purely to discover more about the legendary “wild man of American journalism” Hunter S. Thompson, and they won’t be disappointed. Written by his son, Juan F.