PlayStation VR: 9 New Details You Need To Know About

The price, the games, how it works, and could it be dangerous?

Scott Tailford

Gaming Editor


At this stage, you probably fall into one of two camps. Either you’re sick of all things virtual reality-related, as between Sony’s Morpheus-turned-PlayStation VR, Valve’s Vive headset and the original Oculus Rift, it’s just a ‘wait and see’-type deal. Or two, you’re cautiously optimistic, but having not played anything using a VR set yourself, it’s pretty impossible to board the hype train with any confidence.

Well, Sony feel you, and to remedy that somewhat, they’ve got out ahead of the competition to lay down some concrete details on what to expect from their most innovative piece of hardware in decades.

From price points to launch line-ups, certain requirements that’ll mean you need to go out and buy more equipment before it’ll run, and everything in between, here are the most essential bits of information that every prospective buyer needs to know for the coming months.


9. Every PS4 Game Can Be Played In ‘Theatre Mode’

Naughty Dog
Naughty Dog

Ever read about how a cinema will let you plonk down a wad of cash and rent out a theatre for a party or get-together? That’s what ‘theatre mode’ aims to replicate… providing it’s a party of one.

It can be used with any game, and donning the headset then puts the game feed on a humungous virtual screen in front of you, the idea being that you’re sitting in a dark room, watching it on the biggest TV imaginable.

You’ll be free to turn your head to the side and get a sensation for the 3D space you and your game now exist in, but in terms of evolving that age-old ‘cinematic experience in your home’ tagline we see on every TV advert ever, this brings a whole new meaning to that statement.