Campaign Title

#dirtisgood: our movement to get kids spending more time outside

Childhood is changing fast. Today, the average child spends less free time outside than a maximum-security prisoner. It’s critical we take action. Our mission? To give children the freedom to get outdoors: to play and learn, and get dirty, too – because by doing so children learn essential skills. Things like curiosity, resilience, inventiveness, independence and bravery – all critical for the future. Join our team of parents, educators and leading child development experts to find the best ways to help your kids explore and get dirty every day, through play. Join the #dirtisgood movement via Mumsnet and on our social channels.

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Empty Classroom Day 2016

Take Learning Outdoors: Empty Classroom Day 2016

Empty Classroom Day - A day for children everywhere to enjoy learning and play outside the classroom! Outdoor play isn’t just fun – it’s educational, too, which is why we’re supporting Empty Classroom Day worldwide, known as Outdoor Classroom Day outside the UK. Join us in the world’s biggest outdoor classroom and get children in schools around the world learning (and playing!) outside on Empty Classroom Day. Every moment spent outdoors helps children to develop skills for their future, and makes learning more fun today.

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