Brian Paddick认证账号


Metropolitan Police Officer 1976 - 2007, the Lib Dem candidate for Mayor of London 2008 & 2012, Lib Dem Peer since 2013. Married to Mr Petter Belsvik.

London, Oslo, New York, ...

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  1. Consider: knows of no other country in which govt holds responsibility 4 authorising police warrants

  2. . will continue to fight for open, optimistic, hopeful, diverse, tolerant Britain tells Lords

  3. Lord asks Minister if Prevent prog is only working with Muslim communities or wider wherever terrorist threats incl N Ireland?

  4. 2R of so far: L Pannick defended legal privilege. & questioned necessity & wisdom of bulk collection & ICRs

  5. Pls RT and show the thousands of NHS workers from across the EU just how much they are loved

  6. 👍 I joined yesterday & received warm 😊welcome in fb group. Its clear that only will fight to

  7. The ONLY way this nightmare can be resolved is a General Election.

  8. I'm now a Lib Dem. If is reading this, please cancel my membership. via

  9. Here's that poster about the £350 million for the NHS which they now are denying.

  10. Unity over division at Synagogue - w Londoners of many faiths to break my fast

  11. Simple majority vote of no confidence. Labour can't form a government. General election. In the circumstances likely

  12. At times like this you can't improve on the wise words of the former permanent secretary of the MoD

  13. As someone who was told "go back to where to came from" routinely from aged 7 - I can't believe we're here again

  14. Helping demonstrate will always be a global city rich in diversity & welcoming to all

  15. Over 4000 new in 48 hours! We are the only nationwide party united in saying the UK is best in Europe - so many others agree.

  16. We urge LGBTs & Muslims to unite against ALL hate today. Stop Islamists & EDL

  17. Today I joined the , in the hope they can stop this madness and save our position in the progressive world.

  18. Documents seen by BBC suggest Jeremy Corbyn's office sought to delay & water down the Labour Remain campaign, apparently.


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