[Grecia] Carta abierta de Pola Roupa sobre el intento de sacar a Nikos Maziotis de la karcel de Korydallos (es/it)


A continuación se muestra la primera parte de una larga carta de la compañera; originalmente publicada en griego en Athens IMC (8 de Marzo de 2016).

En otras circunstancias, este texto sería escrito por Lucha Revolucionaria. Sin embargo, el resultado del intento de liberar al compañero Nikos Maziotis de la prisión de Korydallos me obliga a hablar personalmente.
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Responsibility Claim 3/3/2016, for the attack at the State Legal Council (Akadimias street and Zoodohou Pigis) – Athens – Greece


Responsibility Claim
Today, 3/3/2016, we attacked the State Legal Council (Akadimias street
and Zoodohou Pigis). The windows were smashed and paint as well as
flyers were thrown, as first response to the sentences imposed by the
terror-court of Koridallos prisons on those accused in the 2nd trial of
the Revolutionary Struggle:

Nikos Maziotis: life, 126 years and a 20000 euro fine.
Pola Roupa: 11 years for the misdemeanors. The felonies will be tried if
and when she is arreseted.
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[Greece] Open letter of Pola Roupa about the attempt to break Nikos Maziotis out of Koridallos prison


Below is the first part of the comrade’s long letter; originally published in Greek on Athens IMC (March 8th 2016).

Under other circumstances, this text would be written by Revolutionary Struggle. However, the outcome of the attempt to break out the comrade Nikos Maziotis of Koridallos prison obliges me to speak personally.
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Honour to the revolutionary Lambros Foundas who fell in battle on March 10th 2010 in Dafni, Athens -Greece


In any case, Lambros Foundas lives in the flaming hearts of those who fight continuously for dignity and freedom. The memory of the rebels that die is incarnated in our small and big revolts. Honour for ever to our comrade fighter revolutionary Lambros Foundas!
Act for freedom now ! /boubourAs
For us, his comrades in Revolutionary Struggle, Lambros Foundas is not deceased. He is in our blood and the air we breathe as fighters. He is within our goals and objectives. He is identified with our organization and our struggle. Every day, every moment, he is present

Grecia. La polizia sostiene esserci stato tentativo d’evasione, con elicottero, dei compagni rivoluzionari detenuti nel carcere di Korydallos, con l’implicazione della compagna in clandestinità, Pola Roupa, di Lotta Rivoluzionaria.


La polizia ha rilasciato una dichiarazione sull’incidente riguardante il tentato dirottamento di un elicottero il 21 febbraio 2016. Una donna in possesso di una carta d’identità falsa e apparentemente, dalla descrizione, identificata come Pola Roupa, membro in clandestinità di “Lotta Rivoluzionaria”, ha tentato con una pistola di dirottare un elicottero partito da Tebe. La donna aveva prenotato un volo che avrebbe imbarcato 5 persone per una rotta prestabilita, ma ha costretto il pilota sotto la minaccia di un’arma a cambiare direzione verso Attica.
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March 3rd 2016  In the end the judges and prosecutor in the 2nd trial of the R.S.
implemented the orders they received from the anti-terrorist force with
excess zeal.
Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to life plus 129 years as well as a 20.000
euro fine.
Pola Roupa was sentenced to 11 years for various misdemeanors (she will
tried for the felonies when and if she is caught).
Adonis Staboulos was sentenced to 13 years.
Giorgos Petrakakos was sentenced to 36 years as well as 9.000 euro fine.

Police allege helicopter escape attempt by revolutionary comrades held hostage in Korydallos Prison, implicate comrade in clandestinity Pola Roupa of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)


Over the last days an anti-terrorist media spectacle is unfolding in Greece. Police released a statement about an incident of attempted helicopter hijack on 21 February; a woman using a fake ID card and apparently with the description of Pola Roupa, clandestine member of R.O. – Revolutionary Struggle attempted to hijack a helicopter departing from Thebes with a pistol. The woman had booked a flight to pick up 5 people at a pre-arranged route, but caused the pilot at gunpoint to change direction towards Attica. At one point, the pilot fought back, being an ex-policeman, who claimed to have recognised Roupa through media photographs.
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Πολιτική παρέμβαση της Πόλας Ρούπα στο ειδικό δικαστήριο όπου διεξάγεται η 2η δίκη του Ε.Α.


Στο ειδικό δικαστήριο των φυλακών Κορυδαλλού διεξήχθη μια ακόμα δίκη ενάντια στον Επαναστατικό Αγώνα. Σε αυτή την δίκη ήμουν κατηγορούμενη για την συμμετοχή μου στον Επαναστατικό Αγώνα, μαζί με τον σύντροφο Νίκο Μαζιώτη. Έχω επαναλάβει πολλές φορές τόσο μέσα στην συγκεκριμένη δικαστική αίθουσα όσο και εκτός αυτής, πως ήμουν είμαι και θα είμαι περήφανη για την συμμετοχή μου στην συγκεκριμένη επαναστατική οργάνωση και ότι ήταν χαρά μου να αναλάβω την πολιτική ευθύνη για την συμμετοχή μου σε αυτήν, με ό,τι αυτό συνεπάγεται, όπως να στηρίξω την οργάνωσή μου πολιτικά με όλους τους τρόπους και από όποιο σημείο κι αν μου επέβαλε η ιστορία να βρίσκομαι, είτε πριν την πρώτη κατασταλτική επιχείρηση του κράτους το 2010, είτε στη φυλακή είτε στην “παρανομία”.
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Atenas: Mitin solidario para el segundo juicio contra Lucha Revolucionaria


Convocamos a un mitin solidario en la corte especial de las prisiones de Koridallos, el viernes, 16 de octubre, a las 12:00 horas. Con nuestra presencia nos solidarizamos con lxs compas que serán juzgadxs por el caso de Lucha Revolucionaria.

El nuevo juicio contra Lucha Revolucionaria es la continuación del ataque represivo que comenzó el abril del 2010 con las detenciones de luchadorxs que participaban o fueron acusadxs de participar en la organización.
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Grecia – Cartel solidario con Nikos Maziotis y la organización anarquista de guerrilla urbana Lucha Revolucionaria, por lxs compas de la okupa Terra Incognita (Tesalónica)


Sigue a continuación un cartel en solidaridad con el anarquista Nikos Maziotis, de cara al segundo juicio en contra de la organización armada a la que pertenece, Lucha Revolucionaria, y que fue editado por lxs compas de la okupa Terra Incógnita de Tesalónica:


“La lucha revolucionaria es un asunto de profunda e irreductible creencia en la destrucción del Estado y el capitalismo”
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