A-Radio-Soliparty im Syndikat: 26.3.!


Am Samstag, den 26.3., steigt im Syndikat die große Soli-Party des Anarchistischen Radios Berlin. Wir sammeln Geld für ein Treffen anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Radioprojekte, das 2016 stattfinden wird. Und wir sammeln Geld, um neue anarchistische Radioprojekte im Ausland infrastrukturell zu unterstützen, damit sie loslegen können und der Welt libertäre Inhalte und Programme präsentieren können.
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Posters in solidarity with Holman prison rebels

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We put up posters in various neighbors of South Philly. The posters express solidarity with the struggle of the prisoners in Holman prison in Alabama. Some Bernie-bro got real mad but he didn’t run fast enough to catch us 😉
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la France Pue presents (St. Etienne)


Ven 25 MARS :

  • LOS CONEJOS (punk rock/ Logrono / Espagne)
  • NEGATIVE RUNNERS (punk rock pop / Sainté)
  • FAUX DÉPART (punk rock / Lyon)

Espace Autogéré La Gueule Noire / 16, rue du Mont (Quartier Bellevue) / Saint-Etienne / 20h00 / $5 + adh. prix libre


[Marseille] New poster in solidarity with resistance in Calais


Read the full communique here, received on March 16th.

For more posters in solidarity with the struggle in Calais click here.

Toulouse (France): Call for 10 days of People’s self-defense


From Friday 15th to Sunday 24th April 2016 @ the self-managed social center in Toulouse (C.S.A)
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VII Feria anarquista del libro de Sevilla


Feria anarquista de Sevilla
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No Border Action Days

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1st of April – 3rd of April in Freiburg (D) and Basel (CH)
Call to Action: Come to the No Border Action Days on the first weekend of April!
Hundreds of thousands of people are stuck in front of the borders along the Balkan Route, the Jungle in Calais is being evicted brutally, day by day people are dying in the Mediterranean Sea – and the EU’s most urgent concern is to re-establish the „freedom“ inside the Schengen area to make vacation go on and profit more relaxed again? No fucking way!
We* are tired of watching silently in rage and grief, how the Fortress Europe is isolating itself and expulsing so many. Practical solidarity is important and humanitarian support is necessary. Yet we will not just keep reacting to evitable emergencies, support the state by massively providing basic need care without payment and play our role in Europe getting comfortable in its racist everyday mode. It is our responsibility to disturb here, and disturb, where it’s hurting.
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Montevideo, Uruguay: Pintadas ante la semana de agitación por Javier Recabarren (es/en)

Desde el viernes 11 de marzo se hace desde la región chilena un llamado internacional de agitación en memoria a Javier Recabarren, quien fue tristemente atropellado por un colectivo del transantiago el 18 de marzo del año pasado.
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Santiago: Agitación solidaria a 8 años de la detención de Marcelo Villarroel y Freddy Fuentevilla


El día 15 de marzo del año 2008 los compañeros Marcelo Villarroel y Freddy Fuentevilla fueron detenidos en Neuquén, territorio Argentino, después de permanecer clandestinos por algunos meses. Opción tras la persecución que la policía efectuaba contra ellos, persecución política y mediática ante una expropiación bancaria y la muerte en enfrentamiento de un policía.
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Torino-Lione: un destino incerto [con documenti inediti sui costi]


Comunicato Stampa | 21 marzo 2016

Presidio Europa – Movimento NO TAV

richiama l’attenzione dei media su quanto sotto riportato
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