Texas abortions fell sharply under law Supreme Court voided

Edit The Oklahoman 01 Jul 2016
The health department released the statistics Thursday, after lengthy delays it blamed on finalizing the data ... Supporters said the law would keep women safer ... "These numbers show that this law never had anything do with women's health," said Trisha Trigilio, staff attorney for the ACLU of Texas ... The 2014 totals show that Hispanic women in Texas underwent more than 19,650 abortions two years ago — or about 18 percent less than in 2013....

Judge issues temporary injunction against new Florida abortion law

Edit Palm Beach Post 01 Jul 2016
U.S. District Judge Robert L ... The law, which was set to go into effect Friday, would eliminate about $700,000 of federal, state and local funds flowing to Planned Parenthood for women’s health services and other programs because the organization provides abortions at its Florida clinics ... Rick Scott ... View Comments 0 ....

AYOTTE FACT CHECK: On Second Anniversary of Misguided “Hobby Lobby” Decision, Kelly Ayotte Trying to Cover Up Her Real Record on Women’s Health and Economic Security (New Hampshire Democratic Party)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jun 2016
- Today, the second anniversary of the Supreme Court's misguided Hobby Lobby decision, Kelly Ayotte is trying to cover up her real record of opposing efforts to improve women's health and economic security with a misleading new web video ... she has repeatedly voted to make women's health care more expensive and difficult to access,' said New Hampshire Democratic Party Press Secretary Melissa Miller....

Bills to Fund Women’s Health Care Approved by Senate and Assembly (Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jun 2016
Bills to Fund Women's Health Care Approved by Senate and Assembly ... 'Senate Approves Weinberg and Sweeney Bills to Fund Women's Health Care ' (Senate Democrats, June 27). 'Assembly Democratic Legislation to Boost Funding for Women's Health Care Heads to Governor' (Assembly Democrats, June 27) ... Original documenthttp.//ppactionnj.org/bills-to-fund-womens-health-care-approved-by-senate-and-assembly/....

Missouri Department of Social Services to request suspension of waiver for women’s health program (The Office of the Governor of the State of Missouri)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jun 2016
Until the suspension of federal Medicaid waiver is approved by CMS, which is expected to occur in calendar year 2017, the Missouri Woman's Health Services Program will continue to provide MO HealthNet coverage for women's health services to uninsured women ages 18 up to, but not including, age 56 whose family's modified adjusted gross income does not exceed 201 percent of the federal poverty level for their household size....

Planned Parenthood Arizona Seeks to Repeal Unconstitutional Barriers for Arizona Women in the Wake of SCOTUS Ruling (Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jun 2016
These restrictions have never truly been about women's health ... The organization provides health care, education and outreach services to more than 90,000 men, women, teens and parents annually ... This decision establishes a strong standard that laws intended primarily to erect barriers between women and the health care they need, have no place in our public policy....

Missouri Department of Social Services to request suspension of waiver for women'… (State of Missouri)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jun 2016
Until the suspension of federal Medicaid waiver is approved by CMS, which is expected to occur in calendar year 2017, the Missouri Woman's Health Services Program will continue to provide MO HealthNet coverage for women's health services to uninsured women ages 18 up to, but not including, age 56 whose family's modified adjusted gross income does not exceed 201 percent of the federal poverty level for their household size....

Conroe Courier: Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic regulations (Kevin Brady)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jun 2016
Proponents of the laws say they were put in place to protect women's health and provide a better quality of care in case of emergencies ... Despite today's devastating impact on women's health care, and as the proud author of the sonogram bill and co-writer of HB 2, I remain committed to protecting women's health and safety.' ... 'A nation that thinks so little of women's health and the unborn has clearly lost its way....

Missouri To Receive Funding For Planned Parenthood Despite Budget Provision

Edit TPM 30 Jun 2016
(AP) — Planned Parenthood facilities in Missouri will continue to receive government funding for women's health services for a while, despite a new budget provision attempting to stop it ... Nixon said the state must first solicit public comments and then get federal approval to change its women's health program ... Missouri lawmakers modeled their approach on Texas, which cut Planned Parenthood out of its women's health program in 2013....

Senate Committee Rejects Global Gag Rule, Amendment Restores International Family Planning Dollars (Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jun 2016
Senator Shaheen's pro-women's health amendment was adopted by a vote of 17 to 13 with bipartisan support from every Democrat on the committee and from Republican Senators Kirk, Collins, and Murkowski ... 'We thank Senator Shaheen for her leadership in defeating anti-women's health provisions like the global gag rule which is as wrong today as it ever was....

New Generic Equivalent for Lutera® 28 (Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jun 2016
Amneal adds Larissia™to its growing line of women's health products ... Larissia™ joins four other women's health ... 'Our women's health product pipeline is rich with complex formulations, new dosage forms and devices dedicated to addressing specific women's health concerns,' explains Jim Luce, executive vice president of sales & marketing for Amneal....

Missouri won't immediately halt Planned Parenthood funding

Edit The Miami Herald 30 Jun 2016
Jay Nixon says Planned Parenthood can continue receiving funding for women's health services for a while, despite a Missouri budget provision attempting to stop it....

Senate Must Pass Critical Veterans Funding, Anti-Zika Efforts (Mitch McConnell)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jun 2016
'They might like to dust off the 'War on Women' playbook too, but this Zika control measure actually provides more resources for women's health services through community health centers, public health departments, and hospitals. 'It's puzzling to hear Democrats claim to be advocates for women's health measures when they are the ones trying to block this Zika legislation and its critical resources to protect women's health....