Where Conspiracy Theories Come From and Why People Believe in Them (1998)
Where Conspiracy Theories Come From and Why People Believe in Them (1998)
Where Conspiracy Theories Come From and Why People Believe in Them (1998)
A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more persons, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through secret planning and deliberate action, an illegal or harmful event or situation.
Some scholars suggest that people formulate conspiracy theories to explain, for example, power relations in social groups and the existence of evil forces. It has been suggested by some thinkers that conspiracy theories have chiefly psychological or socio-political origins. Proposed psychological origins include projection; the personal need to explain “a significant event [with] a significant cause;" and the pro
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & NWO: Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular? (2004)
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & NWO: Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular? (2004)
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & NWO: Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular? (2004)
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which explains an event as the result of a secret plot by exceptionally powerful and cunning conspirators to achieve a malevolent end.[2][3] According to Barkun, the appeal of conspiracism is threefold:
First, conspiracy theories claim to explain what institutional analysis cannot. They appear to make sense out of a world that is otherwise confusing.
Second, they do so in an appealingly simple way, by dividing the world sharply between the forces of light, and the forces of darkness. They trac
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & NWO: Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular? (2004)
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & NWO: Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular? (2004)
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & NWO: Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular? (2004)
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (1/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (1/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (1/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (2/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (2/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (2/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (3/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (3/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (3/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (4/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (4/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (4/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (5/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (5/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (5/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (6/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (6/6)
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (6/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
A Quick Review Of Four UFO Conspiracy Books
A Quick Review Of Four UFO Conspiracy Books
A Quick Review Of Four UFO Conspiracy Books
In this video I preview four UFO conspiracy books. Project Beta by Greg Bishop, A Culture of Conspiracy by Michael Barkum, The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial by Jerome Clark, and Underground Bases and Tunnels by Richard Sauder, Ph. D. Sauder's book was recommended in a Youtube video by Phil Schneider, who passed away of questionable circumstances in 1996. It is suspected that he was assassinated for revealing D.U.M.B.'s and the existence of alien life living on Earth.
Norio Hayakawa - The History of Dulce Base
Norio Hayakawa - The History of Dulce Base
Norio Hayakawa - The History of Dulce Base
Norio Hayakawa has been going to Dulce since the 1980s and has been investigating the paranormal activity as well as the UFO sightings by the natives in this...
Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies
Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies
Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies
Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal that operates through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current ev
William Cooper's 'Behold a Pale Horse' (Audiobook)
William Cooper's 'Behold a Pale Horse' (Audiobook)
William Cooper's 'Behold a Pale Horse' (Audiobook)
The author, former U.S. Naval Intelligence Briefing Team Member, reveals information kept secret by our government since the 1940s. UFOs, the J.F.K.. assassi...
DAVID ICKE ~ "A Controversial Icon" ~ [Age Of Truth*TV] [HD]
DAVID ICKE ~ "A Controversial Icon" ~ [Age Of Truth*TV] [HD]
DAVID ICKE ~ "A Controversial Icon" ~ [Age Of Truth*TV] [HD]
The perfect beginners guide to the fascinating world of legendary truth-seeker, researcher and conspiracy theory icon DAVID ICKE (the former British football player, BBC news presenter and spokesperson of the British Green Party) by singer and entertainer Lucas Alexander. This interview was made for a TV special by Lucas Alexander and AgeOfTruth.dk.
Here the viewer will be introduced to David Ickes work, life and theories about the scientific and spiritual world, the Illuminati New World Order, world politics, the moneytary banking system and financial crisis, the revolutions in Lybia, Syria, Egypt, the death of Osama Bin Laden, the 9/11 con
Alien Bases Conspiracy - Paranormal Activity Underground - Military Alien Bases
Alien Bases Conspiracy - Paranormal Activity Underground - Military Alien Bases
Alien Bases Conspiracy - Paranormal Activity Underground - Military Alien Bases
A vivid and no-holds-barred look at Alien Bases Conspiracy. Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-N...
DAVID ICKE - ISIL CRISIS is Just Another PERCEPTION DECEPTION & Problem, Reaction, Solution
DAVID ICKE - ISIL CRISIS is Just Another PERCEPTION DECEPTION & Problem, Reaction, Solution
DAVID ICKE - ISIL CRISIS is Just Another PERCEPTION DECEPTION & Problem, Reaction, Solution
DAVID ICKE - ISIL CRISIS is Just Another PERCEPTION DECEPTION & Problem, Reaction, Solution
The UN says over 1000 people have been killed in Iraq so far this month after the Takfiri militants overran parts of the northern and western regions of the country.
UN spokesman Rupert Colville says civilians make up the majority of the toll. He also says the death toll includes summary executions and extra-judicial killings of civilians, police, and soldiers who had stopped fighting.
Hot Reptilian Girl Shapeshifting All Over The Place
Hot Reptilian Girl Shapeshifting All Over The Place
Hot Reptilian Girl Shapeshifting All Over The Place
Reptilians (also called reptoids,[1] reptiloids, saurians or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, ufology, and conspiracy theories.[2][3] The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians.Michael Barkun, Professor of political science at Syracuse University, posits that the idea of a reptilian conspiracy
Illuminati _ New World Order Conspiracy or Reality 2015 Full Documentary 2036 WILL Days END _
Illuminati _ New World Order Conspiracy or Reality 2015 Full Documentary 2036 WILL Days END _
Illuminati _ New World Order Conspiracy or Reality 2015 Full Documentary 2036 WILL Days END _
Uploaded with rapidleech.
DAVID ICKE on The SECRET of LIFE and the UNIVERSE | Vibration & Frequency | POWER & MANIPULATION
DAVID ICKE on The SECRET of LIFE and the UNIVERSE | Vibration & Frequency | POWER & MANIPULATION
DAVID ICKE on The SECRET of LIFE and the UNIVERSE | Vibration & Frequency | POWER & MANIPULATION
SUBSCRIBE for more from DAVID ICKE | NEW WORLD ORDER | ELITE | CONTROL | MEANING OF LIFE | BILDERBERG | CONSPIRACY | http://www.youtube.com/OfficialUnseenFor...
The History of Dulce Underground Base
The History of Dulce Underground Base
The History of Dulce Underground Base
Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the town of Dulce, New Mexico in the U...
What is the new world order?
What is the new world order?
What is the new world order?
What is the new world order?
SYRIAN GIRL: 8 Reasons Why The NWO Hates Syria! 8 reasons why the NWO hates Syria No Rothschild central bank, NO IMF debt, No Genetically modified food, Oil ...
David Icke ; Hidden meaning of the Human Past
David Icke ; Hidden meaning of the Human Past
David Icke ; Hidden meaning of the Human Past
David Icke is one of the most controversial personalities in the world, and this week host William Henry interviews him about his view of the hidden meaning ...
Where Conspiracy Theories Come From and Why People Believe in Them (1998)
A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more persons, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through secret planning and deliberate action, an illegal or harmful event or situation.
Some scholars suggest that people formulate conspiracy theories to explain, for example, power relations in social groups and the existence of evil forces. It has been suggested by some thinkers that conspiracy theories have chiefly psychological or socio-political origins. Proposed psychological origins include projection; the personal need to explain “a significant event [with] a significant cause;" and the product of various kinds and stages of thought disorder, such as paranoid disposition, ranging in severity to diagnosable mental illnesses. Similarly, socio-political origins may be discovered in the need of people to believe in event causation rather than suffer the insecurity of a random world and universe.
The effects of a world view that places conspiracy theories centrally in the unfolding of history have been debated, with some saying that it has become “the dominant paradigm of political action in the public mind." Although the term "conspiracy theory" has acquired a derogatory meaning over time and is often used to dismiss or ridicule beliefs in conspiracies, it has also continued to be used by some to refer to actual, proven conspiracies, such as U.S. President Richard Nixon and his aides conspiring to cover up Watergate.
Belief in conspiracy theories has become a topic of interest for sociologists, psychologists, and experts in folklore since at least the 1960s, when a number of conspiracy theories arose regarding the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Sociologist Turkay Salim Nefes underlines the political nature of conspiracy theories and suggests that one of the most important characteristics of these accounts is their attempt to unveil the "real but hidden" power relations in social groups.
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which explains an event as the result of a secret plot by exceptionally powerful and cunning conspirators to achieve a malevolent end.[4][5] According to Barkun, the appeal of conspiracism is threefold: First, conspiracy theories claim to explain what institutional analysis cannot. They appear to make sense out of a world that is otherwise confusing. Second, they do so in an appealingly simple way, by dividing the world sharply between the forces of light, and the forces of darkness. They trace all evil back to a single source, the conspirators and their agents. Third, conspiracy theories are often presented as special, secret knowledge unknown or unappreciated by others. For conspiracy theorists, the masses are a brainwashed herd, while the conspiracy theorists in the know can congratulate themselves on penetrating the plotters' deceptions.[5]
In his essay "Dealing with Middle Eastern Conspiracy Theories", Daniel Pipes notes that conspiracy theories are outstandingly common in the Middle East and writes that five assumptions "distinguish the conspiracy theorist from more conventional patterns of thought: appearances deceive; conspiracies drive history; nothing is haphazard; the enemy always gains; power, fame, money, and sex account for all".
Noam Chomsky contrasts conspiracy theory as more or less the opposite of institutional analysis, which focuses mostly on the public, long-term behavior of publicly known institutions, as recorded in, for example, scholarly documents or mainstream media reports, rather than secretive coalitions of individuals.
Barkun (discussed above) has categorized, in ascending order of breadth, the types of conspiracy theories as follows:
Event conspiracy theories. The conspiracy is held to be responsible for a limited, discrete event or set of events. The conspiratorial forces are alleged to have focused their energies on a limited, well-defined objective. The best-known example in the recent past is the Kennedy assassination conspiracy literature, though similar material exists concerning the September 11 attacks, the crash of TWA Flight 800, and the spread of AIDS in the black community.[4]
Systemic conspiracy theories. The conspiracy is believed to have broad goals, usually conceived as securing control of a country, a region, or even the entire world. While the goals are sweeping, the conspiratorial machinery is generally simple: a single, evil organization implements a plan to infiltrate and subvert existing institutions. This is a common scenario in conspiracy theories that focus on the alleged machinations of Jews, Freemasons, or the Catholic Church, as well as theories centered on Communism or international capitalists.
A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more persons, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through secret p...
wn.com/Where Conspiracy Theories Come From And Why People Believe In Them (1998)
A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more persons, a group, or an organization of having caused or covered up, through secret planning and deliberate action, an illegal or harmful event or situation.
Some scholars suggest that people formulate conspiracy theories to explain, for example, power relations in social groups and the existence of evil forces. It has been suggested by some thinkers that conspiracy theories have chiefly psychological or socio-political origins. Proposed psychological origins include projection; the personal need to explain “a significant event [with] a significant cause;" and the product of various kinds and stages of thought disorder, such as paranoid disposition, ranging in severity to diagnosable mental illnesses. Similarly, socio-political origins may be discovered in the need of people to believe in event causation rather than suffer the insecurity of a random world and universe.
The effects of a world view that places conspiracy theories centrally in the unfolding of history have been debated, with some saying that it has become “the dominant paradigm of political action in the public mind." Although the term "conspiracy theory" has acquired a derogatory meaning over time and is often used to dismiss or ridicule beliefs in conspiracies, it has also continued to be used by some to refer to actual, proven conspiracies, such as U.S. President Richard Nixon and his aides conspiring to cover up Watergate.
Belief in conspiracy theories has become a topic of interest for sociologists, psychologists, and experts in folklore since at least the 1960s, when a number of conspiracy theories arose regarding the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Sociologist Turkay Salim Nefes underlines the political nature of conspiracy theories and suggests that one of the most important characteristics of these accounts is their attempt to unveil the "real but hidden" power relations in social groups.
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which explains an event as the result of a secret plot by exceptionally powerful and cunning conspirators to achieve a malevolent end.[4][5] According to Barkun, the appeal of conspiracism is threefold: First, conspiracy theories claim to explain what institutional analysis cannot. They appear to make sense out of a world that is otherwise confusing. Second, they do so in an appealingly simple way, by dividing the world sharply between the forces of light, and the forces of darkness. They trace all evil back to a single source, the conspirators and their agents. Third, conspiracy theories are often presented as special, secret knowledge unknown or unappreciated by others. For conspiracy theorists, the masses are a brainwashed herd, while the conspiracy theorists in the know can congratulate themselves on penetrating the plotters' deceptions.[5]
In his essay "Dealing with Middle Eastern Conspiracy Theories", Daniel Pipes notes that conspiracy theories are outstandingly common in the Middle East and writes that five assumptions "distinguish the conspiracy theorist from more conventional patterns of thought: appearances deceive; conspiracies drive history; nothing is haphazard; the enemy always gains; power, fame, money, and sex account for all".
Noam Chomsky contrasts conspiracy theory as more or less the opposite of institutional analysis, which focuses mostly on the public, long-term behavior of publicly known institutions, as recorded in, for example, scholarly documents or mainstream media reports, rather than secretive coalitions of individuals.
Barkun (discussed above) has categorized, in ascending order of breadth, the types of conspiracy theories as follows:
Event conspiracy theories. The conspiracy is held to be responsible for a limited, discrete event or set of events. The conspiratorial forces are alleged to have focused their energies on a limited, well-defined objective. The best-known example in the recent past is the Kennedy assassination conspiracy literature, though similar material exists concerning the September 11 attacks, the crash of TWA Flight 800, and the spread of AIDS in the black community.[4]
Systemic conspiracy theories. The conspiracy is believed to have broad goals, usually conceived as securing control of a country, a region, or even the entire world. While the goals are sweeping, the conspiratorial machinery is generally simple: a single, evil organization implements a plan to infiltrate and subvert existing institutions. This is a common scenario in conspiracy theories that focus on the alleged machinations of Jews, Freemasons, or the Catholic Church, as well as theories centered on Communism or international capitalists.
- published: 04 Oct 2014
- views: 18
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & NWO: Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular? (2004)
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which explains an event as the result of a secret plot by exceptionally powerful and cunning conspirators to achieve a malevolent end.[2][3] According to Barkun, the appeal of conspiracism is threefold:
First, conspiracy theories claim to explain what institutional analysis cannot. They appear to make sense out of a world that is otherwise confusing.
Second, they do so in an appealingly simple way, by dividing the world sharply between the forces of light, and the forces of darkness. They trace all evil back to a single source, the conspirators and their agents.
Third, conspiracy theories are often presented as special, secret knowledge unknown or unappreciated by others. For conspiracy theorists, the masses are a brainwashed herd, while the conspiracy theorists in the know can congratulate themselves on penetrating the plotters' deceptions.
He has categorized, in ascending order of breadth, the types of conspiracy theories as follows:
Event conspiracy theories. The conspiracy is held to be responsible for a limited, discrete event or set of events. The conspiratorial forces are alleged to have focused their energies on a limited, well-defined objective. The best-known example in the recent past is the Kennedy assassination conspiracy literature, though similar material exists concerning the September 11 attacks, the crash of TWA Flight 800, and the spread of AIDS in the black community.[2]
Systemic conspiracy theories. The conspiracy is believed to have broad goals, usually conceived as securing control of a country, a region, or even the entire world. While the goals are sweeping, the conspiratorial machinery is generally simple: a single, evil organization implements a plan to infiltrate and subvert existing institutions. This is a common scenario in conspiracy theories that focus on the alleged machinations of Jews, Freemasons, or the Catholic Church, as well as theories centered on Communism or international capitalists.[2]
Superconspiracy theories. Conspiratorial constructs in which multiple conspiracies are believed to be linked together hierarchically. Event and systemic are joined in complex ways, so that conspiracies come to be nested together. At the summit of the conspiratorial hierarchy is a distant but powerful force manipulating lesser conspiratorial factors. Superconspiracy theories have enjoyed particular growth since the 1980s, in the work of authors such as David Icke and Milton William Cooper.
As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal that operates through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.
Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right, and secondarily that part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end-time emergence of the Antichrist.[8] Skeptics such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet observed that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order had not only been embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but had seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating a period during the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the United States where people were actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios.[4][6] Those political scientists were concerned that mass hysteria could have what they judged to be devastating effects on American political life, ranging from widespread political alienation to escalating lone-wolf terrorism.
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which exp...
wn.com/The Illuminati, Skull And Bones Nwo Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular (2004)
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which explains an event as the result of a secret plot by exceptionally powerful and cunning conspirators to achieve a malevolent end.[2][3] According to Barkun, the appeal of conspiracism is threefold:
First, conspiracy theories claim to explain what institutional analysis cannot. They appear to make sense out of a world that is otherwise confusing.
Second, they do so in an appealingly simple way, by dividing the world sharply between the forces of light, and the forces of darkness. They trace all evil back to a single source, the conspirators and their agents.
Third, conspiracy theories are often presented as special, secret knowledge unknown or unappreciated by others. For conspiracy theorists, the masses are a brainwashed herd, while the conspiracy theorists in the know can congratulate themselves on penetrating the plotters' deceptions.
He has categorized, in ascending order of breadth, the types of conspiracy theories as follows:
Event conspiracy theories. The conspiracy is held to be responsible for a limited, discrete event or set of events. The conspiratorial forces are alleged to have focused their energies on a limited, well-defined objective. The best-known example in the recent past is the Kennedy assassination conspiracy literature, though similar material exists concerning the September 11 attacks, the crash of TWA Flight 800, and the spread of AIDS in the black community.[2]
Systemic conspiracy theories. The conspiracy is believed to have broad goals, usually conceived as securing control of a country, a region, or even the entire world. While the goals are sweeping, the conspiratorial machinery is generally simple: a single, evil organization implements a plan to infiltrate and subvert existing institutions. This is a common scenario in conspiracy theories that focus on the alleged machinations of Jews, Freemasons, or the Catholic Church, as well as theories centered on Communism or international capitalists.[2]
Superconspiracy theories. Conspiratorial constructs in which multiple conspiracies are believed to be linked together hierarchically. Event and systemic are joined in complex ways, so that conspiracies come to be nested together. At the summit of the conspiratorial hierarchy is a distant but powerful force manipulating lesser conspiratorial factors. Superconspiracy theories have enjoyed particular growth since the 1980s, in the work of authors such as David Icke and Milton William Cooper.
As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal that operates through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.
Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right, and secondarily that part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end-time emergence of the Antichrist.[8] Skeptics such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet observed that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order had not only been embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but had seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating a period during the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the United States where people were actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios.[4][6] Those political scientists were concerned that mass hysteria could have what they judged to be devastating effects on American political life, ranging from widespread political alienation to escalating lone-wolf terrorism.
- published: 08 Aug 2015
- views: 104
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones & NWO: Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular? (2004)
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which...
wn.com/The Illuminati, Skull And Bones Nwo Why Are Conspiracy Theories Popular (2004)
The political scientist Michael Barkun, discussing the usage of this term in contemporary American culture, holds that a conspiracy theory is a belief which
- published: 04 Oct 2015
- views: 3
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (1/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic......
wn.com/David Icke Freedom Or Fascism, The Time To Choose (1 6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 1025
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (2/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic......
wn.com/David Icke Freedom Or Fascism, The Time To Choose (2 6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 533
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (3/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic......
wn.com/David Icke Freedom Or Fascism, The Time To Choose (3 6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 506
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (4/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic......
wn.com/David Icke Freedom Or Fascism, The Time To Choose (4 6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 218
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (5/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic......
wn.com/David Icke Freedom Or Fascism, The Time To Choose (5 6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 309
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose (6/6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic......
wn.com/David Icke Freedom Or Fascism, The Time To Choose (6 6)
"David Icke is the most fluent of conspiracy authors which gives his writings a clarity rarely found in the genre." - Michael Barkun PhD Professor of Politic...
- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 199
A Quick Review Of Four UFO Conspiracy Books
In this video I preview four UFO conspiracy books. Project Beta by Greg Bishop, A Culture of Conspiracy by Michael Barkum, The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial by Jerome Clark, and Underground Bases and Tunnels by Richard Sauder, Ph. D. Sauder's book was recommended in a Youtube video by Phil Schneider, who passed away of questionable circumstances in 1996. It is suspected that he was assassinated for revealing D.U.M.B.'s and the existence of alien life living on Earth.
In this video I preview four UFO conspiracy books. Project Beta by Greg Bishop, A Culture of Conspiracy by Michael Barkum, The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Ext...
wn.com/A Quick Review Of Four Ufo Conspiracy Books
In this video I preview four UFO conspiracy books. Project Beta by Greg Bishop, A Culture of Conspiracy by Michael Barkum, The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial by Jerome Clark, and Underground Bases and Tunnels by Richard Sauder, Ph. D. Sauder's book was recommended in a Youtube video by Phil Schneider, who passed away of questionable circumstances in 1996. It is suspected that he was assassinated for revealing D.U.M.B.'s and the existence of alien life living on Earth.
- published: 22 Aug 2015
- views: 3
Norio Hayakawa - The History of Dulce Base
Norio Hayakawa has been going to Dulce since the 1980s and has been investigating the paranormal activity as well as the UFO sightings by the natives in this...
Norio Hayakawa has been going to Dulce since the 1980s and has been investigating the paranormal activity as well as the UFO sightings by the natives in this......
wn.com/Norio Hayakawa The History Of Dulce Base
Norio Hayakawa has been going to Dulce since the 1980s and has been investigating the paranormal activity as well as the UFO sightings by the natives in this...
Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies
Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal that operates through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.[3][4][5][6][7]
Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right, and secondarily that part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end-time emergence of the Antichrist.[8] Skeptics such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet observed that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order had not only been embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but had seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating a period during the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the United States where people were actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios.[4][6] Those political scientists were concerned that mass hysteria could have what they judged to be devastating effects on American political life, ranging from widespread political alienation to escalating lone-wolf terrorism.[4][6][9]
Read more about "Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order_(conspiracy_theory)
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Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power el...
wn.com/Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies
Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal that operates through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.[3][4][5][6][7]
Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right, and secondarily that part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end-time emergence of the Antichrist.[8] Skeptics such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet observed that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order had not only been embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but had seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating a period during the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the United States where people were actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios.[4][6] Those political scientists were concerned that mass hysteria could have what they judged to be devastating effects on American political life, ranging from widespread political alienation to escalating lone-wolf terrorism.[4][6][9]
Read more about "Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order_(conspiracy_theory)
Be the first to receive updates by subscribing to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0HS3x2h7OoXf-Bj_lZW89Q
Thanks for watching "Anonymous | The New World Order Expose | World Documentary Movies"
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 22
William Cooper's 'Behold a Pale Horse' (Audiobook)
The author, former U.S. Naval Intelligence Briefing Team Member, reveals information kept secret by our government since the 1940s. UFOs, the J.F.K.. assassi...
The author, former U.S. Naval Intelligence Briefing Team Member, reveals information kept secret by our government since the 1940s. UFOs, the J.F.K.. assassi......
wn.com/William Cooper's 'Behold A Pale Horse' (Audiobook)
The author, former U.S. Naval Intelligence Briefing Team Member, reveals information kept secret by our government since the 1940s. UFOs, the J.F.K.. assassi...
DAVID ICKE ~ "A Controversial Icon" ~ [Age Of Truth*TV] [HD]
The perfect beginners guide to the fascinating world of legendary truth-seeker, researcher and conspiracy theory icon DAVID ICKE (the former British football player, BBC news presenter and spokesperson of the British Green Party) by singer and entertainer Lucas Alexander. This interview was made for a TV special by Lucas Alexander and AgeOfTruth.dk.
Here the viewer will be introduced to David Ickes work, life and theories about the scientific and spiritual world, the Illuminati New World Order, world politics, the moneytary banking system and financial crisis, the revolutions in Lybia, Syria, Egypt, the death of Osama Bin Laden, the 9/11 conspiracy, the Royal families of Europe and the reptilian Draconian theory, mind-control, extra-terrestrial beings on earth and parallel universes.
David Icke was in Copenhagen, Denmark to give a 9 hour long speech in front of a sold out venue. Filmed in Copenhagen, Denmark on May 12, 2011 by VM-Line Productions.
David Icke will be presenting his day-long lecture at Wembley Arena in London on October 27, 2012.
Watch also what David Ickes varied audience in Denmark had to say before his show in Copenhagen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFWSckRBvpM
"A Controversial Icon" ~ (A beginners guide to David Icke)
Interviewed by ~ Lucas Alexander
Camera ~
Vagn Majland
Erik Gonzales
Søren Kristensen
Production ~
VMLine Productions / AgeOf Truth.dk (http://www.ageoftruth.dk)
Post Production ~
Lauge Felix Black Pedersen
Technical Assistants ~
Manu Tsichils
Benjamin Carlsen
Music ~
M:O:T:U (http://motuofficial.com)
Special Thanks ~
David Icke (http://www.davidicke.com)
Niels Henrik Juul Hansen
Hotel Guldsmeden
Erik Hansen-Hansen
Henrik Gilvad
Lykke Conjadia
© Lucas Alexander, 2011/2012 (lucas@motuofficial.com)
David Icke - WIKIPEDIA:
David Vaughan Icke. Born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world."
Describing himself as the most controversial speaker in the world, he has written 18 books explaining his position, and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.
Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 he had an encounter with a psychic who told him he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose. In April 1991 he said on the BBC's Terry Wogan show that he was a son of the godhead—though he said later he had been misinterpreted—and predicted that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. He said the show changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into someone who was laughed at whenever he appeared in public.
He continued nevertheless to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years—The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001)—set out a moral and political worldview that combined New-Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of totalitarian trends in the modern world.
At the heart of his theories lies the idea that the world is becoming a global fascist state, that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George H. W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.
Michael Barkun has described Icke's position as "New Age conspiracism," writing that he is the most fluent of the conspiracist genre. Richard Kahn and Tyson Lewis argue that the reptilian hypothesis may simply be Swiftian satire, a way of giving ordinary people a narrative with which to question what they see around them.
Other truth researchers and whistle blowers include:
Alex Jones - Infowars.com, Stewart Swerdlow, Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, George Kavassilas, Arizona Wilder, Cathy O´Brien, Bryce Taylor, Phil Schneider, Fritz Springmeier, Andrew D. Basiago, Andrew Stec, Major Ed Dames, Alex Collier, Jordan Maxwell, Al Bielek, Foster Gamble, Charlotte Iserbyt, Christopher Hitchens, Cisco Wheeler, Michael Moore, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru, Dr. Bill Deagle, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, Kevin Trudeau, Jesse Ventura, Art Bell, Coast 2 Coast Radio, George Noori, Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy, Jay Parker, Mark Dice, Leonard Coldwell, John Harris, Mark Passino, Bob Dean, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, John Rhodes, Stan Deyo, Ted Gunderson, Benjamin Fulford, Richard Hoagland, Svali, Walter Tribe, Preston Nicols
The perfect beginners guide to the fascinating world of legendary truth-seeker, researcher and conspiracy theory icon DAVID ICKE (the former British football pl...
wn.com/David Icke ~ A Controversial Icon ~ Age Of Truth Tv Hd
The perfect beginners guide to the fascinating world of legendary truth-seeker, researcher and conspiracy theory icon DAVID ICKE (the former British football player, BBC news presenter and spokesperson of the British Green Party) by singer and entertainer Lucas Alexander. This interview was made for a TV special by Lucas Alexander and AgeOfTruth.dk.
Here the viewer will be introduced to David Ickes work, life and theories about the scientific and spiritual world, the Illuminati New World Order, world politics, the moneytary banking system and financial crisis, the revolutions in Lybia, Syria, Egypt, the death of Osama Bin Laden, the 9/11 conspiracy, the Royal families of Europe and the reptilian Draconian theory, mind-control, extra-terrestrial beings on earth and parallel universes.
David Icke was in Copenhagen, Denmark to give a 9 hour long speech in front of a sold out venue. Filmed in Copenhagen, Denmark on May 12, 2011 by VM-Line Productions.
David Icke will be presenting his day-long lecture at Wembley Arena in London on October 27, 2012.
Watch also what David Ickes varied audience in Denmark had to say before his show in Copenhagen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFWSckRBvpM
"A Controversial Icon" ~ (A beginners guide to David Icke)
Interviewed by ~ Lucas Alexander
Camera ~
Vagn Majland
Erik Gonzales
Søren Kristensen
Production ~
VMLine Productions / AgeOf Truth.dk (http://www.ageoftruth.dk)
Post Production ~
Lauge Felix Black Pedersen
Technical Assistants ~
Manu Tsichils
Benjamin Carlsen
Music ~
M:O:T:U (http://motuofficial.com)
Special Thanks ~
David Icke (http://www.davidicke.com)
Niels Henrik Juul Hansen
Hotel Guldsmeden
Erik Hansen-Hansen
Henrik Gilvad
Lykke Conjadia
© Lucas Alexander, 2011/2012 (lucas@motuofficial.com)
David Icke - WIKIPEDIA:
David Vaughan Icke. Born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world."
Describing himself as the most controversial speaker in the world, he has written 18 books explaining his position, and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.
Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 he had an encounter with a psychic who told him he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose. In April 1991 he said on the BBC's Terry Wogan show that he was a son of the godhead—though he said later he had been misinterpreted—and predicted that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. He said the show changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into someone who was laughed at whenever he appeared in public.
He continued nevertheless to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years—The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001)—set out a moral and political worldview that combined New-Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of totalitarian trends in the modern world.
At the heart of his theories lies the idea that the world is becoming a global fascist state, that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George H. W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.
Michael Barkun has described Icke's position as "New Age conspiracism," writing that he is the most fluent of the conspiracist genre. Richard Kahn and Tyson Lewis argue that the reptilian hypothesis may simply be Swiftian satire, a way of giving ordinary people a narrative with which to question what they see around them.
Other truth researchers and whistle blowers include:
Alex Jones - Infowars.com, Stewart Swerdlow, Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, George Kavassilas, Arizona Wilder, Cathy O´Brien, Bryce Taylor, Phil Schneider, Fritz Springmeier, Andrew D. Basiago, Andrew Stec, Major Ed Dames, Alex Collier, Jordan Maxwell, Al Bielek, Foster Gamble, Charlotte Iserbyt, Christopher Hitchens, Cisco Wheeler, Michael Moore, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru, Dr. Bill Deagle, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, Kevin Trudeau, Jesse Ventura, Art Bell, Coast 2 Coast Radio, George Noori, Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy, Jay Parker, Mark Dice, Leonard Coldwell, John Harris, Mark Passino, Bob Dean, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, John Rhodes, Stan Deyo, Ted Gunderson, Benjamin Fulford, Richard Hoagland, Svali, Walter Tribe, Preston Nicols
- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 25267
Alien Bases Conspiracy - Paranormal Activity Underground - Military Alien Bases
A vivid and no-holds-barred look at Alien Bases Conspiracy. Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-N...
A vivid and no-holds-barred look at Alien Bases Conspiracy. Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-N......
wn.com/Alien Bases Conspiracy Paranormal Activity Underground Military Alien Bases
A vivid and no-holds-barred look at Alien Bases Conspiracy. Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-N...
DAVID ICKE - ISIL CRISIS is Just Another PERCEPTION DECEPTION & Problem, Reaction, Solution
DAVID ICKE - ISIL CRISIS is Just Another PERCEPTION DECEPTION & Problem, Reaction, Solution
The UN says over 1000 people have been killed in Iraq so far this month after the Takfiri militants overran parts of the northern and western regions of the country.
UN spokesman Rupert Colville says civilians make up the majority of the toll. He also says the death toll includes summary executions and extra-judicial killings of civilians, police, and soldiers who had stopped fighting.
"This figure — which should be viewed very much as a minimum — includes a number of verified summary executions and extra-judicial killings of civilians, police, and soldiers who were hors (de) combat," media outlets quoted Colville as saying on Tuesday.
The UN spokesman also says some 318 others were killed in terrorist attacks in Baghdad and southern Iraq.
The world body says at least 757 people were killed in ISIL-fueled militancy in Nineveh, Diyala and Salahuddin Provinces.
New pictures have emerged online of atrocities and mass killing of Iraqi soldiers and civilians at the hands of militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Recently, a similar gruesome video was released, purportedly showing members of the ISIL Takfiri group brutally killing Shia Muslims in drive-by shootings in Iraq.
Syrian and Iraqi terrorist forces obtained significant numbers of tanks, trucks, and U.S.-origin Humvees in recent military operations in Iraq and those arms are being shipped to al Qaeda rebels in Syria, according to U.S. officials.
U.S. intelligence agencies reported this week that photos of the equipment transfers were posted online by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also known as ISIS, the ultra-violent terror group that broke away from al Qaeda but shares its goals and philosophy.
Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. Bill Speaks confirmed the weapons transfers and expressed concerns about the captured arms.
"We're aware of reports of some equipment—namely Humvees—and the pictures that have been posted online,"
Speaks added that the loss of the equipment to the terrorist group is "really a matter for the Iraqi government to speak to publicly" because "it is their equipment." army of terrorists funded, armed and supported by Saudi Arabia, the Sunni caliphate of Iraq and the Levant, and NATO.
Otherwise known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the caliphate and its partners in Riyadh and Doha have transplanted tens of thousands of murderous paramilitary jihadists from the battlefields of Syria to the killing fields of Iraq. For the fossilized monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar the objective is to spread a pernicious version of Sunni Islam and thus defeat their longtime Shia Islam rivals, while in the West the financial and global elite are playing a long-running game of conquer and divide, a technique long used by the British Empire.
F. William Engdahl and other historians have shown how the British Empire ruthlessly conquered the Arab Middle East, an effort spurred on when it realized oil would eclipse coal as the dominant energy source in the 20th century. As World War I raged in Europe, the British worked with France, Italy and Russia to wrestle the region away from the Ottoman Turks, who had enjoyed uncontested control for centuries. israel zion zionist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu would like to see the al-Qaeda spin-off ISIS attack Iran in a repeat of the Iran-Iraq War, a conflict that lasted eight years and cost Iraq 500,000 lives and Iran more than 750,000. "david icke" speech "alex jones" infowars world knowledge success matrix radio "radio show" people "wake up" 2014 2015 war dollar usd government finance world future humanity enemy game historic agenda deception truth "middle east" power elite mafia control country "saudi arabia" liberty rights "big brother" immigration "u.s. citizenship" american u.s. "united states" usa religion god symbolism reality information mind sight "world war 3" media entertainment news finance "agenda nwo" lindsey williams speech dvd we are change coast to coast am prisonplanet wwiii china japan island iran nuke nyc obama end game muslim world louis farrakhan elite nwo agenda
According to Netanyahu and the Israelis, a comparable or larger death toll resulting from a war between Sunni and Shia Muslims would be preferable to Iran possessing a nuclear weapon.
Iran's Nukes: A Big Lie Designed to Foment Conflict
U.S. and Israeli intelligence, leaders of the Israeli military, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency have all concluded Iran does not have a nuclear weapon program.
wn.com/David Icke ISIL Crisis Is Just Another Perception Deception Problem, Reaction, Solution
DAVID ICKE - ISIL CRISIS is Just Another PERCEPTION DECEPTION & Problem, Reaction, Solution
The UN says over 1000 people have been killed in Iraq so far this month after the Takfiri militants overran parts of the northern and western regions of the country.
UN spokesman Rupert Colville says civilians make up the majority of the toll. He also says the death toll includes summary executions and extra-judicial killings of civilians, police, and soldiers who had stopped fighting.
"This figure — which should be viewed very much as a minimum — includes a number of verified summary executions and extra-judicial killings of civilians, police, and soldiers who were hors (de) combat," media outlets quoted Colville as saying on Tuesday.
The UN spokesman also says some 318 others were killed in terrorist attacks in Baghdad and southern Iraq.
The world body says at least 757 people were killed in ISIL-fueled militancy in Nineveh, Diyala and Salahuddin Provinces.
New pictures have emerged online of atrocities and mass killing of Iraqi soldiers and civilians at the hands of militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Recently, a similar gruesome video was released, purportedly showing members of the ISIL Takfiri group brutally killing Shia Muslims in drive-by shootings in Iraq.
Syrian and Iraqi terrorist forces obtained significant numbers of tanks, trucks, and U.S.-origin Humvees in recent military operations in Iraq and those arms are being shipped to al Qaeda rebels in Syria, according to U.S. officials.
U.S. intelligence agencies reported this week that photos of the equipment transfers were posted online by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also known as ISIS, the ultra-violent terror group that broke away from al Qaeda but shares its goals and philosophy.
Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. Bill Speaks confirmed the weapons transfers and expressed concerns about the captured arms.
"We're aware of reports of some equipment—namely Humvees—and the pictures that have been posted online,"
Speaks added that the loss of the equipment to the terrorist group is "really a matter for the Iraqi government to speak to publicly" because "it is their equipment." army of terrorists funded, armed and supported by Saudi Arabia, the Sunni caliphate of Iraq and the Levant, and NATO.
Otherwise known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the caliphate and its partners in Riyadh and Doha have transplanted tens of thousands of murderous paramilitary jihadists from the battlefields of Syria to the killing fields of Iraq. For the fossilized monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar the objective is to spread a pernicious version of Sunni Islam and thus defeat their longtime Shia Islam rivals, while in the West the financial and global elite are playing a long-running game of conquer and divide, a technique long used by the British Empire.
F. William Engdahl and other historians have shown how the British Empire ruthlessly conquered the Arab Middle East, an effort spurred on when it realized oil would eclipse coal as the dominant energy source in the 20th century. As World War I raged in Europe, the British worked with France, Italy and Russia to wrestle the region away from the Ottoman Turks, who had enjoyed uncontested control for centuries. israel zion zionist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu would like to see the al-Qaeda spin-off ISIS attack Iran in a repeat of the Iran-Iraq War, a conflict that lasted eight years and cost Iraq 500,000 lives and Iran more than 750,000. "david icke" speech "alex jones" infowars world knowledge success matrix radio "radio show" people "wake up" 2014 2015 war dollar usd government finance world future humanity enemy game historic agenda deception truth "middle east" power elite mafia control country "saudi arabia" liberty rights "big brother" immigration "u.s. citizenship" american u.s. "united states" usa religion god symbolism reality information mind sight "world war 3" media entertainment news finance "agenda nwo" lindsey williams speech dvd we are change coast to coast am prisonplanet wwiii china japan island iran nuke nyc obama end game muslim world louis farrakhan elite nwo agenda
According to Netanyahu and the Israelis, a comparable or larger death toll resulting from a war between Sunni and Shia Muslims would be preferable to Iran possessing a nuclear weapon.
Iran's Nukes: A Big Lie Designed to Foment Conflict
U.S. and Israeli intelligence, leaders of the Israeli military, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency have all concluded Iran does not have a nuclear weapon program.
- published: 03 Jul 2014
- views: 106943
Hot Reptilian Girl Shapeshifting All Over The Place
Reptilians (also called reptoids,[1] reptiloids, saurians or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, ufology, and conspiracy theories.[2][3] The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians.Michael Barkun, Professor of political science at Syracuse University, posits that the idea of a reptilian conspiracy originated in the fiction of Conan the Barbarian creator Robert E. Howard. The first appearance of "serpent men" in literature was in Howard's story, "The Shadow Kingdom", published in Weird Tales in August 1929. This story drew on Theosophical ideas of the "lost worlds" of Atlantis and Lemuria, particularly Helena Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine, with its reference to "'dragon-men' who once had a mighty civilization on a Lemurian continent".[4] Howard's "serpent men" were described as humanoid with human bodies but snake heads, able to imitate real humans at will, who lived in hiding in underground passages, using their shapechanging and mind control abilities to infiltrate humanity.[5] Clark Ashton Smith used Howard's "serpent men" in his stories, as well as themes from H. P. Lovecraft, and he, Howard and Lovecraft together laid the basis for the Cthulhu Mythos.[6] In the 1940s, a non-fiction writer, Maurice Doreal, wrote a pamphlet entitled "Mysteries Of The Gobi" which described a "serpent race" that had "bodies like man but...heads...like a great snake" and an ability to take true human form.[7] These creatures also appeared in Doreal's poem, "The Emerald Tablets", in which he claimed the titular tablets were written by "Thoth, an Atlantean Priest king". Barkun asserts that "in all likelihood", Doreal's ideas came from "The Shadow Kingdom", and that in turn, "The Emerald Tablets" formed the basis for David Icke's book, Children of the Matrix.[8]
Alien abduction
Alien abduction narratives sometimes allege contact with reptilian creatures.[9] One of the earliest reports was that of Ashland, Nebraska police officer Herbert Schirmer, who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings with a slightly reptilian appearance, who wore a "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of their chests.[10]
Reptilians (also called reptoids,[1] reptiloids, saurians or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in fantasy, science fictio...
wn.com/Hot Reptilian Girl Shapeshifting All Over The Place
Reptilians (also called reptoids,[1] reptiloids, saurians or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, ufology, and conspiracy theories.[2][3] The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shape-shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has claimed on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians.Michael Barkun, Professor of political science at Syracuse University, posits that the idea of a reptilian conspiracy originated in the fiction of Conan the Barbarian creator Robert E. Howard. The first appearance of "serpent men" in literature was in Howard's story, "The Shadow Kingdom", published in Weird Tales in August 1929. This story drew on Theosophical ideas of the "lost worlds" of Atlantis and Lemuria, particularly Helena Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine, with its reference to "'dragon-men' who once had a mighty civilization on a Lemurian continent".[4] Howard's "serpent men" were described as humanoid with human bodies but snake heads, able to imitate real humans at will, who lived in hiding in underground passages, using their shapechanging and mind control abilities to infiltrate humanity.[5] Clark Ashton Smith used Howard's "serpent men" in his stories, as well as themes from H. P. Lovecraft, and he, Howard and Lovecraft together laid the basis for the Cthulhu Mythos.[6] In the 1940s, a non-fiction writer, Maurice Doreal, wrote a pamphlet entitled "Mysteries Of The Gobi" which described a "serpent race" that had "bodies like man but...heads...like a great snake" and an ability to take true human form.[7] These creatures also appeared in Doreal's poem, "The Emerald Tablets", in which he claimed the titular tablets were written by "Thoth, an Atlantean Priest king". Barkun asserts that "in all likelihood", Doreal's ideas came from "The Shadow Kingdom", and that in turn, "The Emerald Tablets" formed the basis for David Icke's book, Children of the Matrix.[8]
Alien abduction
Alien abduction narratives sometimes allege contact with reptilian creatures.[9] One of the earliest reports was that of Ashland, Nebraska police officer Herbert Schirmer, who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings with a slightly reptilian appearance, who wore a "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of their chests.[10]
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 24
DAVID ICKE on The SECRET of LIFE and the UNIVERSE | Vibration & Frequency | POWER & MANIPULATION
SUBSCRIBE for more from DAVID ICKE | NEW WORLD ORDER | ELITE | CONTROL | MEANING OF LIFE | BILDERBERG | CONSPIRACY | http://www.youtube.com/OfficialUnseenFor...
SUBSCRIBE for more from DAVID ICKE | NEW WORLD ORDER | ELITE | CONTROL | MEANING OF LIFE | BILDERBERG | CONSPIRACY | http://www.youtube.com/OfficialUnseenFor......
wn.com/David Icke On The Secret Of Life And The Universe | Vibration Frequency | Power Manipulation
SUBSCRIBE for more from DAVID ICKE | NEW WORLD ORDER | ELITE | CONTROL | MEANING OF LIFE | BILDERBERG | CONSPIRACY | http://www.youtube.com/OfficialUnseenFor...
The History of Dulce Underground Base
Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the town of Dulce, New Mexico in the U...
Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the town of Dulce, New Mexico in the U......
wn.com/The History Of Dulce Underground Base
Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the town of Dulce, New Mexico in the U...
What is the new world order?
What is the new world order?
What is the new world order?...
wn.com/What Is The New World Order
What is the new world order?
- published: 08 Jan 2015
- views: 2
SYRIAN GIRL: 8 Reasons Why The NWO Hates Syria! 8 reasons why the NWO hates Syria No Rothschild central bank, NO IMF debt, No Genetically modified food, Oil ...
SYRIAN GIRL: 8 Reasons Why The NWO Hates Syria! 8 reasons why the NWO hates Syria No Rothschild central bank, NO IMF debt, No Genetically modified food, Oil ......
wn.com/Syrian Girl 8 Reasons Why The Nwo Hates Syria Global Domination
SYRIAN GIRL: 8 Reasons Why The NWO Hates Syria! 8 reasons why the NWO hates Syria No Rothschild central bank, NO IMF debt, No Genetically modified food, Oil ...
David Icke ; Hidden meaning of the Human Past
David Icke is one of the most controversial personalities in the world, and this week host William Henry interviews him about his view of the hidden meaning ...
David Icke is one of the most controversial personalities in the world, and this week host William Henry interviews him about his view of the hidden meaning ......
wn.com/David Icke Hidden Meaning Of The Human Past
David Icke is one of the most controversial personalities in the world, and this week host William Henry interviews him about his view of the hidden meaning ...
DAVID ICKE Interview by Lucas Alexander (audio version)
DAVID ICKE Interview by Lucas Alexander (audio version)
DAVID ICKE Interview by Lucas Alexander (audio version)
Watch the TV version of the interview via this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd_BeCPHHZg The beginners guide to the fascinating world of legendary tru...
An Excellent Introduction to the New World Order
An Excellent Introduction to the New World Order
An Excellent Introduction to the New World Order
Leon Pittard gives us the 101 on THE NEW WORLD ORDER on Australia's Time to Talk radio show - 2WAYFM. In conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO r...
DAVID ICKE 2011: Alien BLOOD Of BABYLON Part 1 Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychi...
DAVID ICKE 2011: Alien BLOOD Of BABYLON Part 2 Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychi...
DAVID ICKE The Great CLIMATE SCAM Al Gore, Rothschild, Elite's AGENDA
DAVID ICKE The Great CLIMATE SCAM Al Gore, Rothschild, Elite's AGENDA
DAVID ICKE The Great CLIMATE SCAM Al Gore, Rothschild, Elite's AGENDA
DAVID ICKE - The Secret Agenda to CONTROL the MASSES David Vaughan Icke (pronounced /aɪk/, or IKE, born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speake...
David Icke ~ Reptilian Hybrid
David Icke ~ Reptilian Hybrid
David Icke ~ Reptilian Hybrid
Musical Score: "Icketilian"
Composer/Artist: William Tell
David Vaughan Icke
(/aɪk/; IKE, born 29 April 1952) is an English writer, public speaker and a former professional footballer and sports broadcaster. He promotes conspiracy theories about global politics and has written extensively about them.
Icke was a BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychic told him that he was a healer who had been placed on Earth for a purpose, and that the spirit world was going to pass messages to him. In March 1991 he held a press conference to announce that he was a "Son of the Godhead" – a phrase he said lat
From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, David Icke Illuminati, a potential World War 3, ...
David Icke - Raising Consciousness
David Icke - Raising Consciousness
David Icke - Raising Consciousness
http://www.facebook.com/44connected David Vaughan Icke (born April 29, 1952) is an English writer and public speaker best known for his views on what he call...
☆ DYING CHEMTRAIL VICTIMS - Disturbing Death Scenes - Illuminati Horror Secrets
☆ DYING CHEMTRAIL VICTIMS - Disturbing Death Scenes - Illuminati Horror Secrets
☆ DYING CHEMTRAIL VICTIMS - Disturbing Death Scenes - Illuminati Horror Secrets
HORRIFIC DEATH SCENES OF CHEMTRAIL VICTIMS, CAUSED BY THE ILLUMINATI & THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Not for the squeamish! Leaked Documents from failed Government Co...
DAVID ICKE Interview by Lucas Alexander (audio version)
Watch the TV version of the interview via this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd_BeCPHHZg The beginners guide to the fascinating world of legendary tru...
Watch the TV version of the interview via this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd_BeCPHHZg The beginners guide to the fascinating world of legendary tru......
wn.com/David Icke Interview By Lucas Alexander (Audio Version)
Watch the TV version of the interview via this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd_BeCPHHZg The beginners guide to the fascinating world of legendary tru...
An Excellent Introduction to the New World Order
Leon Pittard gives us the 101 on THE NEW WORLD ORDER on Australia's Time to Talk radio show - 2WAYFM. In conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO r...
Leon Pittard gives us the 101 on THE NEW WORLD ORDER on Australia's Time to Talk radio show - 2WAYFM. In conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO r......
wn.com/An Excellent Introduction To The New World Order
Leon Pittard gives us the 101 on THE NEW WORLD ORDER on Australia's Time to Talk radio show - 2WAYFM. In conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO r...
- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 1128
DAVID ICKE 2011: Alien BLOOD Of BABYLON Part 1 Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychi...
DAVID ICKE 2011: Alien BLOOD Of BABYLON Part 1 Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychi......
wn.com/David Icke 2011 Alien Blood Of Babylon Part 1
DAVID ICKE 2011: Alien BLOOD Of BABYLON Part 1 Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychi...
DAVID ICKE 2011: Alien BLOOD Of BABYLON Part 2 Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychi...
DAVID ICKE 2011: Alien BLOOD Of BABYLON Part 2 Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychi......
wn.com/David Icke 2011 Alien Blood Of Babylon Part 2
DAVID ICKE 2011: Alien BLOOD Of BABYLON Part 2 Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychi...
DAVID ICKE The Great CLIMATE SCAM Al Gore, Rothschild, Elite's AGENDA
DAVID ICKE - The Secret Agenda to CONTROL the MASSES David Vaughan Icke (pronounced /aɪk/, or IKE, born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speake...
DAVID ICKE - The Secret Agenda to CONTROL the MASSES David Vaughan Icke (pronounced /aɪk/, or IKE, born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speake......
wn.com/David Icke The Great Climate Scam Al Gore, Rothschild, Elite's Agenda
DAVID ICKE - The Secret Agenda to CONTROL the MASSES David Vaughan Icke (pronounced /aɪk/, or IKE, born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speake...
David Icke ~ Reptilian Hybrid
Musical Score: "Icketilian"
Composer/Artist: William Tell
David Vaughan Icke
(/aɪk/; IKE, born 29 April 1952) is an English writer, public speaker and a former professional footballer and sports broadcaster. He promotes conspiracy theories about global politics and has written extensively about them.
Icke was a BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychic told him that he was a healer who had been placed on Earth for a purpose, and that the spirit world was going to pass messages to him. In March 1991 he held a press conference to announce that he was a "Son of the Godhead" – a phrase he said later the media had misunderstood. He said that a subsequent appearance on BBC's Wogan changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into a public laughing stock.
He nevertheless continued to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years – The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001) – he set out a worldview that combined New-Age spiritualism with a denunciation of totalitarian trends in the modern world. At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood (including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson and Boxcar Willie) controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian.
He further proposes that the Moon is an artificial construct — "probably a hollowed-out planetoid" — from which the reptilians broadcast an "artificial sense of self and the world" that humans mistakenly perceive as reality.
Michael Barkun has described Icke's position as "New Age conspiracism," writing that he is the most fluent of the conspiracist genre. Richard Kahn and Tyson Lewis argue that the reptilian hypothesis may simply be Swiftian satire, a way of giving ordinary people a narrative with which to question what they see around them.
All materials presented in my videos are for nonprofit, educational purposes ONLY and therefore are usable under the
(Fair Use Copyright Act Of 1967)
United States Law: Sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A
17 U.S.C. § 107 Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonograph records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:
A: the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes:
B: the nature of the copyrighted work;
C: the amount and substantiation of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
D: the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.
Musical Score: "Icketilian"
Composer/Artist: William Tell
David Vaughan Icke
(/aɪk/; IKE, born 29 April 1952) is an English writer, public speaker and a forme...
wn.com/David Icke ~ Reptilian Hybrid
Musical Score: "Icketilian"
Composer/Artist: William Tell
David Vaughan Icke
(/aɪk/; IKE, born 29 April 1952) is an English writer, public speaker and a former professional footballer and sports broadcaster. He promotes conspiracy theories about global politics and has written extensively about them.
Icke was a BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychic told him that he was a healer who had been placed on Earth for a purpose, and that the spirit world was going to pass messages to him. In March 1991 he held a press conference to announce that he was a "Son of the Godhead" – a phrase he said later the media had misunderstood. He said that a subsequent appearance on BBC's Wogan changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into a public laughing stock.
He nevertheless continued to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years – The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001) – he set out a worldview that combined New-Age spiritualism with a denunciation of totalitarian trends in the modern world. At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood (including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson and Boxcar Willie) controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian.
He further proposes that the Moon is an artificial construct — "probably a hollowed-out planetoid" — from which the reptilians broadcast an "artificial sense of self and the world" that humans mistakenly perceive as reality.
Michael Barkun has described Icke's position as "New Age conspiracism," writing that he is the most fluent of the conspiracist genre. Richard Kahn and Tyson Lewis argue that the reptilian hypothesis may simply be Swiftian satire, a way of giving ordinary people a narrative with which to question what they see around them.
All materials presented in my videos are for nonprofit, educational purposes ONLY and therefore are usable under the
(Fair Use Copyright Act Of 1967)
United States Law: Sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A
17 U.S.C. § 107 Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonograph records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:
A: the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes:
B: the nature of the copyrighted work;
C: the amount and substantiation of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
D: the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.
- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 31
From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, David Icke Illuminati, a potential World War 3, ...
From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, David Icke Illuminati, a potential World War 3, ......
wn.com/Total Financial Collapse Public Enslavement Is Beginning David Icke
From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, David Icke Illuminati, a potential World War 3, ...
- published: 04 Aug 2013
- views: 4180
David Icke - Raising Consciousness
http://www.facebook.com/44connected David Vaughan Icke (born April 29, 1952) is an English writer and public speaker best known for his views on what he call...
http://www.facebook.com/44connected David Vaughan Icke (born April 29, 1952) is an English writer and public speaker best known for his views on what he call......
wn.com/David Icke Raising Consciousness
http://www.facebook.com/44connected David Vaughan Icke (born April 29, 1952) is an English writer and public speaker best known for his views on what he call...
☆ DYING CHEMTRAIL VICTIMS - Disturbing Death Scenes - Illuminati Horror Secrets
HORRIFIC DEATH SCENES OF CHEMTRAIL VICTIMS, CAUSED BY THE ILLUMINATI & THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Not for the squeamish! Leaked Documents from failed Government Co...
HORRIFIC DEATH SCENES OF CHEMTRAIL VICTIMS, CAUSED BY THE ILLUMINATI & THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Not for the squeamish! Leaked Documents from failed Government Co......
wn.com/☆ Dying Chemtrail Victims Disturbing Death Scenes Illuminati Horror Secrets
HORRIFIC DEATH SCENES OF CHEMTRAIL VICTIMS, CAUSED BY THE ILLUMINATI & THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Not for the squeamish! Leaked Documents from failed Government Co...