- published: 02 Sep 2016
- views: 1685
Goh Kun (Hangul: 고건, Hanja: 高建, born January 2, 1938) is a South Korean politician. He served as Prime Minister of South Korea from 1997 to 1998 and from 2003 to 2004. In his more recent term, he assumed the role of interim President following President Roh Moo-Hyun's impeachment, from March 12, 2004 until May 14, 2004 when the South Korean Constitutional Court overturned the impeachment decision and restored Roh's powers as President. He is known as a solid, hardworking civil servant. One of Goh Kun's nicknames is "Mr. Stability," reflecting his ability to survive changes of government and other political upheavals.
Goh was a Minister during the 1980s, and then Mayor of Seoul from 1988 to 1990 (appointed) and from 1998 to 2002 (elected).
He resigned from the office of Prime Minister on May 24, 2004 after refusing to comply with the President's request to replace cabinet members.
In June 2006, Goh announced his candidacy for the presidential race.
On January 16, 2007, he announced that he would no longer be a candidate for the Korean Presidential Elections and that he would retire from political life.
Everyday or Every Day may refer to:
Chinese martial arts, often labeled under the umbrella terms Kung Fu (/ˈkʊŋ ˈfuː/; Chinese: 功夫; pinyin: gong fu) and Wushu (武术), are the several hundreds of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. These fighting styles are often classified according to common traits, identified as "families" (家; jiā), "sects" (派; pài) or "schools" (門; mén) of martial arts. Examples of such traits include Shaolinquan (少林拳) physical exercises involving Five Animals (五形) mimicry, or training methods inspired by Chinese philosophies, religions and legends. Styles that focus on qi manipulation are called internal (内家拳; nèijiāquán), while others that concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness are called "external" (外家拳; wàijiāquán). Geographical association, as in northern (北拳; běiquán) and "southern" (南拳; nánquán), is another popular classification method.
Kung fu and wushu are loanwords from Chinese that, in English, are used to refer to Chinese martial arts. However, the Chinese terms kung fu and wushu ( listen (Mandarin) ; Cantonese: móuh-seuht) have distinct meanings. The Chinese equivalent of the term "Chinese martial arts" would be Zhongguo wushu (Chinese: 中國武術; pinyin: zhōngguó wǔshù) (Mandarin).
Some practical drills in bringing out the fighting effectiveness of Goh Cho Kun (Five Ancestors Fist) kung fu.
Majority of Goh Cho Kun kung fu (Five Ancestors Fist) 五祖拳 empty hand form and weapons has fighting drills. The drills are design to develop timing, spacing, coordination, sense of impact, presence of mind, reaction and understanding the techniques.
Goh Cho Kun kung fu scope include skill training in hand techniques, joint locks and manipulation, kicks and leg techniques as well as all sorts of exercises to enhance all those.
http://www.ComposeLife.com "Live Every Day" composed by GOH (Guitar) 〰piano-forte style (ピアノ奏法)〰 Piano-forte style (ピアノ奏法) is a form of two hand-tapping I started working on right before my Spring Beast World Tour during March of 2015. All throughout my career, I have depended heavily on my nails to pluck and strum... cutting off my nails was a form of a revolution and a new beginning... yes, my fingers did bleed. Thank you to Joshua Lopez for guiding me; he is my teacher, a proud father, and a dear friend... piano-forte style (ピアノ奏法) would have not happened without you. I wrote this song in the streets of Los Angeles. I just returned from Japan, with my on going Broken Tour, and filmed/recorded yesterday. "Live Every Day" is a perfect example of liquid composition meets frozen impr...
Some of Goh Cho weapons. Ancient weapons is also use as an instrument or a tool for physical work out the development of hand, eye, mind, and body coordination. Plus preserving the history of what those weapons were once, used by both heroes and villains.
http://www.ComposeLife.com "Believe" composed by GOH (Guitar) 〰Believe = 絶体心 (絶対信)〰 This song was originally composed in 2011 after the 9.0M earthquake in Japan. Here is a list of several different versions: https://youtu.be/sPwfrdEouac (first live; Sharp Three show on July 7, 2011 with Kai & Chuck) https://youtu.be/uy87wpkEasY (in Japan the day after visiting Ishinomaki; published in 2013) https://youtu.be/WQkdJIb_aEg (album Sharp Three Zero Cool; 2014) https://youtu.be/RfvgzEu5r7g (unlisted video; guitar + pedals; album Blue Quiet Sound; 2015) "Believe... please, believe." 「信じよ... お願いします、信じよ。」 Shirt (gift from Juanito Zihua) Japanese wooden sandals (桐乃華工房/Kirinohana) Elite Acoustics (amplifier & cables) Fishman Rare Earth Blend Soundhole Pickup Zoom Q8 5300 (with 2.8) Msi Laptop Veg...
《老九》音乐剧2012:舞台演员吴悦娟和黄惠敏谈排练感想和分享他们心中的"老九"。 Interview with Goh Guat Kian & Catherine Wong,casts of Lao Jiu:The Musical (2012)! 实践剧场呈献第276部作品 郭宝崑节 《老九》音乐剧 每个人的心中都有一个老九... ... 原著: 郭宝崑 剧本改编: 刘晓义 作曲: 黄韵仁 作词: 小寒 导演: 郭践红 副导演 / 编舞: 田伟鸿 编曲: 冯文甫 木偶设计: 何家伟 (猴纸剧坊) 《老九》是郭宝崑最通俗易懂的作品之一。2005年,《老九》首度改编为音乐剧,今年将推翻首版《老九》音乐剧版本,以全新的创作和阵容再次出发! 老九,家中排行第九的独子。被家人寄以厚望的他,有机会问鼎一项极具声望的奖学金。就在即将迈向光辉前途的重要关头,他犹豫了。原来他想继续学习自己热爱而又濒临失传的传统木偶表演艺术。究竟老九会追求自己的理想,还是步上领取奖学金的光明大道?游走于理想与现实、传统与现代之间,他该作何抉择 2009年,《天冷就回来》的载誉重演。 2010年,《聊斋》古装摇滚音乐剧的大胆创新。 2012年, 实践剧场再次精心打造, 网罗本地剧场与乐坛群英,重新演绎郭宝崑不朽名作《老九》! 关于"郭宝崑节"2012-- 寻找郭宝崑 2012年是戏剧大师郭宝崑先生逝世十周年。在这一年里,实践剧场将以"包容开放、求同存异"为理念,联合各方的艺术界朋友,共同呈献"郭宝崑节"。我们不仅仅是要回顾郭宝崑,更重要的是要寻找在当今的时空坐标里,郭宝崑与我们的深层关系。 12 -- 29/7/2012 8pm (星期二至六 Tue -- Sat) 2.30pm (星期六和日 Sat & Sun) 戏剧中心剧院 (国家图书馆3楼) 100 Victoria Street, Si...
Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's interview with Mr. Tim Sebastian on BBC HARDTalk
In August of 2016, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began looking into the reports his agency had released years earlier on the collapse of the World Trade Center. What he found shook him to the core. In this poignant half-hour interview, Peter Michael Ketcham tells his story of discovering that the organization where he had worked for 14 years had deliberately suppressed the truth about the most pivotal event of the 21st century. Through his willingness to look openly at what he failed to see in front of him for 15 years, Mr. Ketcham inspires us to believe that we can all muster the courage to confront the truth — and, in so doing, finally heal the wounds of 9/11. Featuring: Peter Michael Ketcham Producer: Ted Walter (AE911Truth) Videograp...
《老九》音乐剧2012-刘晓义分享改编原剧本的压力和畅谈他心中的"老九"。 Interview with Liu Xiaoyi,Script Adaptation of Lao Jiu:The Musical(2012)! 实践剧场呈献第276部作品 郭宝崑节-《老九》音乐剧 每个人的心中都有一个老九... ... 原著: 郭宝崑 剧本改编: 刘晓义 作曲: 黄韵仁 作词: 小寒 导演: 郭践红 副导演 / 编舞: 田伟鸿 编曲: 冯文甫 木偶设计: 何家伟 (猴纸剧坊) 《老九》是郭宝崑最通俗易懂的作品之一。2005年,《老九》首度改编为音乐剧,今年将推翻首版《老九》音乐剧版本,以全新的创作和阵容再次出发! 老九,家中排行第九的独子。被家人寄以厚望的他,有机会问鼎一项极具声望的奖学金。就在即将迈向光辉前途的重要关头,他犹豫了。原来他想继续学习自己热爱而又濒临失传的传统木偶表演艺术。究竟老九会追求自己的理想,还是步上领取奖学金的光明大道?游走于理想与现实、传统与现代之间,他该作何抉择 2009年,《天冷就回来》的载誉重演。 2010年,《聊斋》古装摇滚音乐剧的大胆创新。 2012年, 实践剧场再次精心打造, 网罗本地剧场与乐坛群英,重新演绎郭宝崑不朽名作《老九》! 关于"郭宝崑节"2012-- 寻找郭宝崑 2012年是戏剧大师郭宝崑先生逝世十周年。在这一年里,实践剧场将以"包容开放、求同存异"为理念,联合各方的艺术界朋友,共同呈献"郭宝崑节"。我们不仅仅是要回顾郭宝崑,更重要的是要寻找在当今的时空坐标里,郭宝崑与我们的深层关系。 12 -- 29/7/2012 8pm (星期二至六 Tue -- Sat) 2.30pm (星期六和日 Sat & Sun) 戏剧中心剧院 (国家图书馆3楼) 100...
2016 | Meer dan drie miljoen mensen zagen de oudejaarsconference van Herman Finkers. Hij sloot een jaar af vol onheil en geweld, maar dat mocht van hem niet het laatste woord hebben. Aan het eind van de voorstelling bracht hij een eerbetoon aan kwetsbaarheid, zachtheid en schoonheid. De sociale media ontploften. Kijkers konden zich vinden in zijn verhaal en uit de reacties bleek een groot verlangen naar meer. In de Verwondering deelt Finkers zijn inzicht dat je beter een mooie, kunstzinnige omgangsvorm kunt proberen te vinden om met het mysterie van het bestaan om te gaan dan te proberen het mysterie te verklaren. Als dat lukt, dan lucht dat enorm op. Voor hem blijft de vraag 'waartoe ben ik op aard' een opdracht om te blijven zoeken naar het antwoord.
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I saw you in my nightmare, glowing in the dark
Oh baby, baby tiger, I need you back
To hide the nights out of my sight
And when you reached the big tree, your belly reached mine
You tied me up with your feet and with your mouth
You made me come a thousand times (x 2)
And my heart might not be shaped like yours
But I swear it is big enough to be your home
I'm the milk in your cereal bowl
Oh baby, baby tiger, I tame you with my breast
I rub you in the shower, I'll do my best
And I know you're wild but we've got time
And I give you while the best I'll find
And my heart might not be shaped like yours
But I swear it is big enough to be your home