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Posts tagged ‘Sigmund Freud’

Name of the Father, ‘One’ of the Mother: From Beauvoir to Lacan

With introduction by Penelope Deutscher
by / RP 178 (Mar/Apr 2013) / Article

To Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragossa, perched on her column, ‘But there is something more, a puissance beyond the phallus.’

If I take a few aspects of the thought of Jacques Lacan, and investigate their relation to Simone de Beauvoir around one specific point, I have no intention of making him out – …


by / RP 177 (Jan/Feb 2013) / Review

Bruno Bosteels, Marx and Freud in Latin America: Politics, Psychoanalysis and Religion in Times of Terror, Verso, London and New York, 2012. 326 pp., £19.99 pb., 978 1 84467 755 9.

Bruno Bosteels is probably best known to readers of Radical Philosophy as translator of and commentator on the work of Alain Badiou

Jean Laplanche, 1924–2012

Forming new knots
by / RP 174 (Jul/Aug 2012) / Obituary

Jean Laplanche, one of Europe’s most eminent and original psychoanalytic thinkers, died on 6 May, at the age of 87. His death brings to an end a remarkable intellectual career dedicated to the meticulous analysis and rigorous critical expansion of the Freudian discovery. Laplanche was born on 21 June 1924 to a …

Who was Oscar Masotta?

Psychoanalysis in Argentina
by / RP 158 (Nov/Dec 2009) / Article

As Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s sardonic detective Pepe Carvalho ruefully observed, in a dictionary of Argentine clichés, psychoanalysis would have a crucial place, along with ‘tango and the disappeared’.1 ‘One’ knows that along with Paris, Buenos Aires is one of the centres of psychoanalytic practice, and one of the leading training centres …

Mirrors without images

Mimesis and recognition in Lacan and Adorno
by / RP 139 (Sep/Oct 2006) / Article

Re-presentation of the repressed: The political revolution of the neo-avant-garde

Dossier: Spheres of action - Art and politics
by / RP 137 (May/Jun 2006) / Article, Dossier, Spheres of action - Art and politics

Enigma variation

Laplanchean psychoanalysis and the formation of the raced unconscious
by / RP 122 (Nov/Dec 2003) / Article

Oedipus as figure

by / RP 118 (Mar/Apr 2003) / Article

Norman O. Brown, 1913–2002

by and / RP 118 (Mar/Apr 2003) / Obituary

The introduction of the Oedipus Complex and the reinvention of instinct

Freud’s Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
by / RP 115 (Sep/Oct 2002) / Article

Philippe Van Haute traces the evolution of the relation between ‘normality’ and pathology in Freud’s additions to Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality.

Family values

Butler, Lacan and the rise of Antigone
by / RP 111 (Jan/Feb 2002) / Article

The sword and the bridge

The anatomical and the political in conceptions of sexual difference
by / RP 106 (Mar/Apr 2001) / Article

History and the process of mourning in Hegel and Freud

by / RP 106 (Mar/Apr 2001) / Article

Psychoanalysis and politics

Juliet Mitchell then and now
by / RP 103 (Sep/Oct 2000) / Article

Jean Laplanche

The other within - Rethinking psychoanalysis
by , and / RP 102 (Jul/Aug 2000) / Interview

Jean Laplanche is the most original and philosophically informed psychoanalytic theorist of his day. Setting out from a critical reconstruction of Freudʼs terminology, he has developed a systematic rethinking of psychoanalytic metapsychology under the heading of a ʻgeneral theory of seductionʼ. Still best known in Britain for his early joint work with Pontalis – ʻFantasy …

Childhood experience and the image of utopia

The broken promise of Adorno’s Proustian sublimations
by / RP 099 (Jan/Feb 2000) / Article

Cracking the cultural code

Methodological reflections on Kracauer’s ‘The Mass Ornament’
by / RP 099 (Jan/Feb 2000) / Article

‘Radical evil’ revived

Hitler, Kant, Luther, neo-Lacanianism
by / RP 098 (Nov/Dec 1999) / Article

Critical reproblemization

Foucault and the task of modern philosophy
by / RP 091 (Sep/Oct 1998) / Article

It was a matter of analyzing … the problemizations through which being offers itself to be, necessarily thought – and the practices on the basis of which these problemizations are formed.

Michel Foucault, The Use of Pleasure 1

Michel Foucault is well known for having periodically redescribed his previous studies in light of …

Mind, reality and politics

by / RP 088 (Mar/Apr 1998) / Article