National Jewish Democratic Council

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John Kerry on Israel: The Record

October 14, 2004

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Leadership in the Senate:

** Fact: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has made note of "Kerry's 100 percent pro-Israel voting record in the Senate" (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, May 18, 2004). John Kerry has a perfect, unblemished 20-year voting record on Israel in the United States Senate -- including some 60 pro-Israel votes and signatures on key congressional letters. He took a leadership role in cosponsoring many of these efforts, dating back to his co-sponsorship of a 1987 resolution disapproving missile sales to Saudi Arabia.

Israel's Security Fence:

** Fact: John Kerry has strongly supported Israel's right to build a security fence. During a debate in February, he described the fence as "a fence necessary to the security of Israel until they have a partner to be able to negotiate" (New York Times transcript, February 29, 2004). He has stated his support for the security fence repeatedly in public forums, including during an April speech before newspaper editors when he again said, "I support the building of the security fence" (Speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 23, 2004).

"We Should Never Pressure Israel:"

** Fact: John Kerry has repeatedly and clearly stated that a Kerry Administration will never force Israel to take steps that compromise her security: "And I want you to know that, as president, my promise to the people of Israel is this: I will never force Israel to make concessions that cost or compromise any of Israel's security. The security of Israel is paramount. And we [are] an ally and we are a friend and we have a special relationship, and we must remember that. We will also never expect Israel to negotiate peace without a credible partner" (Speech before the Anti-Defamation League,, May 3, 2004). He had previously noted in a statement, "Our commitment must be clear: We should never pressure Israel to compromise its security; never coerce it to negotiate for peace without a credible partner; and always work to provide the political and military support for Israel's fight against terror" (Statement by John Kerry, April 27, 2004).

No Palestinian Right of Return:

** Fact: John Kerry has clearly noted his opposition to any Palestinian "right of return" to Israel: "Now I think what the President did in the last few days is to recognize a reality that even President Clinton came to: if you're going to have a Jewish state, and that is what we are committed to do and that is what Israel is, you cannot have a right of return that's open ended -- you just can't do it. It's always been a non-starter. I personally said that at a speech I gave to the Arab community in New York at the World Economic Forum. I've said that. I've also said that it is realistic because we know that at Taba they negotiated the annexation of certain territory. So it's really stating a reality" (NBC's "Meet the Press," April 18, 2004).

Taking On Saudi Leaders:

** Fact: John Kerry has strongly criticized our unwillingness to condemn the Saudis for their failure to fight terrorism. According to CBS News, he has vowed to "end a 'sweetheart relationship' that allows money to flow through Arab countries to terrorist groups and criticized President Bush over a report that he had struck a deal with Saudi officials to lower gasoline prices before the election. ...'I have a 100 percent record ... of supporting the special relationship and friendship that we have with Israel,' Kerry said. 'I can guarantee you that as president, I understand not just how we do that but also how we end this sweetheart relationship with a bunch of Arab countries that still allows money to move to Hamas, Hezballah and the Al Aqsa Brigade'" (, April 18, 2004).

Targeting Hamas Leadership:

** Fact: John Kerry has clearly supported Israel's right to target Hamas leadership for assassination. When asked whether he supported Israel's assassination of Hamas leader Rantisi on NBC's "Meet the Press," he replied: "I believe Israel has every right in the world to respond to any act of terror against it. Hamas is a terrorist, brutal organization. It has had years to make up its mind to take part in a peaceful process; and they refuse to, Arafat refuses to" (NBC's "Meet the Press," April 18, 2004).

Ruling Out Arafat:

** Fact: John Kerry has ruled out Arafat as a legitimate negotiating partner for Israel. As he said in March, 2004, "As far as I'm concerned he's an outlaw to the peace process. ...and he's proved himself to be irrelevant" (Associated Press, March 10, 2004).

Condemning Saudi Anti-Semitism:

** Fact: John Kerry has blasted anti-Semitic comments emanating from the leaders of Saudi Arabia, saying: "Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah's outrageous anti-Semitic comments this week blaming 'Zionists' for the terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia raises serious questions about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's commitment to combating terrorism. President Bush has said nothing. As President, I will never permit this kind of attack to go unanswered" (Statement by John Kerry, May 5, 2004).

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