Tag Archives | know your rights

Know Your Rights (Arabic)

CLDC stands in solidarity with targeted people and communities by assisting them with protecting their Constitutional rights through any legal avenue feasible (federal or state recourse), providing KYR trainings to those communities as requested, and by sharing a KYR resource that has been translated into Arabic by the National Lawyers Guild (NLG).

We encourage Muslim communities (particularly in the Northwest) to contact us for legal support and education. Please join us in ensuring the rights of all people are respected, particularly in times of political hysteria, fear and ignorance by sharing this training.

Download the NLG Know Your Rights training in Arabic.

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Outreach Materials

Look through these LINKS to find materials that you may need:

Basic Know Your Rights Information

Know Your Rights Brochure (English)

Know Your Rights Brochure (Spanish)

Other Know Your Rights Information

Activist PowerPoint

Grand Juries PowerPoint

Immigrant PowerPoint (English)

Immigrant PowerPoint (Spanish)

Immigrant Teen PowerPoint (English)

Teen Brochure

Teen PowerPoint

Transdermal & Subdermal Piercings

Unhoused Brochure

Unhoused PowerPoint

Resources Created by the CLDC

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

Copyright and Trademark Information – Using Corporate Logos

Demand of Rights

FBI Script 1

FBI Script 2

Grand Juries are an Abuse of Power

Legal Flow Chart

Practical Security Handbook

Silencing Dissent

Videotaping Police During Political Demonstrations


Other Resources

Abolish the AETA!

Blueprint for Inclusive Health Care for Transgender Workers


Dealing With the Police

Green Scared

Guide to Corresponding with Prisoners

Tasers and the Police (English) 

Tasers and the Police (Spanish)

Transgender Direct Action Guide

Your Right to Demonstrate & Protest


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Trainings and Workshops

We strive to educate the public, and particularly communities of color or other higher risk and vulnerable communities, by conducting “know your rights (KYR)” trainings throughout the country. Each workshop is tailored to the needs of the particular group of participants.


Public Speaking

CLDC’s Executive Director, Lauren Regan, conducts speaking tours throughout the year on a variety of educational topics including: the USA PATRIOT Act, the Military Commissions Act, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, grand jury procedures, the Freedom of Information Act, and other threats to our civil liberties. The CLDC focuses on challenging and changing these statutes when they are used to censor or eliminate the rights of citizens engaged on political expression.

Ms. Regan has appeared numerous times on the national Democracy Now! program and is frequently quoted in over 250 national and local media outlets including Rolling Stone, the Guardian of London, the New York Times, and many more.

At the invitation of the National Lawyers Guild, Ms. Regan spoke in New York about “Green Scare” prosecutions; spoke at Yale University’s “Rebellious Lawyering Conference,” and recently the University of California Los Angeles Law School invited her to speak on the history of COINTELPRO, government repression, and activism.

Other Public Speaking Topics Include:

    • The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: The Law, Current Case Updates, and How to Save Animals in the Face of Government Repression.
    • Navigating the Criminal Courts: A Guide for Activists and Lawyers.
    • Women in Environmental Law: We’ve Come a Long Way Baby, But Are We Going Anywhere?

The CLDC offers these presentations to universities, civic groups, conferences, social change and environmental activists, conservatives, and religious groups.

To schedule a presentation, please contact us!

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Grand Juries

Dealing with Grand Juries

In light of most recent events, Activists need to know how to protect themselves.  Here you will find a list of helpful materials surrounding Grand Juries.  Please contact us if there is something more that you would like to see on this page.

Grand Jury tools:

The public is entitled to limited information about any current grand jury.  To obtain that information, you need to send a public records request to the Clerk of the Court for the federal court where the grand jury is taking place.   Below please find a template for the information that is normally provided by the Courts.  This information will provide you with (1) the date the grand jury began (empaneled) so that you can determine when the grand jury period will expire (unless extended); (2) how often the grand jury is scheduled to meet; (3) whether it is a regular or special grand jury; (4) whether there are any special jury instructions the Court provided to the grand jury to use while determining whether an indictment should issue.


Dear Clerk of the Court:

I am requesting public information regarding the current empaneled federal grand jury in the [Western Washington District.]  Specifically, I would like the Court Order directing empanelment of the grand jury, the letter to prospective grand jurors, and any special jury instructions issued by the Judge.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  Time is of the essence, and thus I would appreciate this information as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your time,

(your name here)

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Know Your Rights

Our Know Your Rights (KYR) training is our most regular and widely held educational event. Each workshop is tailored to the needs of the particular group of participants. When working with forest activists, we include updated information regarding recent laws and prosecutions related to that movement. With immigration reform groups, we focus on the rights of non-documented people and their families. When working with LGBTQ groups, we focus on issues specific to their needs. Due to an increase in the criminalization of youth, CLDC has developed trainings specifically geared toward juveniles in an attempt to curb the abuses taking place between police and youth.

The purpose of KYR workshops is to instill activists with the confidence to make decisions about how they will engage their activism—where is the line drawn between legal and potentially illegal protesting? What “magic words” should you say to police to invoke your rights? Armed with knowledge, activists and others can make informed choices regarding their interactions with government agents and can best protect their rights should they end up in handcuffs and in the legal system.

All of our KYR trainings have an accompanying PowerPoint presentation we provide to participants who want it to share the information with their community. We allow our organizational hosts to also record the trainings so they can share the information with community members unable to attend.

CLDC workshops include trainers’ trainings, specifically geared toward enabling participants to bring complex legal information back to their communities effectively and accurately with the knowledge that they have our support and resources readied at their side. In addition, we prioritize mentoring future lawyers and legal workers, and by offering trainers trainings, we are ensuring that we duplicate our efforts and spread this knowledge faster and wider than we could ever do on our own.


Know Your Rights Slideshow

Know Your Rights Brochure (English)

Know Your Rights Brochure (Spanish)


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