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Indigenous Australians

Vale Patrick Wolfe

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Patrick Wolfe tragically passed away very prematurely on Thursday, we mourn his passing.

Welfare to Work, or Work to Welfare?

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The Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee, chaired by Senator Cory Bernardi, is holding an Inquiry into the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Community Development Program) Bill 2015. Professor Jon Altman made a submission (no. 8) to the Inquiry and was invited to give further evidence in a public hearing on 19 February 2016 at the Monash Conference Centre, Melbourne. These are his opening remarks.

Hope-Less Futures?

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Women and children feel much safer now we are told. It is only when we go to the ground and recall that any relations between Aboriginal people and police in the present are built upon a deeply fraught history that the prospect of increased policing takes on a different inflection.
By Jon Altman and Melinda Hinkson