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Liberal Tax Dilemma a Sign of the Times

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As Malcolm Turnbull faces the reality of an unpredictable public and an imminent election, he is not finding life all that easy.. Being popular without actual policy had only a short term prospect, and most actual policies that are briefly floated turn out to be fraught one way or another. The most exciting of times are hardly straight-forward.

The Virtual University

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The devaluation of teaching, the reduction of students to transferable commodities, the traducing of research to grant-getting and revenue-raising, the desire to rise in global university rankings, and so on, mean that universities are already becoming experts at responding to a scorched earth scenario at least partly of their own creation.

Vale Patrick Wolfe

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Patrick Wolfe tragically passed away very prematurely on Thursday, we mourn his passing.

Welfare to Work, or Work to Welfare?

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The Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee, chaired by Senator Cory Bernardi, is holding an Inquiry into the Social Security Legislation Amendment (Community Development Program) Bill 2015. Professor Jon Altman made a submission (no. 8) to the Inquiry and was invited to give further evidence in a public hearing on 19 February 2016 at the Monash Conference Centre, Melbourne. These are his opening remarks.

Ai Weiwei and the Superficial Politics of Victimhood

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The image of Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei lying prostrate on a stony beach in Greece, recreating the now iconic photo of drowned Syrian infant Alan Kurdi, has predictably gone viral and generated fierce argument about the role of art and politics.

The problem with an image of this sort is that its meaning is endlessly debatable.

Welcome to the Arena blog

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Subscribe now to the Arena blog, where you will find short pieces on politics and culture from regular contributors to Arena Magazine and Arena Journal. More posts coming soon.