www.AscensionExplorers.com New Zealand's True History 'THE COUNCIL' (c) 2011
These clips were first recorded in Jan and
April 2010.
Information was first shared with us by
The Council of Many Councils about
New Zealand when we returned in late 2009.
Here are these snippets and more we invite you to visit www.AscensionExplorers.com
Look beyond the white mans and brown mans history. Old
Lemuria,NZ rose later but is
Crystal deposits buried here, Mythological story of
Fish pulled form the sea was based on a
Great Lemurian. Before the Lemurian were the non humans.The Council pronounces NZ's cosmic name. Triangulate the energy of the
Crystals and find the power points, The heart of NZ lies between the islands,Our connection to the star people,The Waitaha,Lemurians,
Pleiadians.Old ways no longer serve,Govt and financial systems failing. Being birthed is the new w