WACA is unapologetic in its commitment to resistance through non violent direct action. When our leaders refuse to act, the community must step forward, take action and lead the way.

WACA & the Climate Guardian Angels in Paris

WACA and the Climate Guardian Angels, are poised to descend on Paris for the COP21 Climate Conference (30th Nov-12th Dec 2015). The G20 Dream Team is taking the true voice of the Australian people to Paris, and along with our southern brothers and sisters we are ready to hold the...

Fighting the TPP

After over five years of negotiations, the secret TPP has now been agreed to in principle. Trade Minister Andrew Robb, along with trade representatives from the other 11 participating nations, reached an agreement at the most recent round of talks in Atlanta, Georgia.

Mass surveillance in Australia

Australia’s metadata laws (formally known as the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Bill 2015) went live on Tuesday 13th October. These laws allow the government access to information about who you emailed or called, your location at the time of communication, and the type of device you were...

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