Fish on a Friday called WANDA Haden Guest Windram Thom Johnston Press NHS TEAM SBC
Susan Windram (Editor of the
Southern Reporter) and
Sheriff Kevin Drummond who have persecuted me as a political actist and fraud/war crimes researcher have dropped out of office. But first some exposures on the corrupted media MOVIE sector and a profiling of the massive joke on CRIMES AGAINST THE
PEOPLE by the elite writers and comedians in the form of the
FISH CALLED WANDA movie. It stars a sexy
Canadian woman (WENDY) who has become baroness
Haden Guest in the
British House of Lords, She like
John Cleese (
Archie Leech:
Archelaus in the PISO
Bible author fraud family) lives in the Havens and dedicate their lives to laughing at the macro-economic and religious frauds.
Michael Palin's jokes in the life of B-ARIAN
Arius Calpurnius PISO joke leads to the actor in the life of BRIAN dying young
...with the whole false christianity LAMPOONEDand the christ who never lived has taken over from the GODS who now have the fictional virgin planted in the heavens as the mum of
GOD!!!!!!! All the jokes about the
Bank for International Settlements in
Basel and the issuance ofmoney are behind the Cleese BASIL
Fawlty jokes and the pythons LUMBERJACKS like
Mark Carney DOING OK as the Canadian boss at the BofE
.. The yank in the movie about theft and monetary/legal scams is played by
Kevin Klein.
Klein is the
French pronounciation of the CLUNY abbey...the biggest Chritian church globally before the Vatican was built. There is a
COCK NEYing in the cast the DONKEY MONKEY joke. We talk about the
French people people who launch fearmongering on chemtrails but totally ignore the global ECONOMIC
Crimes of Ms Lagarde and Strauss
Khan at the
IMF. The monarchy fraud for 163 years illegitimate is exposed with the murder of
Prince Albert and the
Prince albert penis piercing is explained cos he was not allowed to have sex with
Victoria which is why the
Rothschilds picked him as they sired all her illegit kids (with
John Brown).
Churchill's family were gifted BLENHEIM a massive estate & stately home in the no bombing zone in
WW2 is gift to the nation for fighting wars ALL OVER europe. That includes the
William and Mary orange wars on christianities violent sectarian strife & ENDLESS BLOODSHED for the false messiahs and the PISO masterplan. Palin is a massive joker in all the PYTHONS output and needs cover from
Sarah Palin (an
Alaskan Presidential candidate in the
USA). The Sex on a Friday joke is revealed as the
Fria in the
Norse myths and fish is the penis in the PISO loaves and fishes joke (which we explain in the hot Dog
Hamburger jokes....the LOAVES & fishes joke in the bible. So WANDA is about
Biblical and equally massive ECONOMIC frauds.
So onto
Johnstone Press in Miss
Jean Brodies fascist empire in QUEENSFERRY is worth -360million pounds. In
County Kildare NR Hillsburghthey are solvent. There are 6 subsiduaries & the funding co with no addresss or postcode is a laundering vent using JORDANS and two other INSTANT Companies that launder the cash. So we visit Johnstone Press
PLC QUEENSBURY again and there are 2-3
Johnstons on it. Sir
Henry John Roche, Mariott-Johnstons &
The Lord Gordon of
Strathblane. Susan Windram has bailed out of the
Southern reportersince she was exposed in the video cited at the bottom as a HELPER at the princess trust and who works for the
BORDERS MAFIAS.....graphically covered my conviction as a criminal
WOMAN ASSAILANT where Drummond would not let me plead not guilty after advice from
Ross Dow the only solicitor to do so. They have tried to gag me on everyting from war crimes in
Iraq to the
Freedom referendum scandals and my data made Salmond Drummond, McCaskill and
Hague the foreign secretary resign for COMPLICITY and the cover up of the
TRIDENT NUCLEAR revelations made by yours truly. My wife's divorce solicitor used to work for
Hutton Mitchell and
Nichols Scottish Borders Council and she is called THOM with various IDs ( middle initials and scams running on what used to be public assetts) . I also mention Dr
Fingland, Dr
Moody, Alisdair & Dirdre Hutton for leading the locals this way retiring in the profit streams and their other roles in life as police medics and entrepreneurs. The last few minutes are on their TOXIC DEBT POOL and it extension year on year GOVERNED by the for profit unelected
CEOs who meet in
Aberdeen (in
COSLA). They have privatised everything that was the public's and frozen the salaries of all the staff cos they have not got the courage to stand up and
CHAOS. The earlier video on the PRESS &
PRINCE CHARLES et Al and my persecution by Law Enfrocement
Scotland, media and
GOV.UK is entitled Local Newspapers, tumbling jobs, £££m for the prince with immunity from news & law & pay freezes for 7yrs....