UNITE is a fighting union that represents fast food and retail workers in Victoria, Australia. UNITE is committed to abolishing youth wages, casualisation and low pay.

To join UNITE call our office on (03) 9328 1555.

Latest news

Fair Work cuts minimum shift for young workers

June 22nd, 2011

article-imageEmployers have succeeded in their cynical attempt to reduce the minimum shift for young retail workers. Fair Work Australia this week ruled that the minimum three-hour shift be reduced to 1.5 hours.

Business leaders have touted this as a victory for both employers and workers. This could not be further from the truth. A casual worker on the lowest retail youth rates gets paid roughly $9.50/hour. A ‘full’ 1.5 hour shift for this young worker would barely bring in $14. To put this in context, a daily concession train ticket costs $5.80. It will cost a student almost half their day’s wage to get to and from work.

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SDA attempts to sell out Coles workers

June 20th, 2011
UNITE talks to Coles workers and delegates

Negotiations recently took place between the leadership of the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employee’s Association (SDA) and Coles management for a new 3 year national agreement to cover all Coles employees. The proposed agreement, fully endorsed by the SDA leadership, strips back many of the rights and conditions Coles workers had fought for over previous decades, and sets the scene for future attacks on conditions.
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San Churro workers win penalty rates!

May 30th, 2011

Workers at San Churro’s Brunswick Street store in Fitzroy are now being paid penalty rates for the first time. Their win came after they joined UNITE and decided to stand up for themselves.
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7-Eleven franchise fined $150,000

April 27th, 2011


But workers still owed thousands in back pay

A decision was made in the Melbourne Magistrates Court last week to fine the former operators of two 7-Eleven stores $150,000. At the same time Magistrate Kate Hawkins ordered Bosen to back-pay six workers close to $90,000. Unfortunately these workers will probably never see their money.

The scam was uncovered by UNITE who exposed the 7-Eleven franchise for paying as little as $9 per hour. The company Bosen Pty Ltd was ordered to pay $120,000 in penalties while the operators Hao Chen (Eddie) and Xue Jing (Jane) have been individually fined $20,000 and $10,000 respectively.

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Respect Workers’ Rights campaign

February 18th, 2011

bruns-st-posterUNITE has launched the “Respect Workers Rights” campaign on and around Brunswick Street, Fitzroy!

We want to make sure employers are sticking to the law and workers are receiving their full entitlements.

UNITE has received many complaints from workers on and around Brunswick street about dodgy bosses not sticking to the law. Over the coming weeks we will be auditing employers to find out who is and isn’t paying the minimum wage and entitlements, and providing a safe and healthy workplace.

Employers who are sticking to the law will receive a ‘This workplace respects its workers rights’ sticker to display on their window. Employers who aren’t will be ‘named and shamed’ until they start doing the right thing!

If you can help in any way, please let us know. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

See you on Brunswick Street!

Dodgy Brunswick Street employers to be exposed

February 7th, 2011

By Michael Quin. Published in the Melbourne Times Weekly, February 1st

Exploitative employers on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, could be named and shamed in a union campaign to clean up the street’s reputation for underpaying staff.

Yarra councillor and UNITE retail workers union secretary Anthony Main said audits would be carried out this month to find out if employers were providing award wages, casual loading, overtime, payslips and health and safety standards.

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‘Respect Workers Rights’ campaign – Volunteers needed!

February 1st, 2011

UNITE is launching the new ‘Respect Workers Rights’ campaign, focusing on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy. Many workers in the fast food, retail and hospitality industries do not receive their full legal entitlements at work.

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Getting a Holiday Job? Time to Join UNITE!

November 24th, 2010

Are you planning on getting a casual job to make some extra cash over the holiday period? This is one of the busiest times of the year for the retail and fast food industries. Many shops put on extra staff to cover their increased work load.

It is common for bosses to try and rip young workers off during this period. Problems you may face at work include the underpayment of wages, not being given rest breaks, bullying and harassment or unsafe working conditions.

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Employers engage in widespread illegal practices

November 12th, 2010

A recent audit of employers in Braeside, Coburg and Reservoir by the Fair Work Ombudsman has found that one third of employers are not complying with workplace laws.

The Fair Work Ombudsman is the government body that is supposed to be responsible for ensuring employers stick to workplace laws. Their recent audit found 35 businesses in these suburbs breaching the rules.

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Workplace Express: FWO investigating 7-Eleven stores

September 24th, 2010

The Fair Work Ombudsman is continuing to investigate 7-Eleven convenience stores in Victoria after finding more than a third of 56 stores it audited had breached workplace laws.

Following a self-audit process rolled out with the co-operation of 7-Eleven’s corporate headquarters, the FWO between September 2009 and February 2010 audited the time and wage keeping records, pay slip details, and wage payments of 56 franchisees in Melbourne and Geelong.

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Ombudsman ignores the 7-Eleven double hours scam – again!

September 17th, 2010

UNITE, the fighting union for fast food and retail workers in Victoria, was appalled to read the “7-Eleven Stores Audit Campaign: Final Report” released today by the Fair Work Ombudsman. See: http://www.fwo.gov.au/Audits-and-campaigns/Documents/2010/7-Eleven-Store-Education-and-Audit-Campaign.pdf

This audit was conducted after UNITE waged a long campaign against the super-exploitation of international students in 7-Eleven stores. The main complaint UNITE has made is that there is a far reaching scam being orchestrated by 7-Eleven franchisees whereby they pay employees for only half the hours they work.

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Bakers Delight campaign: Interview on 3CR

August 27th, 2010

3cr1UNITE Organiser Mel Gregson was recently interviewed on 3CR’s Stick Together about the campaign for better wages and conditions for Bakers Delight workers.

Listen to the interview here:


or here:


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Workplace Express: “FWA rebuff for substandard bakery deal”

August 12th, 2010

The following article from Workplace Express outlines UNITE’s recent win against a Bakers Delight franchisee in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. See below.

Workplace Express article (subscription required)

Article can also be viewed here.

Fair Work Australia rejects Bakers Delight Agreement

August 9th, 2010

After a months long process, Fair Work Australia has finally refused to approve a Bakers Delight Enterprise Agreement. The agreement would have covered the Diamond Creek, St Helena and Laurimar stores in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

UNITE, the fighting union for fast food and retail workers, had challenged the agreement in Fair Work Australia claiming that it left the young workforce disadvantaged because it undermined many Award conditions.

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7-Eleven campaign: Interview on 3CR

May 27th, 2010


UNITE General Secretary Anthony Main was recently interviewed on 3CR’s Stick Together about the campaign to claim unpaid wages for 7-Eleven workers.

Listen to the interview here:


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