Archive for February, 2011

Respect Workers’ Rights campaign

Friday, February 18th, 2011

bruns-st-posterUNITE has launched the “Respect Workers Rights” campaign on and around Brunswick Street, Fitzroy!

We want to make sure employers are sticking to the law and workers are receiving their full entitlements.

UNITE has received many complaints from workers on and around Brunswick street about dodgy bosses not sticking to the law. Over the coming weeks we will be auditing employers to find out who is and isn’t paying the minimum wage and entitlements, and providing a safe and healthy workplace.

Employers who are sticking to the law will receive a ‘This workplace respects its workers rights’ sticker to display on their window. Employers who aren’t will be ‘named and shamed’ until they start doing the right thing!

If you can help in any way, please let us know. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

See you on Brunswick Street!

Dodgy Brunswick Street employers to be exposed

Monday, February 7th, 2011

By Michael Quin. Published in the Melbourne Times Weekly, February 1st

Exploitative employers on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, could be named and shamed in a union campaign to clean up the street’s reputation for underpaying staff.

Yarra councillor and UNITE retail workers union secretary Anthony Main said audits would be carried out this month to find out if employers were providing award wages, casual loading, overtime, payslips and health and safety standards.


‘Respect Workers Rights’ campaign – Volunteers needed!

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

UNITE is launching the new ‘Respect Workers Rights’ campaign, focusing on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy. Many workers in the fast food, retail and hospitality industries do not receive their full legal entitlements at work.
