Archive for October, 2006

Film Review: Fast Food Nation

Thursday, October 26th, 2006

Reviewed by UNITE Secretary, Anthony Main

Eric Schlosser’s book Fast Food Nation was released in 2001. It provided a good analysis and well structured arguments against the corporate greed of the fast food industry. The recently released movie however is not a documentary, but instead a fiction. It is directed by Richard Linklater and co-written by Linklater and Schlosser. The movie follows a group of characters through all aspects of the fast food industry.

Fast Food Nation begins in Mexico with a group of workers crossing the border to the United States in search of jobs and a better way of life. They arrive in Cody, Colorado to begin work at meat processing plant for $10 an hour. Its hard, filthy work but attractive compared to jobs in Mexico that pay as low as $3 to $4 a day.


Bosses push dodgy AWAs on young workers

Thursday, October 19th, 2006

UNITE has been campaigning hard against AWAs (Australian Workplace Agreements or individual contracts). We have claimed that AWAs are aimed at driving down wages by weakening workers bargaining power. Young workers in particular are being hit the hardest by AWAs. It is hard for anyone to negotiate on their own against their boss let alone someone who is new to the workforce.

If you have had doubts about the union movement’s claims that AWAs are bad for young workers, then don’t just believe us – look at the figures provided by the Federal government and the Australian Retailers Association (ARA). The ARA is a ‘union’ for bosses in the retail industry.


Film Screening: Fast Food Nation

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

Attend a special screening of the new film Fast Food Nation on Thursday November 16th 7pm at Cinema Nova, 380 Lygon Street Carlton. Fast Food Nation was originally published as a book in 2001. The movie not only examines the health risks and the environmental consequences of the fast food industry but also looks at the super exploitation faced by the workers.

UNITE in conjuntion with Cinema Nova has organised a special fundraising event. All proceeds will go towards helping to unionise the fast food industry in Victoria. Tickets are only $15 or $20 solidarity price. Individual tickets and books of 10 are available from the UNITE Office contact 93281555.

UNITE General Meeting 19/10/2006

Monday, October 9th, 2006

UNITE invites all members and supporters to our monthly general meeting.
The meeting will be held on Thursday October 19th, 6pm at Trades Hall. Corner of Lygon and Victoria Streets Carlton South.
The agenda for the meeting will include a report from UNITE Organiser Kylie McGregor about her recent visit to New Zealand, our current campaign against McDonalds, a discussion around our model agreement and a report from UNITE Secretary Anthony Main. Members can also use the meeting to raise any issues they have within the union.
Please come along and bring anyone else who is interested in helping to unionise the fast food and retail industries.
For more information contact the UNITE office 9328 1555.

Kevin Andrews greeted by noisy protest

Thursday, October 5th, 2006

UNITE members were joined by members of the AMWU, CWU, MUA, ASU, ANF, YUN and Union Solidarity to give Kevin Andrews a rowdy reception yesterday as he opened the new headquarters of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission in Melbourne.

About 70 people gathered out the front of the new building to hear impromptu speeches and let Andrews, and his big business mates know that neither he nor his IR laws are welcome. In a typical cowardly fashion Andrews snuck in a back door to avoid having to face the noisy protest.


Protest against Kevin Andrews

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

UNITE is calling on all supporters to attend an important action planned against the Federal IR Minister, Kevin Andrews. The details are: 4pm Thursday October 5th at 11 Exhibition St City. Please bring union and community banners, flags and placards.

The protest will be held outside the new National Headquarters of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC). Andrews will be attending an event to open the new venue. Andrews, along with Howard has become the ugly face of the ‘Work Choices’ legislation. It is important that we continue to let the government and the bosses know that we do not accept these rotten laws.

Come along and give Andrews the serve he deserves! For more information contact the UNITE Office on 9328 1555