Welcome to JobWatch

JobWatch is...   

An employment rights legal centre which provides assistance to Victorian workers about their rights at work.  

Some of our functions include:  

  • A free and confidential telephone information and referral service for Victorian workers.
  • Community legal education, including training, seminars and the production of a variety of publications on employment law and workers' rights.
  • Representation and assistance for disadvantaged workers through a legal casework practice
  • Campaign and law reform activity with a view to promoting workplace justice and equity for all Victorian workers. 

JobWatch is an independent, not-for-profit Employment Rights Community Legal Centre funded by the State and Federal Governments and Victoria Legal Aid. JobWatch acknowledges and is grateful for their financial support. We are also grateful for the financial assistance of the Collier Charitable Fund.




JobWatch is pleased to announce its new Wednesday Night Telephone Information Service Pilot Program.

Currently JobWatch provides a free and confidential Telephone Information Service for Victorian workers, Monday to Friday from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. A new Pilot Program will extend this service.

The Pilot Program will run from 6 April 2016 until 5 October 2016 during which time the JobWatch Telephone Information Service opening hours will be extended to 8:30 pm every Wednesday evening.

JobWatch Telephone Information Service

Melbourne residents:                        9662 1933

Country Victorian residents:              1800 331 617 (Free Call)

This Pilot Program was made possible by a grant from the Collier Charitable Fund. JobWatch would like to acknowledge and thank the Collier Charitable Fund for their generosity.



Please note the JobWatch Employment Rights Information App is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance work. Thank-you for your patience.

JobWatch Employment Rights Information App

JobWatch is pleased to announce the trial of our new JobWatch Employment Rights Information App from 1 February 2016 until 1 May 2016. 

Please click on the link below and answer the question relating to your employment situation for tailored employment law information. 

The JobWatch Employment Rights Information App provides general information only. It is not a substitute for professional legal advice. You should obtain legal advice from a lawyer about your particular situation before acting on any of the JobWatch Employment Rights Information app information.

Job Watch Inc. disclaims any liability in respect of any action taken or not taken in relaince upon the contents of the JobWatch Employment Rights Information App.

This information is current at the time of posting.

Job Watch would like to acknowledge and thank Melbourne University for the development of this application.

Click here to access the JobWatch Employment Rights Information App


A JobWatch client won her unfair dismissal claim and was awarded $27,500 (6 months wages as compensation) by the Fair Work Commission. JobWatch’s client, a recent immigrant from the Middle East, was a victim of domestic violence. The police obtained an Intervention Order against her domestic partner who happened to work in the same workplace as JobWatch’s client. The Intervention Order was amended to allow the parties to continue to work together however the employer dismissed JobWatch’s client on the basis that it would not be “nice” for her to continue to work there. The Fair Work Commission found that there was no valid reason for the dismissal and that the dismissal was particularly harsh in the circumstances.

This case highlights the dangers of employer’s going for the ‘quick fix’ rather than dealing with the complexity of domestic violence and protecting the victim. Click here to read the case

Small Claims Kit

Making a Small Claim under the Fair Work Act 2009 - Download here

The small claims kit was written to assist employees to recover minimum entitlements in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia. This kit was made possible by a grant from the Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman.



knowmore is an independent, national legal service established to provide free legal advice and assistance, information and referral services to people engaging or considering engaging with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

If you or someone you know were sexually abused as a child in an institution, knowmore provides legal help to negotiate the Royal Commission.

Open the link for further information: knowmore




Zana Bytheway
Executive Director
JobWatch Inc

  Workplace Bullying

New information sheet available (read)  

Media Release

 "Survey shows intimidation and harassment rife in Australian workplaces" read more 

    Unfair Dismissal

Unfair Dismissal Conciliation   Self-Representation Kit