Hey you guys! Randomly bought this, SWEET SONG
I really like it. As the wise nonzzero once told me, this song reminds him of
First off, I want to get the fact that I recycled a bunch of people for this particular song haha It seems like EVERYONE had trouble with this song on bass
... Oh well
Also, I don't think this song has any actual guitar in it, just sayin'
First I was doing a guitar sightread (with breakneck speed so I did pretty well, 96% goldstar on my sightrad) but then I messaged Dogmatic and asked him to do it with me and we were getting ready to do it but then Splync shows up! So it was us three and then we did the song once
And afterwards I was like "holy smokes i suck, brb practice moed tmie" and then Dogmatic was all like "nah nah nah, I have a gf so that automatically makes me superior to you, ima go play farmville with her" and Splync just vanished so it was just me with a less than stellar performance recorded on video
So I message up Schmegery (who ALWAYS seems to have some kind of female in his party hah) and nothing, and so I basically resorted to begging smokeybluzz to ditch her full band she was with and she actually did it for little ol' elfson! I was stoked. Not so much that she was drunk but whatever. nonzzero happened to join us here so we played a run with us and we did okay, but we only got 3k over the run I did with Dogmatic and Splync, and we WERE going to do it once more but
IT WAS HILARIOUS One of her bandmates came into the room and was all getting pissed off because we stole her and he was legitimately offended she was playing with us and not him, so with the slightly better but still suckish run, it was but nonzzero and I
And then our savior twa556 came and randomly messaged me after a month of complete silence and I was like lolwut and I ran to his house and put him at gunpoint with a rusty hacksaw at his neck and I was like "U
DIS SHIT MOTHERFUCKER" and so he did and we were playing it and I was like
And we did two runs. And this is the second run.
It's weird, I think it's twa556 but we had weird overdrive/connection issues. According to the testament of nonzero, he said that twa556 hadn't missed a single note but obviously he did throughout the song. And nonzzero said he only had skipped one overdrive spot a minute from the end of the song and that no other ones came up when obviously one did. But oh well
Anyway, definitely the best run of mine thus far,
I'll definitely have an fc of this soon, most likely on my other account.
Sorry for the long description, but if you read this far, thank you!
As long as one person reads my long ass descriptions then I'm all good hah I really appreciate it
Anyway, enjoy!!
- published: 26 Jul 2010
- views: 24780