Indonesia did not recognize Kosovo despite pressures - TV Metro Indonesia (Presidency of the Republic of Serbia)

Edit Public Technologies 03 May 2016
(Source. Presidency of the Republic of Serbia). Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has thanked Indonesia for not recognizing the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo despite pressures, and thus sticking to the position that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of a state, a UN member state, have to be respected and preserved ... Видео материјал који се налази на линку слободан је за коришћење ... (noodl. 33367521) ....

Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya CompanyPJSC Reports First Quarter 2016 Operating Results (OAO KTK - Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Kompaniya)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Apr 2016
(Source. OAO KTK - Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Kompaniya). KEMEROVO, Russian Federation-April29, 2015 1.00 PM(UTC +7.00)-Kuzbasskaya Toplivnaya Company OJSC (KTK, MICEX. KBTK), one of the largest producers and exporters of thermal coal in Russia, today announced operating results for the first quarter ended March 31,2016 ... total Q4. 2015 Chg. Q1 2015 Chg ... tonnes, incl. ... Объём взорванной горной массы уменьшился за квартал на 12,6%, а за год на 6%....

Instagram is testing a new design and this is what it looks like

Edit New York Post 27 Apr 2016
Instagram quickly became one of the most popular photo-based social networks in the world thanks largely to design. Photo-sharing sites were a dime a dozen when Instagram launched, but the company differentiated itself by offering sleek photo filters that instantly made users’ photos look like they had been professionally edited ... Instagram сменил дизайн на чёрно‑белый#эфир https.// ... ....

Shawarmageddon: Moscow authorities threaten to ban kebabs

Edit The Guardian 26 Apr 2016
Muscovites defend their favourite snack on Twitter after stalls are accused of failing sanitation standards. Meduza reports. Authorities in Moscow have threatened to finally outlaw the city’s beloved shawarma kebabs, claiming that the stalls that sell them have repeatedly failed to comply with sanitation standards ... ... .@blueberry_tree @dedmorozlab железный человек спешит на помощь ... ....

What Are LVL Lashes? Eyelash Craze Takes Over Social Media

Edit Inquisitr 25 Apr 2016
The hashtag #lvllashes has grown to nearly 25,000 posts on Instagram, leaving those who have never heard the term “LVL Lashes” to wonder what exactly it means ... The “LVL” lash lift, as reported by the Daily Mail, is a particular type of eyelash lift that’s also popular with certain celebrities. The “LVL” means length, volume and lift ... Так выглядит выкладка ресничек на валик ... tanyabardsley7....

Teen Tech Week 2016: Create It At Kern County Library (Kern County Library)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Apr 2016
(Source. Kern County Library). During Teen Tech Week, March 6-12, Kern County Library branches make time to showcase digital resources, technology, creative projects, and services that are available to help teens succeed in school and prepare for college ... To celebrate Teen Tech Week, KCL is offering FREE, local programs including ... Build your LEGO world ... Также на египетскую тему, где вам нужно собрать комбинации из древних артефактов....

A ‘World Without Orphans’ Is Ultimate Goal Of Couple With 32 Children [Video]

Edit Inquisitr 13 Apr 2016
Move over Duggars – a couple from Eastern Ukraine have a vision of a world without orphans, and they have started that dream by becoming parents to 32 children, most of whom are adopted ... Gennadiy says it is an ambitious vision, and told CBN News how his dream of a world without orphans could be realized ... “When I saw their eyes, I understood the Father’s heart of God ... Family" (https.// на @YouTube....

5 ways to ask for directions in Russian

Edit RBTH 08 Apr 2016
Before traveling to a big Russian city be ready to say these magical phrases. This is the best way to find any place you want. 1. A library is the first place you need to find in a new city (of course) ... - And what did you ask? (А вы что спросили?) ... Идиот!) ... Вы смогли бы с первым встречным пойти на край света?) ... (Строго на север порядка 50 метров расположен туалет типа "сортир".) ... ....

Something to Hold On To

Edit Huffington Post 06 Apr 2016
Daughter Nastasya interviewed me for a class assignment. She wanted to hear about the day I left The Soviet Union, my place of origin, as a political refugee. While describing that memorable experience, I asserted that I "had nothing to hold on to." This statement has come back to haunt me ... Actually ... Fine ... "Holding on to the past" does not necessarily mean "жить на чемоданах" (or as directly translated, "living on suitcases") ... ....

Održana 66. pisana sednica Odbora direktora NIS a.d. Novi Sad (NIS AD)

Edit Public Technologies 05 Apr 2016
(Source. NIS AD) c097fc60-825f-4805-bd2c-335ca0bd06a2.pdf. У складу са чланом 33. став 2. тачка 4. Правилника о листингу Београдске берзе а.д. Београд, НИС а.д. Нови Сад објављује. ИЗВЕШТАЈ О ОДРЖАВАЊУ СЕДНИЦЕ ОРГАНА ДРУШТВА. Одржана LXVI писана седница Одбора директора НИС а.д. Нови Сад. На LXVI писаној седници, која је одржана у четвртак, 31. марта 2016. године, Одбор директора НИС а.д ... годину раније објављени на интернет страници НИС а.д ... a.A ... n....

66th NIS j.s.c. Board of Directors meeting by correspondence held (NIS AD)

Edit Public Technologies 04 Apr 2016
На основу члана 367 ... Нови Сад, на LXVI писаној седници одржаној дана 31.03.2016 ... Нови Сад за годину која се завршила на дан 31 ... Нови Сад за годину која се завршила на дан 31 ... Нови Сад на разматрање и усвајање ... Нови Сад за годину која се завршила на дан 31 ... Нови Сад за годину која се завршила на дан 31 ... Нови Сад за годину која се завршила на дан ... Сад за годину која се завршила на дан ... Ова Одлука ступа на снагу даном доношења....


Edit Community news 01 Apr 2016
Если спросить, какая армия считается самой могущественной в мире, как правило, последует ответ ... Этот вопрос не вызывает сомнений, поскольку не вызывает сомнений то влияние, которое США оказывает на все страны мирового сообщества ... На сегодня военные силы крупнейших государств не участвуют в полномасштабных военных конфликтах ... Это количество техники, живой силы, размер бюджета на оборону, доступность природных ресурсов и прочее....

5 ways to crack jokes in Russian

Edit RBTH 01 Apr 2016
It's April Fools’ Day! Soviet movies are all about having a laugh, so watch, enjoy and learn. 1. Not every threat is a threat. But don't forget to point out that it's a joke. (‘Kidnapping, Caucasian Style’, 1967). - What did he say? (Что он сказал?). - He said, if you refuse, they’ll slaughter you ... - It's a joke ... 2 ... Which road are we taking? (Нет, сегодня не могу, мы сегодня всей семьей на дачу едем ... ....