- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 96731
Lloret de Mar (Catalan: [ʎuˈɾɛd də ˈmar], Spanish: [ʎoˈɾe(ð) ðe ˈmar]) is a Mediterranean coastal town in Catalonia, Spain. One of the most popular holiday resorts on the Costa Brava, it is 40 kilometres (25 miles) from Girona and 75 kilometres (47 miles) from Barcelona. With a population of 39,363 in 2009, it is the second largest town in the Selva comarca of Catalonia.
Lloret de Mar attracts summer visitors on package tours. Its main beach (length: 1,630 m; width: 45 m; small, gravel-like stones) is one of the most popular Costa Brava beaches and is consistently awarded the Blue Flag for cleanliness.
The town of Lloret de Mar covers 48.9 km (30.4 miles) has 9 km (6 mi) of coastline and 27 km (17 mi) of forest. It borders Vidreres and Maçanet de la Selva to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the east, Tossa de Mar to the north, and Blanes to the south.
Lloret de Mar has a coastal Mediterranean climate, with temperatures always much softer due to thermal effect moderator of the sea. Nevertheless, it should be taken into account that the Mediterranean is a warm sea all year round, which means that the characteristic moderation of temperatures is more noticeable in winter than in summer. The summer dry period normally lasts three months and the maximum rainfall occurs in the autumn months.
Gwen doet Lloret: Hoe versier je iemand?
TONGZOENEN TIJDENS KROEGENTOCHT | Zomaer in Lloret - Aflevering 3
Los in ... Spanje #1: Lloret de Mar
MEGA GEIL! - Erster Tag in LLORET DE MAR | #Rocklloret
Lloret de Mar 2015 | Official Aftermovie
Lloret de Mar 2016 | Official Aftermovie
Partybilder aus LLORET DE MAR | SAT.1 Frühstücksfernsehen
GOGO Aftermovie 2016 Lloret de Mar
Lloret De Mar 2015 Aftermovie (Gopro Hero 3)
LLORET DE MAR 2016 Abifahrt♡Jam Reisen Festa Brava VLOG#14
De allereerste aflevering van Gwen doet Lloret! Wat doe je op vakantie in Lloret? Chillen, feesten en natuurlijk versieren! Ik nam mijn microfoon mee want ik ben benieuwd naar de tactieken. Wordt er wel een beetje geregeld? En hoe doe je dat in Lloret? Zo dus! Volgende week donderdag een nieuwe aflevering van Gwen doet Lloret! En elke dinsdag zet ik een nieuwe vlog online. Daar laat ik jullie zien wat ik allemaal gedaan heb in de afgelopen week. Mis niks en volg mij op de verschillende kanalen! https://www.facebook.com/gwenvpoorten https://instagram.com/gwenvanpoorten En subscribe natuurlijk op mijn YouTube kanaal! X Gwen
Samen met dance4life en GOGO zijn we in Lloret de Mar en checken we; duiken jongeren hier veilig de koffer in? In deze aflevering zoeken we naar de beste dancemoves van Lloret tijdens de kroegentocht. ► KLIK HIER OM (GRATIS) TE ABONNEREN: http://bit.ly/1ZTt2zj VRIENDEN WORDEN? Optredens & Webshop: http://www.zomaerofficial.nl http://www.facebook.com/zomaerofficial http://www.instagram.com/zomaerofficial http://www.twitter.com/zomaerofficial Bart: http://www.facebook.com/ZomaerBart http://www.instagram.com/zomaer_bart http://www.twitter.com/zomaer_bart Snapchat: zomaer_bart Robin: http://www.facebook.com/zomaerRobin http://www.instagram.com/zomaer_robin http://www.twitter.com/zomaer_robin Snapchat: zomaer_robin Thomas: http://www.facebook.com/zomaerThomas http://www.instagram.com/zomae...
Op vakantie met de gasten van StukTV. Giel, Thomas en Stefan reizen af naar de Spaanse Costa Brava om te genieten van zon, zee, strand, mooie dames en knallende feesten. Eerste bestemming: Lloret de Mar! -------------------------------------------------------------- Wil jij ook zo'n toffe vakantie? Kijk dan op http://www.gogo.nl -------------------------------------------------------------- OPDRACHTEN INDIENEN en STEMMEN: http://www.stuk.tv LIKE ons op Facebook: http://www.fb.com/stuktv VOLG ons op Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/StukTV Giel: http://www.twitter.com/Gieleke Thomas: http://www.twitter.com/Thoootje Stefan: http://www.twitter.com/StefanJurriens ABONNEER op YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/StukTV Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/FwNP/
Wir zeigen euch, in dem ersten von vielen VLOGS, die Ankunft (Hinreise) & den ersten Tag und es wird gleich gesoffen & Party gemacht :D Das ist der erste Tag in Lloret de Mar, zusammen mit TrOpiKx! Danke für´s vorbeischauen :) Gruß Toxic aka Janik :) ▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬- ✖ Tag 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4I4dvBhS8o ✖ Tag 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc3namhyqF0 ▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬- ✖ Hier geht es zu TrOpiKx aka. Marco :) ⇒ http://goo.gl/L03IDm ▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬-▬- ✖ Ihr wollt mit euren Freunden auch mal Partyurlaub in Spanien oder Bulgar...
► Bewerten und kommentieren nicht vergessen ♥ ► Website http://goo.gl/5enTGE ► Kontakt ✉ idsl@freenet.de ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Music : Hendersin - To The Sky Ivan B - Sweaters N4C - Fly High Caye - Walk On Bye (ft. Ronan Smith) Travel by jugendtours.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ® by FritzoFilms 2016
Die Fotogalerie des Smartphones als Beweis für exzessive Party-Nächte? Wir haben uns in Lloret de Mar die Handys zeigen lassen. Und bringen die wilden Nächte ans Licht der Öffentlichkeit - in Anwesenheit der Teilnehmer! *************************************** ►Mode, Beauty & Lifestyle: http://bit.ly/FFSBeauty ►Unsere Alltags-Tests: http://bit.ly/1PPvjYF ►Leckere Rezepte zum Nachkochen: http://bit.ly/FFSRezepte ►Mehr FFS: http://bit.ly/sat1ffs ►Zum Abo: http://www.youtube.com/user/Sat1FFS?sub_confirmation=1 ►FFS bei Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fruehstuecksfernsehen ►Alle Videos findest du auf: http://www.sat1.de/tv/fruehstuecksfernsehen/video *************************************** Aktuelle Informationen, entspannter Talk, kontroverse Diskussionen, Service, Prominente und natürli...
Ben jij samen met je vrienden opzoek naar de meest chille en vetste vakantie ooit? boek dan via GOGO je jongerenvakantie. Dit is zeker weten een aanrader. Lloret de Mar 2016 - 17 tot en met 27 juli - Hotel Augusta club **** - GOGO Activiteiten pakket GOGO - Kroegentocht - Totally Summer Beach - Totally Summer Club - VlaFlip - Populaire clubs - Tropics St.Trop' Club Apres ski bar Cartoon Disco Londoner Bumpers Moef GaGa Discotheque Camera's Go Pro Hero 3 Iphone 6s Music: - Topic - Home feat. Nico Santos (Rick Derra & ALVN Remix) - Quintino & Cheat Codes Can’t Fight It. - Kenn Colt - Feels Like A River (ft. Michael McCrae) Faustix Remix. Met dank aan: -GOGO jongerenreizen -Totally Summer -GoPro Stalk us on Instagram @e.ab_ @zsmrocky
Daumen hoch wenn es euch gefallen hat :* Abonnieren für mehr Videos von mir :* ↓↓↓↓↓↓ Findet mich :* ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Blog: http://mrsupersophia.blogspot.de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MrSupe... instagram: http://instagram.com/sophia_bu Video aus der Endcut: Mein letzter VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikZlLXRnn_o Meine VLOG Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp7QVAhNLNXWFqRb91YPDURIiNNnTqdRu Meine Morgenroutine:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZQCV-QlQkk Abendroutine:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHRKi_cTRW0 Fitnessroutine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGVvRBMDIhw Meine aktuelle Spotify Playlist:spotify:user:sophia_ma:playlist:6fn2YxcTbhCh9haYRyriM1 Mugcake Rezept:http://mrsupersophia.blogspot.de/2015/06/rezept-healthy-mugcake-suchtgefahr.html Mein Inst...
There's a white prism with phony jism
spread across its face
and the soulful convicts forever interred
lose the smile across their faces
The smile that registered hopes or dreams
has proven just a waste
And I'm the indentured servant
forever in his place
I'm the indentured servant
forever in his place
I wish I built a cabinet
of shiny bolts and wood
secret draws and hiding places
sculpted out of wood
Secret places, secret lies
in a desk lying alone
A secret letter written to you
to be read when you're alone
A secret letter written to you
to be read when you're alone
It says, I'm your indentured servant
I can no longer pretend
that I'm a lover or an equal
I'm not even a friend
I'm not good enough to serve you
I'm not good enough to stay
So it is that I beseech you
to please turn me away
so it is that I beseech you
to please turn me away
Turn me away
turn me away
turn me away
I'm asking you to let me go
it hurts me when you're sad
and I can not do better than this
which must surely make you mad
I'd be better off in your cabinet
or in a prison made of cloth
Crouched beneath your dress I come
shooting little spurts
crouched beneath your dress I come
shooting little spurts
I'm your indentured servant
but even I have pride
in what I make or say or do
although I've lots to hide
I hide from freedom and I hide from you
'cause you've found me out
I belong in prison beneath your legs
in a cabinet that I've built
beneath a candle in a secret drawer
in a prison by a moat
I'm your indentured servant
and I'm asking you to leave
me outside this prison cell
where only you can breathe
I-I-I, I'm your indentured servant
but I'm asking you for this
Please release me from this love
and do it with a kiss
I'm your indentured servant
I'm the one you'll miss
Do it with a kiss
do it with a kiss
do it with a kiss
I'm the one you'll miss