Nāmastē (Growing Up White in America)

Edit Huffington Post 23 Mar 2016
नमस्ते, or "nāmastē," translates to mean "Hello!" in Hindi. It's kind of formal. Typically, when addressing a friend in India, many just say "Hai!" which is universal in most cultures to mean "I see you and am acknowledging your existence." ... I need to start off this post, and this blog, by saying that I am your average 19-year-old white college student from midwest United States ... I made a friend ... So नमस्ते, nāmastē, and welcome to my head....

योग के खिलाफ सुप्रीम कोर्ट जाने की तैयारी में मुस्लिम पर्सनल लॉ बोर्ड

Edit NDTV 23 Jun 2015
All India Muslim Personal Law Board ने मुस्लिम संगठनों को खत लिखकर आगाह किया है कि केंद्र सरकार योग और सूर्य नमस्कार के ज़रिए ब्राह्मणवादी धर्म दूसरों पर थोप रही है। बोर्ड इस मुद्दे को सुप्रीम कोर्ट ले जाने की बात कर रहा है। ....

Google Translate Voice App Goes Full-On Desi

Edit The Inquisitr 16 Jun 2014
What Is Google Translate?. Google Translate is a smartphone application that can translate text and voice from one language to another. For instance, if you programmed the app to translate to English and uttered the French word ‘bonjour’, it would output the following. ‘hello’ ... Why Was Google Translate Not Compatible With Desi Culture? ... What Changed With The App? ... ‘नमस्ते’ ... ‘नमस्ते’ ... ....