- published: 07 Feb 2014
- views: 8202
Hri (Sanskrit, also hri; Pali: hiri; Tibetan Wylie: ngo tsha shes pa) is a Buddhist term translated as "self-respect" or "conscientiousness". It is defined as the attitude taking earnest care with regard to ones actions and refraining from non-virtuous actions. It is one of the virtuous mental factors within the Abhidharma teachings.
The Abhidharma-samuccaya states:
Nao (pronounced now) is an autonomous, programmable humanoid robot developed by Aldebaran Robotics, a French robotics company headquartered in Paris. The robot's development began with the launch of Project Nao in 2004. On 15 August 2007, Nao replaced Sony's robot dog Aibo as the robot used in the RoboCup Standard Platform League (SPL), an international robot soccer competition. The Nao was used in RoboCup 2008 and 2009, and the NaoV3R was chosen as the platform for the SPL at RoboCup 2010.
Several versions of the robot have been released since 2008. The Nao Academics Edition was developed for universities and laboratories for research and education purposes. It was released to institutions in 2008, and was made publicly available by 2011. Various upgrades to the Nao platform have since been released, including the 2011 Nao Next Gen and the 2014 Nao Evolution.
Nao robots have been used for research and education purposes in numerous academic institutions worldwide. As of 2015, over 5,000 Nao units are in use in more than 50 countries.
toto je moj druhy diel z hri eurotruck simulator 2.mp4
minecraft HRI 2
Enamel Plus HRi -kerrostusvideo. Dr. Lorenzo Vanini. ENA HRi. Kompodent
SavvyBot - The Social HRI Robot software for NAO humanoid robot
HRI: Grasping III
Enamel Plus HRI
race @HRI
Roblox HRI ENTERING THE BASE AND EmporerKronzonan AAing
install HRI-Mei on MeiStream.mpg
Tailored Clothing: What Label Suits You?
/Dr.Buzz/ - Preparing Successful Military Transfer
Summer Suits
DragonBot: A platform for cloud-based social robotics
toto je moj druhy diel z hri eurotruck simulator 2.mp4
Showing an available city map that somebody made and put on the internet.
Esteettinen italialainen yhdistelmämuovi, jossa on ainutlaatuiset kiillettä jäljittelevät optiset ominaisuudet. Muovilla on sama valontaittokerroin kuin luonnon kiilteellä. Enamel Plus HRi ENA HRi. High Refractive Index www.kompodent.fi shop.kompodent.fi
RoboSavvy is developing a software platform for humanoid robots called SavvyBot that can interact with humans by utilizing information taken from their social network and the web. SavvyBot Software Platform runs on NAO® humanoid robot. NAO® is manufactured by Aldebaran Robotics. Aldebaran Robotics and the Aldebaran Robotics logo are trademarks of Aldebaran Robotics. Choregraphe® and Nao® are registered trademarks of Aldebaran Robotics. Features and specifications subject to change without notice. SavvyBot is a platform for Human-Robot interaction. In its center is a humanoid robot that interacts with people as they pass by, providing entertainment and useful information. It is designed for continuous operation in a company lobby or permanent exhibition. Interaction with a person spans ov...
Grasping gift and take off. Version III. A demonstration of the work and research done for the European Echord project Graspy. Event detection: User has put something in NAO's hand: camera movement detection around the hand. NAO has caught it: finger position and consumption. "Things" fall: finger position and consumptio. User is trying to recover the object: Arms external movement thru a compliant stiffness.
2012.08.20 / 12sec / Cinema4D + AE / Motivate very much from 'Serve Russia'(https://vimeo.com/43243310) Feel free to visit my blog if you would like to collaborate on a project or to just say hello~ http://www.drbuzz.co.kr behance.net/drbuzzmotion
DragonBot is a new robot platform from the Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Lab. Specifically designed to support long-term learning interactions between children and robots, this video introduces Kombusto, the first DragonBot. The robot runs entirely on an Android cell phone, which displays an animated virtual face. Additionally, the phone provides sensory input (camera and microphone) and fully controls the actuation of the robot (motors and speakers). Most importantly, the phone always has an Internet connection, so a robot can harness cloud-computing paradigms to learn from the collective interactions of multiple robots. To support long-term interactions, DragonBot is a "blended-reality" character–if you remove the phone from the robot, a virtual avatar appears on the screen and ...
In this video, the robot el-e is commanded using a laser pointer. It also makes use of a vertically oriented linear actuator. The configuration allowsuse of the same control strategies on the floor and surfaces of different heights.
Tilaisuuden seremoniamestarina toimi Forum Viriumin toimitusjohtaja Jarmo Eskelinen. Muita puhujia/kommentoijia olivat Helsingin kaupunginjohtaja Jussi Pajunen (1:30-7:10), Helsingin kaupungin tietokeskuksen johtaja Asta Manninen (8:30-13:40), Espoon kaupunginjohtaja Jukka Mäkelä (15:10-17:40), Jussi Pajunen (21:05-22:30), Asta Manninen (22:45-23:45), Sitran Marja Pirttivaara (25:00-26:10) sekä palvelun esitelleet HRI-projektipäälliköt Ville Meloni Forum Viriumista ja Pekka Vuori Hgin kaupungin tietokeskuksesta (27:15-58:10). Kuvaus: Jarmo Lahti (yhdellä otolla ja ilman ulkoista mikrofonia - liitäntäjohto ei ollutkaan matkassa...)
Dear John, I'm sorry I can't do this anymore
You're not the man I fell in love with
And I have to move on with my life, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye cool
You were the one who'd never leave
Beautiful eyes, you seemed so free
Touching your face I felt complete
Holding your hand my heart would weep
So everything that came out of your mouth was full of lies
You looked me right dead in the eyes
You'd call your girlfriends and tell them that I abused your trust
You did your best to demonize
You were the one who'd never leave
Beautiful eyes, you seemed so free
Touching your face I felt complete
Holding your hand my heart would weep
You were the one who raped my soul
Beautiful lies, you stole my hope
Touching your ass, I scratch the skin
Holding your neck, I tie the rope
(Pulling it tight)
You were the one who'd never leave
Beautiful eyes, you seemed so free
Touching your face I felt complete
Holding your hand my heart would weep
You were the one, the one for me
Now that you're gone it's hard to see
So much of me has gone away
There's no need to stay another day
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay
But someone's got to pay