'ADIVINA ADIVINANZA: Pista:"Después de un paseo de compras, un buen café y las fotos de París al atardecer" Y es que nuestra amiga Marcela quiere saber si sois capaces de adivinar desde donde está tomada la imagen. ¿Lo adivináis?

Foto: Marcela Villarino
ADIVINHAÇÃO: Pista: "Depois de um passeio de compras, um bom café e as fotos de Paris ao entardecer" É o que a nossa amiga Marcela quer saber se são capazes de adivinhar de onde foi tirada a imagem. Você adivinha?'
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'Don't let the sun set on fun! Thursday Nights at the Asian Art Museum are back, which means we're open late and entry is just ⚡️ $5 after 5 PM ⚡️ This year we've got a bunch of NEW programs from foodie festivities, to artist talks, to total museum TAKEOVERS. Each Thursday will be different, so check our website to see which event sparks your interest: www.asianart.org/Thursdays.'
Asian Art Museum
200 Larkin St

Art Museum

Closed until 10:00am

(415) 581-3500
'The first thing you do after checking in? Check out the view, of course. (Photo credit tanyakanifolsky)'
InterContinental San Francisco
888 Howard St

Hotel · Restaurant

Open 24 hours

(415) 616-6500
'Thursday - @[478451348841767:274:Stööki Sound], @[502820473110829:274:Hoodboi], & @[178301995681218:274:Keylow]
Friday - @[103816339677101:274:Michael Brun] & @[1658249664389471:274:Jonas Blue]
Saturday - @[210223395766163:274:Tom Swoon] & #DaveSteven

More Info >> RubySkye.com'
Ruby Skye
420 Mason St

Night Club · Dance Club

(415) 693-0777
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