Arrested for carrying a ‘thing’?

Arrested for carrying a ‘thing’?

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By Mick Suter

In February over 1000 people protested against the introduction of the Liberal government’s ‘Prevention of Lawful Activity Bill’. Trade unionists, farmers, environmental activists and indigenous people all gathered to show their opposition to this draconian new law.

The legislation would allow for peaceful protesters to be jailed for up to two years or fined up to $24,000. It would also reverse the onus of proof, meaning that accused people would have to prove that they are innocent, rather than prosecutors having to prove that they have a case.

The law would also allow for so-called offenders under this Act to be made to pay for police time and attendance. In an outrageous move people could be jailed for possessing a ‘thing’ that police believe someone may use to cause disruption.

Laws such as these could be used to break up industrial picket lines, office sit-ins, or farmers protesting fracking companies accessing their land. The Barnett government is bringing in these laws at the behest of corporate interests, particularly mining, oil and gas and property developers.

These big businesses are hell bent on removing any community opposition to their plans to make profits. Those attending the rally pledged to continue to campaign for the legislation to be repelled.