- published: 13 Oct 2016
- views: 44074
10 awesome PSVR launch games (that require PSVR)
Batman Arkham VR Gameplay FULL PLAYTHROUGH (PSVR)
The Playstation VR Review Round-Up ☢ Major Issues Reported with PSVR on PS4
PSVR launch day streampocalypse! - Ian plays a bunch of launch games and tries not to puke
PSVR vs Vive - Which do we prefer?
Even though it might not be the most sophisticated, Playstation VR is the cheapest way to dive into virtual worlds. It’s priced 499 USD and that would include the mandatory camera and optional Move controllers. But what are the best launch games for the system? And we don’t mean games with a VR mode, but only the true VR titles! EVE Valkyrie - CCP Games EVE Valkyrie has been hailed from the start as one of the biggest games in VR and we could not leave this one out. Flying around in space, fighting other players, while you’re working hard to upgrade and customize your own fleet! The game has no online connection with the MMO, but it’s an amazing experience nonetheless to control your fleet from the cockpit and dominate the galaxy! RIGS Mechanized Combat League - Guerilla Cambridge There...
PSVRを手に入れました!本当にゲーム中に驚かすのが危険だと言うことを知りました おすすめ動画↓こっくりさん https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0LuDEVsLic 少しでも面白いと思って頂けたら【チャンネル登録】お願いします! 高評価やコメントもモチベーションになります!是非感想お聞かせください! 一度も欠かさずに毎日20時に動画配信中! チャンネル登録者数、初心を忘れずに110万人目指しております! 10月の目標!!!! ●定刻投稿(もしかした今月は19時投稿するかも!) ●水溜りボンドらしさを忘れない動画 ●毎日コメント20件は返信します!コメントください! ●サブチャンネルの更新頻度UP ●サブチャンネルにて新シリーズ ーーーーーー 特に人気なシリーズの再生リスト作りました! ●iPhoneの限界を調べるシリーズ https://goo.gl/HiQ9ja ●想像を超えたアプリ10選 https://goo.gl/5mFYq2 ●都市伝説シリーズ https://goo.gl/f4Gtgr ●全ドッキリ集 https://goo.gl/n3ue8I ●Siri(人工知能)シリーズ https://goo.gl/iQo4XZ ●本気で体を張っている動画集 https://goo.gl/4JlS1q ●コラボ動画集 https://goo.gl/J25Ldw ●特にヤバいサイト10選 https://goo.gl/OdMVbt ●ディズニーの都市伝説検証まとめ https://goo.gl/oRvu92 ●水溜りボンドの2015年動画総選挙BEST10 https://goo.gl/IMhILw ーーーーーー ◆Twitter カンタのアカウント https://twitter.com/kyonomizu...
Thank yall for tuning in everyday! http://www.twitter.com/dashiexp http://dashiexp.fanfiber.com/
TOMORROW'S VIDEO POLL: http://www.strawpoll.me/11421843 I was very fortunate to be able to pick up the Playstation VR today and so far, it's incredible. I thought i'd show you guys how it performs with a Horror game. This is the VR demo capcom had worked on based around Resident Evil 7. It was insanely terrifying.. I can't wait for more horrors!! Want to see more content? Be sure to Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx8vbgWs666cAS7wsKos5sA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/8bitryan/?hl=en Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IAm8BitRyan Check out Other Ryan's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqAVas_u04tl8vi5NfMt9w
Dan is fulfilling his dream of becoming The Dark Knight in Arkham VR! Subscribe to The Creatures ● http://bit.ly/tchsubs The first title on our list to try out on the new PSVR is Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham VR! And who else should be the one to playthrough the game but BatDanz himself! Armed with a grappling hook, scanner, and batarangs, Dan charges through Gotham looking for the killer in a brutal murder crime spree that hits close to home for the world's greatest detective. Can he harness the power of the Dark Knight to uncover this mystery?! ———————— Merch ● http://bit.ly/tchmrch Twitter ● http://bit.ly/tchtwit Facebook ● http://bit.ly/tchfaceb Twitch ● http://bit.ly/tchtwitch GooglePlus ● http://bit.ly/tchplus
The Playstation VR Review Round-Up. Major Issues Reported by multiple sites is concerning for PSVR. PS4 VR: http://amzn.to/2dMXxcP * Kotaku Playstation VR Review: http://kotaku.com/playstation-vr-the-kotaku-review-1787424830 * GameInformer PSVR Review: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2016/10/05/the-playstation-vr-review.aspx * Eurogamer PS4 VR Review: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2016-sony-playstation-vr-review * IGN PSVR Review: http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/10/05/playstation-vr-review * Giant Bomb Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_mF6m_WJF8 ► VGN Video Game News: http://www.VideoGamesAndNews.com ► Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/TwTheRedDragon ► Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TwTheRedDragon ► Google +: http://goo.gl/GGVGr ► The Red ...
This week Rosie and I play Until Dawn Rush of Blood on PSVR! Who'd have thought virtual reality could be a ROLLERCOASTER of emotions. So if you're debating whether or not to invest in one of these bad boys, hesitate no longer! Here's some scary gameplay to help you decide, demonstrated by novices with the aim of a drunk raccoon. SUBSCRIBE ► https://youtube.com/RoseEllenDix ► https://youtube.com/TheRoxetera ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgno... TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/RoseEllenDix ► https://twitter.com/RoxeteraRibbons INSTAGRAM ► https://instagram.com/roseellendix ► https://instagram.com/roxetera SNAPCHAT @roseedix @roxeterawr TUMBLR ► https://www.roseellendix.tumblr.com ► https://www.roxeterawr.tumblr.com FACEBOOK ► https://www.facebook.com/RoseandRosie YOUNOW ► https:/...
To celebrate the launch of Playstation VR, Ian will be doing a mammoth streampocalypse of a bunch of PSVR launch titles. Will he have fun? Will his PSVR work properly? And, most importantly, will he puke all over himself? Find out as he shows off PSVR gameplay from Battlezone, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, EVE Valkyrie, Headmasters, Loading Human and Rise of the Tomb Raider! Subscribe to Eurogamer - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=eurogamer For the latest video game reviews, news and analysis, check out http://www.eurogamer.net and don't forget to follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/eurogamer
The boys have been thoroughly testing all the vr por.....games and bring you what you need to know ---------- Swag: https://shop.spreadshirt.co.uk/preachgaming Twitter: @Preachgaming Live Stream - twitch.tv/preachlfw The Good Book - https://www.facebook.com/preachgaming P.O. Box: Preach Gaming PO Box 420 SK14 9DR ---------
【前回】やっとキターーー!!!PlayStation VRがやってきた! https://youtu.be/PonWn_5XJZk <あらすじ> PlayStation VR WORLDSというソフトを購入して、サメに襲われるやつをやってみました!前回のデモ版とは違って、めちゃめちゃ怖いです!!! <商品リンク> ★PlayStation VR PlayStation Camera同梱版 http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B01H03FQ44/eguri89-22 ★PlayStation Move モーションコントローラー http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B01JOB1UWC/eguri89-22 ★HAKUBA レンズペン3 【レンズ用】 (PSVRの内側のレンズ、すぐに脂で汚れます…。おすすめはレンズペン。カメラ用のレンズ清掃グッズです。) http://amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00TTD5HDE/eguri89-22 <ブログ記事> PlayStation VRの内側のレンズ、すぐ汚れます。そんなときにはレンズペン! http://kojiseto.com/2020/ <PSVRを手に入れるまでの道のり> 【PSVR】これが最後のチャンス!PlayStation VR を予約します!!! https://youtu.be/TBBVEUPHI3g 【悲劇】瀬戸弘司、本当に怒る。 https://youtu.be/wrqTqIUO8OM <瀬戸弘司公式LINEスタンプ> ぷーんスタンプ発売中! https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/1121042/ja <瀬戸弘司の機材やおすすめ商品> 最近使用している撮影・編集機材 http://koj...
In a slow silent walk I hear tha
Violent talk I hear them talk half
Asleep as they stalk what the man
Is in this moon I'm punctual
Like a star I've harbored
Death that stale taste embraced by
Breath such mysteries in kissin these
She devils tell me ya pretty by the
Lamp in your attire nutthin at stake
I must vampire her retire mint funds
I switch the essence when I found
Out my girl was not a blesson
Hatred seeps in she sleeps in my
Man draws what's wrong? I'm taking
Life long leaps my freak was late by
The hour she's in the shower with
Him grim thoughts to nightmares
Women in millions when they sleep
Will reep the broth wraped in
Mummy's cloth a blurred touching
Who feels that delight I'll have you
On emotions walkin butt naked down
Streets at night stripped of
Your stripes around ya mind a vine
Of thorns terrible beauty
Still born the spirit of pity whispered
But lyrics middi blistered into babies
These shady ladies be hatchin hades
You'll burn no return goin crazy
Unnatural vices are fathered when
Thoughts of a dry brain in a dry
Pry treason out the mask upon the
Where every little creek is shot with
Silver bullets that is no problem I
Have a barrel of assorted verbs let
me pluck-one
Fuck you much too dwindled and
Dead on white and cloudy clear
Oh I'm ya son I'm told oh you mean
One that turns copper into brass
You got a weak chassis ya blood
No bones on the cash the selling of
Ass pockets dribble chestnuts and
I'm that pimp chimpmunk soakin
Ya funds up I still roll with game
But lane changing slowly irritates the
Fuck out of me comes my confusion my
With images voices from my
Said to me he must be killed sticks
And stones break him off touch his
No more hate puddles covered with
Glass the aborted birth from a
Bowel in a distorted earth woth
Phrases I fell mazes concocting
Not going to feel me I got
Jumping off a bridge Reg a fool I'm
Than pool I'm deep deeper than a
But my smile is not so simple
Impervious insert this shit you got to
High to fade me fuck it let's go crazyDon't you stare at me don't glare
At me what do I see a wound we
Have the exhibit of pain rugs wit
Bloodstains neckties and fangs eyes
Brains I'm coverin roads like Vogues
Drink the flows I'm telegraphing
This punch the hunchback of
Oakland unloadin on the spokin
Unconventional the stench of the
Arouses the nostrils of the hostile
I'm strange in my untried game
But I'll get the same response
But arise the paralyzation has been
Lifted Ponce de Leon couldn't find
This flow a fountain that spans
Beyond the mountains of a man's
Limitation comes the unhygenic
Schizophrenic I'm shittin in it
Don't phase me could it be that I'm
Goin crazy.