March For England: Blackpool, 2015

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Edit: one fascist wrote on Shirtfront:

“At this point [of the march] the more “patriotardal” of the crowd noticed the good men of the Misanthropic Division walking on the other side of the road and tried to attack them, I tried to explain they were with us but they didn’t seem to notice and tried to attack them, needless to say I was slightly embarrassed at this point and very underwhelmed at the overall planning and execution of the march.” Oh dear.

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Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The March for England jaunt to Blackpool was a complete and utter failure. They had to stop going down to Brighton as local opposition was both fierce and enormous so they thought they would have a better chance in the North but it was not to be.

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The MFE only managed to assemble 150 desperate racists from the EDL, NF and clueless Infidullards despite claiming that thousands would be in attendance. They plotted up in a couple of boozers then this shagpile of simian drunkards set off, with several marchers patriotically seig-heiling along the way, but they only managed a massive 25 yards as antifascists had blocked the route so plod canned it and they had to go home again.

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Pic by Hope Not Hate

One arsebugle on Facebook said that ‘Blackpool was a total fuck up’ and that it was ‘a wasted journey’ and that ‘the organisers couldn’t organise a fuck in a brothel.’ Our old friend Fatty Jeffrey Marshbubbles and his made-up ‘Poo & Mash’ group was also slammed for being a coward as he hid in the pub instead of staggering about in the drizzle.

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Needless to say, the MFE, NF and EDL are all blaming each other for the disaster it so clearly was. The MfE ‘leaders’ have been subject to stern criticism over their continual ineptitude: they couldn’t get the numbers; they liaised with plod who kept them under heavy manners; the weather was appalling; and there were 5 arrests. They claimed to have fought with antifascists but, apart from someone falling backwards, this is their usual fantasy football hooliganism and there is no evidence to show this. They also claimed to have attacked a photographer friend of ours but they actually attacked a journalist by mistake. They also had to flee to Preston to hold a ‘social’ after the march as they feared being attacked, arrested or both. It seems that nothing went right for them on the day. Shame.

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