Just In Time to Discuss the Hidden Mysteries With Author Ken Johnson & Eschatologist Steve Fletcher
Today we delve deep into biblical history, prophecy, codes & revealed timelines.
Join us as guests
Ken Johnson (
Steve Fletcher (http://www.2fletchdr222.blogspot.com),
Larry Perrino (http://www.rivkah.org),
Matthew Wright (http://www.biblecodenow.com),
Chris Rae (
Bible Code Theory Researcher),
John Boutcher (
Watchman for that great Day),
Maya Soumokil,
Tamara Overbay, and myself share what is happening in our lives and in this world. This is our best and could be our last
Google hangout broadcast and we hope you are all blessed as you watch!
Here are the YouTube watchmen that God put on my heart for you to all subscribe to.
Mike man of God (
Michael Thomas ),
Swift Passage (Dewayne), His helping heart (
Angela Hyatt),
Mark Murchison,
Rhonda Empson,
Rivkah Ministries (M. Larry Perrino),
Sonya Quici, thegospelstuff (
Walter B.
Shepherd )
Urgent words from
Lord Jesus (
Wendy), watchman for that great day (Bro John Boutcher ) and don't forget
Just In time Ministries (
Justin Koetter).
God bless you all and thanks for your inspiring prophetic videos.
I would like to thank these watchmen for helping make
Just In Time Ministries (www.facebook.com/jitministries) what it is today.
Paul Begley (Coming
Anita Fuentes (
Open Your Eyes People), C. Ervana,
Lisa Haven, BPEarthWatch, Cara Dallenbach, Watchman for that great day,
Renee Moses (rapture puzzle), Larry Perrino (Rivkah Ministries), Kurt Juergens &
Sean Mitchell (Elohims channel on YouTube),
Barbara & Dan (Godshealer7)
John Baptist (www.tribulation-now.org), Steve Fletcher (a trumpet for my people), Matthew Wright (codesearcher dotnet),
Luis Vega (www.postscripts.org),
Heather Rivard (www.raptureintheairnow.com),
Rafael Rodriguez (End times are here facebook page) &
Norma Rodriguez. There are many pastors that are teaching end time bible prophecy that deserve recognition as well. I would like to thank
Jonathan Cahn (author of
The Harbinger &
Mystery of the Shemitah),
Sid Roth (host of Its supernatural),
Perry Stone (
Mana Fest &
VOE), Mark
Blitz (
El Shaddai Ministries & author or
Blood Moons),
Gary Stearman,
Bob Ulrich &
Kevin Clarkson (
Prophecy in the
News & Prophecy
Tom Horn (Skywatch TV)
L.A. Marzulli (author & speaker), Chris Mccann (eBible fellowship), JD Farag (
Aloha Bible Prophecy). There are many voices on YouTube,
Facebook, & TV that have reached millions including
Alex Jones (Infowars &
Prison Planet), Irvin
Baxter (
Endtime Ministries),
Ricky Scaparo (
End Time Headlines),
Jason A (
End Times Watch), theJonathanKleck, FaceLikeTheSun,
On Point preparedness,
Explorer One,
Lynn Leahz, TheGroxt1, 9nania, thornews, Suspicious0bservers,
Professor Doom1, FreedomFighter2127, nemesis maturity,
Josh Peck, KijaniAmariAK,
Shofar Ministries, firecharger, rodyd61169 &
Jim Bakker Show. The prophetic voices that have been an encouragement are TheGospelStuff (Walter Shepherd),
SWIFT PASSAGE, DrPatricia Show, Urgent
Words From Lord Jesus. So please check out all these channels, shows, and pages.