Mark Hamill Reveals That Star Wars: Episode VIII Will Be Full of Brand New Catchphrases

Edit Time Magazine 15 Jul 2016
Is there any better way to get things going at Star Wars Celebration than by having Luke Skywalker talk about the series? ... “[Writer-director] Rian Johnson is amazing ... I thought, ‘Oh, what a great entrance! GAH! Rey caught it…? She hasn’t even been to Dagobah for training! What’s the deal?'”....

Star Wars: Is Mace Windu still alive? Samuel L Jackson and George Lucas seem to think so

Edit Digital Spy 30 Jun 2016
We were pretty convinced that Mace Windu died in Star Wars. Revenge of the Sith, but now it seems like that could have been the biggest Jedi mind trick we've seen yet ... So why not?" So what has he been doing all these years? Jackson suggested that the Jedi master had been keeping a low profile, like Obi-Wan Kenobi did on Tatooine and Yoda on Dagobah ... ....

Star Wars Planetary Glassware Set for $29.99 + free shipping, padding w/code BUFFY

Edit CNET 29 Jun 2016
Ending today, ThinkGeek offers the Star Wars Planetary Glassware Set for $29.99. Pad your order over $30 and apply coupon code "BUFFY" to bag free shipping. Excluding padding, that's the lowest total price we could find by $25. This set features six 10-oz. glasses in the following designs. Alderaan, Death Star, Tatooine, Dagobah, Hoth, and Endor ... ....

Game review: Star Wars Force and Destiny RPG: Nexus of Power: the worlds of the Jedi are here

Edit The Oklahoman 01 Jun 2016
The Star Wars roleplaying Force and Destiny campaign setting puts players into the roles of fascinating, powerful and regal Jedis ... And Nexus of Power is no Ugnaught ... There is Naboo, Ilum, Dagobah, Weik, Lothal, Bardotta, Auratera, Aleen, Devaron, Iktotch, Empress Teta and Ossus ... The Dagobah tree cave description gives information about exploration and ideas for a Jedi test similar to Luke's experience from Empire Strikes Back ... ....

Star Wars Force and Destiny RPG: Nexus of Power: the worlds of the Jedi are here

Edit Deseret News 01 Jun 2016
The Star Wars roleplaying Force and Destiny campaign setting puts players into the roles of fascinating, powerful and regal Jedis ... And Nexus of Power is no Ugnaught ... There is Naboo, Ilum, Dagobah, Weik, Lothal, Bardotta, Auratera, Aleen, Devaron, Iktotch, Empress Teta and Ossus ... The Dagobah tree cave description gives information about exploration and ideas for a Jedi test similar to Luke's experience from Empire Strikes Back....

The Bizarre Prop Mark Hamill Says Was Rejected On The Set Of Empire Strikes Back

Edit Cinema Blend 24 May 2016
One such effect occurs during Luke’s stay on Dagobah with Yoda, after the original prop for his journey through the Dark Side Cave was rejected by the production ... According to a new report from Yahoo! Movies, Mark Hamill recently took to Twitter to explain how his face appears behind the mask of Darth Vader after he hallucinates the Sith Lord/terrible father in a cave on Dagobah.....

Star Wars Episode 8 release date, director, trailer and everything you need to know

Edit Digital Spy 19 May 2016
Unless you've been marooned on a rocky island somewhere, you'll know the excitement over  Star Wars. The Force Awakens was hotter that Tatooine at double-sun midday ... ...wait for Episode 8. Which is frustrating to say the least ... Hopefully it will go better than his own training on Dagobah – and if Luke ups and dies with no explanation like Yoda did, we'll be coming for you, Disney ... ....

Star Wars Spotlight: Infinities: A New Hope (Marvel Entertainment LLC)

Edit Public Technologies 18 May 2016
(Source. Marvel Entertainment LLC) ... A NEW HOPE ... This series actually covers a great deal more ground than the original film, getting into territory covered in the later films like Luke heading to Dagobah to train with Yoda thanks to a ride from Han and Chewie ... Once Han and Chewbacca discover that Leia still walks with the living and does so under an Imperial flag, they return to Dagobah where Luke's training has continued with Yoda....

The fourth is strong in these 'Star Wars' fans

Edit Philadelphia Daily News 04 May 2016
... to travel to the purest planet in the galaxy, Dagobah - at least in his mind....

Star Wars day matchups Episode II (Port Adelaide Football club)

Edit Public Technologies 04 May 2016
(Source. Port Adelaide Football club) TO celebrate Star Wars Day (may the fourth be with you), we've done the rounds and compiled our who's who of the films. 2016 update includes match-ups from the new film too!. Darcy Byrne-Jones/Kylo Ren ... They also both copped a bit of blood in their first apperance for their respective sides ... Ken's been around, and coached at many different clubs, just like Dagobah's favourite little green monster....

Students explore the secrets of Yoda’s Force power (University of Leicester)

Edit Public Technologies 04 May 2016
(Source. University of Leicester). Was the Force behind Leicester's football success? - University of Leicester students calculate whether the body could create enough energy to produce the Force. Issued by University of Leicester Press Office on 4 May 2016 ... In Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back, Jedi Master Yoda lifts Luke Skywalker's X-Wing fighter from a swamp on Dagobah ... The paper 'How Might the Force Work?' is available here ... ENDS....

Episode VIII

Edit The Verge 11 Apr 2016
... while Luke struggled and sweated his way around Dagobah with only a small green puppet strapped to his back, Ridley seems to be carrying a grown......

Mark Hamill posts tribute to Daisy Ridley on Twitter, ‘Star Wars’ fans go nuts

Edit Celebrity Café 11 Apr 2016
In celebration of Star Wars actor Daisy Ridley’s birthday, Mark Hamill posted a hilarious picture from the set of Episode VIII ... — Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) April 10, 2016 ... @HamillHimself I took you out of the @PinewoodStudios car park and put you on #Dagobah — Andy Lyth (@andylyth) April 10, 2016 ... — Andy Lyth (@andylyth) April 10, 2016 ... ....