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Versions of this statement has been around for some time. The speaker was always branded xenophobic, even racist, by the braying PC mob. Now after a Muslim leader has said it, our political leaders are emboldened to say it. Better still would be ‘don’t come’ and a lid put on Muslim immigration, from the ME, or elsewhere.


ISLAM IS NOT A RACE, IT IS A RELIGION Versions of this statement has been around for some time. The speaker was always branded xenophobic, even racist, by the braying PC mob. Now after a Muslim leader has said it, our political leaders are emboldened to say it. Better still would be ‘don’t come’ and a lid put on Muslim immigration, from the ME, or elsewhere.

The capitals are deliberate, called shouting by web users.

It is necessary to keep reiterating it, because opponents of Islam are denounced as racist. This is not about anti- Middle Eastern people; many Lebanese Christians came to Australia at the height of the Lebanese surge in immigrants. There is no suggestion of them reacting with violence towards Australian society. Among those with Christian Lebanese parentage are Joe Hockey and Michael Cheika, the Wallaby coach. Other religions, such as Buddism, Taoism etc., create no problems.


Some European countries will only accept Christian refugees. Australia’s special quote of refugees was supposed to concentrate on Christian and other persecuted minorities who have no future in the Middle East. There have been mentions that this is not being carried out. Apparently Christians get attacked in the refugee camps, from which candidates are drawn, so are scarce there.


The so called ‘anti-racist’ mob call themselves anti-racist and the media tends to use that self description, for lack of an alternative word. The group demonstrating against the proposed Bendigo mosque had counter demonstrators calling themselves anti racist. Among them were masked men, a fact barely mentioned by the MSM, but would have been played up had they been among the anti-mosque group


Not only do Muslims demand special treatment, but idiotic “progressives’ go out of their way to accommodate them. In Victoria a headmistress of a school suggested that Muslim children might like to absent themselves from the room when the National Anthem was sung because it was during a period marking the death of Mohammed’s grandson. Nothing to do with the Koran, a tacked on tradition, like the burqa. The school head was supported by the left leaning highly PC ALP State Government.


No other religion causes as much trouble or has beliefs so antipathetic to Australian values, covered in

httpr//www.independentaustralian.com.au/node/252. It is not surprising that a new party, Australian Liberty Alliance, has sprung up with a focus on preventing the spread of Islam  http://australianlibertyalliance.org/downloads/ALA_MANIFESTO_OG14001R1.pdf


It is time to cease importing trouble and limit the Muslim content of our immigration quota to around 3%, which is a bit more than the proportion now in Australia. Once Muslim numbers build up to near double digits they create the problems we see in Europe.


Comment; editor@independentaustralian.com.au