- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 11937
Expo 58, also known as the Brussels World’s Fair (Dutch: Brusselse Wereldtentoonstelling, French: Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Bruxelles), was held from 17 April to 19 October 1958. It was the first major World's Fair after World War II.
Nearly 15,000 workers spent three years building the 2 km2 (490 acres) site on the Heysel plateau, 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) northwest of central Brussels, Belgium. Many of the buildings were re-used from the Brussels International Exposition of 1935, which had been held on the same site.
Every 25 years starting in 1855, Belgium had staged large national events to celebrate its national independence following the Belgian Revolution of 1830. However, the Belgian government under prime minister Achille Van Acker decided to forego celebrations in 1955 to have additional funding for the 1958 Expo.
Expo 58 was the 11th World's Fair hosted by Belgium, and the fifth in Brussels, following the fairs in 1888, 1897, 1910 and 1935. Since Expo 58, Belgium has not arranged any more world fairs.
Expo 58, Brussels World's Fair 1958 Home Movies
Československý pavilon - Expo 58'
expo 58 BNR reportage
Expo 58
Expo 58 - The Brussels World's Fair - 1958
Atomium Expo 58
Construction de la "Belgique joyeuse" EXPO 58
Jonathan Coe discusses Expo 58
Expo 58 - Belgique Joyeuse & Philips Paviljoen
From the Kinolibrary archive film collections. To order the clip clean and high res or to find out more visit http://www.kinolibrary.com. LC4 32.47 BRUSSELS Expo 1958 - Atomium - Sightseeing from Expo bus 33.47 Great Britain exhibit hall 33:54 Germany's exhibit hall 34:15 Crossing the Atomium by Telelift 34:54 Congo exhibit hall 35:11 Corbusier building 35:14 USA exhibit hall 35:21 USSR exhibit hall (called "The fridge"), outside and inside 36:42 Congo exhibit hall 37:31 Exhibit hall of France 37:34 "Little Belgium" 38:00 Vatican church 38:06 USA exhibit hall, the world's biggest round building 38:32 Thailand temple 39:03 Great Britain's exhibit hall 39:10 Netherland exhibit hall 39:21 Germany's exhibit hall
Brusel - Československá expozice na světové výstavě Expo 58 byla snem, který měl k životu v tehdejší komunistické společnosti hodně daleko. Podoba československé expozice znamenala pro svět šok. Země, která se ještě nevzpamatovala ze stalinského útlaku, se představila množstvím uměleckých či průmyslových výrobků a nápadů, jež plynule navázaly na špičkovou úroveň designu i masarykovského Československa. Výstava se celkově nesla v duchu víry a naděje, že tehdejší objevy a technologie budou v budoucnosti sloužit humanistickým účelům.
Expo 58, also known as the Brussels World’s Fair (Dutch: Brusselse Wereldtentoonstelling, French: Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Bruxelles), was held from 17 April to 19 October 1958.[1] It was the first major World's Fair after World War II. Background: Nearly 15,000 workers spent three years building the 2 square kilometres (490 acres) 2 km² site, found on the Heysel plateau, 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) northwest of central Brussels, Belgium. Many of the buildings were re-used from the Brussels International Exposition (1935), which had been held on the same site.[2] Every 25 years starting in 1855, Belgium had staged large national events to celebrate its national independence following the Belgian Revolution of 1830. However, the Belgian government under prime minister Achille...
16mm Home movies, 16mm Amateur film, 16mm Film d'amateur. made by Jean's movies: http://users.telenet.be/jeansmovies/
Jonathan Coe's Expo 58 is our Fiction Book of the Month for September - find out more in our interview with the author... Good-looking girls and sinister spies: a naive Englishman at loose in Europe in Jonathan Coe's brilliant comic novel. London, 1958: unassuming civil servant Thomas Foley is plucked from his desk at the Central Office of Information and sent on a six-month trip to Brussels. His task: to keep an eye on The Brittania, a brand new pub which will form the heart of the British presence at Expo 58 - the biggest World's Fair of the century, and the first to be held since the Second World War. As soon as he arrives at the site, Thomas feels that he has escaped a repressed, backward-looking country and fallen headlong into an era of modernity and optimism. He is equally bewitch...
This videos shows you what it looks like traveling to the top of the Atomium. I enjoyed visiting Atomium in Brussels, Belgium in the fall of 2014. The landmark was originally constructed for Expo 58, the 1958 Brussels World Fair. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomium Music by Wayne McGraw. Song title: "Silver Halide (Remembrance)"
Transcript: "Heading to Okinawa? These are my Top 5 picks for what to do while you are there. First, head to Shuri Castle. This ancient fortress is fully restored. and - Shuri is located on top of hill, so you get one of the best views in Naha. Second on the list, shop and eat on Kokusai Dori. This is Okinawas most famous street. It is busy, busy, busy and it has tons of restaurants and shops with colorful souveniors and authentic Okinawa crafts as well. Your third stop should be the WW2 Peace Memorial. This is located at the southern end of the island. The memorial has the names of everyone who died in the battle of Okinawa. it is a moving monument that is surrounded by stunning views. I also recommend that you visit Ocean Expo Park and Churaumi Aquarium. There is a village w...
Brussels - Belgium Attractions and Tourism World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Brussels - Belgium Travel guide http://bit.ly/HPaiOv Atomium Léopold II bequeathed the 202-hectare (500-acre) estate of Heysel to the city of Brussels in 1909. The large exhibition spaces are located here, to the northwest of the centre. Its most famous landmark, however, is the Atomium - a giant model of an oxygen molecule, built for the 1958 World Fair as a temporary structure, although never fully dismantled. It reopened in February 2006 following extensive renovation, including replacement of its metal 'skin'. The highest sphere gives a panoramic view of the entire region; the base sphere has an exhibition on Expo 58 and the centre also hosts temporary exhibitions. Opening Times: Daily 100...
ITE HCMC 2013 was held from the 12 to 14 September 2013 at the Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center (SECC). The exhibition has attracted over 320 local, regional and international exhibiting companies and brands, 280 International and Regional Hosted Buyers from 50 major markets, 28 Hosted Media and 159 Participating Media Companies. Across the three days, the exhibition has received 18,438 of total visitorship which consisted of 8,770 trade visitorship and 9,688 public visitorship. The exhibition attracted exhibitors, buyers, media, visitors and delegates from 58 participating countries, states, provinces and cities. There has been an increase in media coverage; both locally and internationally reinforcing the importance and strength in this exhibition. ITE HCMC remains to be the leading...
The Atomium was originally built for Expo '58, the 1958 Brussels World's Fair. Designed by André Waterkeyn it stands 102 meters (335 ft) tall, each sphere 18 meters in diameter. Originally planned to stand for six months, it stands still today, as one of the Brussels' most stunning attractions. The monument is protected by complex copyright rules. Individuals are allowed to display photos on private websites for no commercial purpose, as long as in low resolution (600 pixels maximum, resolution of 72dpi) and the words "© www.atomium.be - SABAM 2010 - photographers name" included. Next to the Atomium stands the miniature park MiniEurope, built on an area of 24,000 m². The initial investment was of €10 million in 1989, on its inauguration by Prince Philip of Belgium. The monuments were c...
The Atomium is a building in Brussels originally constructed for Expo 58, the 1958 Brussels World's Fair. Designed by the engineer André Waterkeyn and architects André and Jean Polak, it stands 102 m tall Avenue de l'Atomium, 1020 Ville de Bruxelles, Belgium
Watch our new series SMOKEABLES for step-by-step tips on the ultimate stoner engineering secrets: http://bit.ly/28XSWBi Check out other videos from Weediquette here: http://bit.ly/1iVLbL7 You might not know who Arjan Roskam is, but you've probably smoked his weed. Arjan's been breeding some of the most famous marijuana strains in the world—like White Widow, Super Silver Haze, and many others—for over 20 years. In 1992 he opened his first coffee shop in Amsterdam and has since crafted his marijuana-breeding skills into a market-savvy empire known as Green House Seed Company, which rakes in millions of dollars a year. He's won 38 Cannabis Cups and has dubbed himself the King of Cannabis. VICE joins Arjan and his crew of strain hunters in Colombia to look for three of the country's rares...
Cubao EXPO General Romulo Avenue Cubao Quezon City. MABUHAY and Welcome to HourPhilippines TV! Thanks for dropping by. Please subscribe, like, share and comment on our videos! ♥ We upload daily and weekly! Your essential guide to unforgettable food, travel and nightlife adventures in the Philippines and beyond! Have a great day and a fantastic life ahead! :-) Cheers, Lord and Aksana Food | Travel | Lifestyle | Parties | Nightlife | Events For business inquiries, please send us a message :-) www.HourPhilippines.com
Weltausstellungen sind dafür da um technologischen Fortschritt zur Schau zu stellen und so werden meist auch spektakuläre Gebäude errichtet, die oft zum Wahrzeichen werden. Die Space Needle in Seattle oder der Eiffelturm sind prominente Beispiele. Oder eben das Atomium, das zur Expo 58 in Brüssel errichtet wurde.
Read more about the Hildreth Meiere papers at the Archives of American Art: http://www.aaa.si.edu/collections/hildreth-meire-papers-5982/more
Created with Corel Pinnacle Studio: EXPO 58 Atomium. The Brussels World’s Fair 1958 / Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Bruxelles. The symbol was The Atomium created by André Waterkeyn for the occasion in 1958. It is shaped on the model of an elementary iron crystal enlarged 165 billion times. The Atomium is the most popular monument and is the symbol of Brussels and Belgium. Today the international tourist attraction is place for the Brussels 360º observatory, gift shops, museums and a restaurant. Images from last century. Visits open everyday from 10am to 6pm. All credits to the family of André Waterkeyn, this video is free and cultural to all ages. Enjoy!
1958 - Expo 58 - Le Festival Mondial du film et ses vedettes A l'occasion de l'Exposition universelle de 1958 à Bruxelles fut organisé le Festival Mondial du film. Les plus grandes vedettes de l'époque y ont fait une apparition. Dans le reportage que nous vous proposons, à vous de reconnaître parmi les nombreuses personnalités : Orson Welles, Gérard Philippe, Romy Schneider, Roger Vadim, Annie Cordy, Benny Goodman, Sofia Loren ou encore Jean Marais.
Si tienes alguna pregunta probablemente aquí esté la respuesta: ¡Ábreme! :) - - - - - - - El tocino se ve en la foto de la portada del video y en el plano que hago a la carne de soja en el video :( Es tocino de verdad... Todas las direcciones están mencionadas en el video menos: El huerto: Orrego Luco 54 Providencia. La expo india está abierta hasta el 6 de marzo, es en Estación Mapocho y la entrada es liberada. - - - - - - - SOBRE MI Lupitattoo http://lupitattoo.com Twitter http://twitter.com/elblogdelupi Facebook http://facebook.com/elblogdelupi Instagram http://instagram.com/elblogdelupi Blog http://elblogdelupi.com Lista Spotify Funky Running https://play.spotify.com/user/elblogd... - - - - - - - MÚSICA Intro: Lifelike & Tommi Bravo - Urban Sex Video: es un audio de...
Heute bauen wir ein ganz besonderes "Gebäude". Es wurde für die Expo 58 aufgebaut. Es beherbergt mit eine 35 Meter langen Rolltreppe ein der Längsten in Europa. Wir Bereiten die Ersten Große Verbindung vor Indem wir einen ICE von Hamburg - Hannover schicken. Diese Strecke wird oftmals noch mit dem ICE der ersten Generation befahren. Nach und nach werden wir die Linie weiter Richtung Süden ziehen.
Witamy i zapraszamy na kolejny odcinek magazynu dla myśliwych Darz Bór. Dzisiaj przed Wami druga część relacji z targów Hubertus Expo w Warszawie. Tym razem skupimy się na takich rzeczach jak Klub Sokolników, popisy mistrzów Europy w wabieniu jeleni, extremalna jazda samochodem po dachu stodoły, super nowoczesna strzelnica czy rozmowy z gośćmi targów, choćby z żywą legendą kolarstwa - Czesławem Langiem. Zapraszamy.
รายการ ที่นี่หมอชิต วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน 2558 ดู๋ นุ่น ชวนหนุ่มมาดเข้ม เวียร์ ศกุลวฒัน์ คณารส ตะลุยเมืองมิลาน ประเทศอิตาลี พาเที่ยวชมงานแสดงศักยภาพ ของเทคโนโลยี สถาปัตยกรรม และสิ่งประดิษฐ์จากทั่วโลก ใน World Expo Milano 2015 งานนี้ถือเป็นมหกรรมของมวลมนุษยชาติ ยิ่งใหญ่เป็นอันดับสามของโลก นวัตกรรมบางเช่น หอไอเฟล ทีวี ชิงช้าสวรรค์ ฯลฯ เคยนำมาจัดแสดงที่นี่ ก่อนจะเอาไปใช้จริงๆ ทางเข้างานอยู่กลางเมือง หน้าปราสาทสฟอร์เชสโก มีธงชาติแต่ละประเทศ ที่เข้าร่วมโบกสะบัดอยู่ เข้าประตูมาจะเจอ จตุรัส สกาลา ที่ตั้งอนุสาวรีย์ ของศิลปินระดับโลก ลีโอนาโด ดาวินชี ทั้งสามเดินผ่าน แกลเลอเรยี วิคโทริโอ เอ็มมานูเอล ห้างสูดหรูที่รวมแบรนด์ดังไว้เพียบ ก่อนจะไปหยุดอยู่หน้า Thai Pavilion (โซนจัดงานของประเทศไทย) ปีนี้กระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์ เป็นผู้รับผิดชอบ โดยมาในธีม การหล่อเลี้ยงโลกอย่างยั่งยืน เสนอความอดุมสมบูรณ์ด...
Съемочная группа телеканала "Успех" побывала на 12ой Международной выставеа бизнеса по франчайзингу, инвестиционных и партнерских возможностей BUYBRAND Expo 2014. Выставка пройдет при стратегическом партнерстве Российской ассоциации франчайзинга, активной поддержке общероссийской общественной организации ОПОРА РОССИИ, Торгово-промышленной палаты РФ и ГБУ «Малый бизнес Москвы». только благодаря выставке BUYBRAND Expo за 12 лет её существования открылось более 7500 франчайзинговых предприятий. Если на первых выставках преобладали зарубежные франшизы, то в последние годы явно ощущается перевес в сторону отечественных франчайзинговых концепций, многие из которых представляют различные регионы России.
More information at: http://www.pinballexpo.net http://www.papa.org
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to radio station EXP.
Tonight we are featuring an interview
with a very peculiar looking gentleman
who goes by the name of Mr. Paul
Corusoe on the dodgy subject of are
there or are there not flying saucers
or UFOs? Please Mr. Corusoe, please
could you give us your regarded
opinion on this nonsense about
spaceships and even space people?
Thank you As you well know
you just can't believe everything you
see and hear, can you? Now, if you'll
excuse me, I must be on my way.
Bu...but,but...gulb...I,I,don't belive it