Vejibag on Indiegogo!

Sally Erickson, producer of What a Way to Go, has a new venture. Check out her campaign on Indiegogo and help us if you can. Contribute for a wonderful perk, share the link with everyone you know, or just visit the page to help create a buzz!


Horror Movies and Other Things I Don’t Want to Believe are True

Tim Bennett and I have just returned home from two screening tours of What A Way To Go. We toured 13 communities in the Northeast during August and 23 communities in the West and Midwest during October and early November. I’ve now got a finger on the pulse of current levels of awareness in the [...]


Blood on the Sidewalk

“At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves.” A Hope Elder Speaks It’s okay. You can call me depressed if you like, though depressed people do not usually run, write, work, and make music like I do. You can call me morose. Gloomy. Moody. Oversensitive. Forlorn. Dour. Nervous. [...]


Life Before Death

What happened to me? That’s the question that haunts me in these end of days. What happened, that left me feeling so damaged, so broken, so confused? Why am I so unable to trust? Why are so many of my days filled with anxiety so distracting that my power and effectiveness suffer? Why am I [...]