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May 31, 2006

What Effects Would A Massive U.S. Heatwave Be?

If the 2003 European heatwave had occurred in the US what would have been the effects? In 2003 Europe was hit by the most extreme heatwave since meteorological measurements began. Not only where records for max temperature broken but...
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May 28, 2006

Habits kill - kill your habits

To paraphrase Machiavelli, we could say that 'men forgive and forget much quicker the death of their fathers that the loss of their habits' So when we read from the New York Times that nearly 38 million people will travel...
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Record Shark Killed

The big news for "fishing" enthusiasts is that a 1280 pound hammerhead shark was caught. That "record" catch is credited to Capt. Bucky Dennis. He used a stingray as bait, and the shark dragged his boat about 12 miles out...
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May 22, 2006

Cracks in the Empire

You can tell when an Empire is healthy and powerful from two fundamental signs: the control it exerts on its allies and the fear it creates in its enemies. From this point of view, the Golden Age for the Empire...
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May 21, 2006

What Are The Costs Of Biofuels?

With the most recent increases in fuel costs in the United States, there is increasing talk of biofuels - ethanol in particular. The popular belief is that ethanol will save us, and Brazil comes up frequently with its use of...
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May 17, 2006

Global Warming: Who Lives Who Dies?

It seems easy sitting in the most consuming, capitalist nation in the world to think that global warming is not a big deal. There is a belief that no matter what nature throws this way that "technology" can handle it....
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May 10, 2006

The Oil Boil

BY: Anwaar Hussain As America's naval armadas continue to surf the Persian Gulf, hovering just off the Iranian waters, the supreme commander of the US armed forces recently said that threats from Mr Ahmadinejad, particularly towards Israel, had to be...
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May 9, 2006

The rich also cry - and this time for real

It is quite heartwarming to know that even the biggest oil producers in the world are not happy with the current surge in energy prices - at least this is what Mandil said: "The current prices aren't sustainable," IEA Executive...
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The New Threat To Corporations

There is a rising threat to the power of the oil companies - nations. In particular, oil producing nations. From western hemisphere to eastern, nations are flexing their muscles. Russia's move to capitalist control of energy resources have largely been...
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May 8, 2006

The Second Cold War

Did you notice that the U.S. just declared a new war? Yeah, they must have thought that the ones they were already fighting weren't enough: and so that great and moderate politician that's usually sitting right behind Bush - yes,...
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May 7, 2006

The Mountain Sentinel

Hi all, I would like to recommend Dale Allen Pfeiffer's The Mountain Sentinel. The magazine is in its second volume. The current volume (available for $2.50 pdf or $7.50 print and bound) covers issues from the laws of thermodynamics to...
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May 4, 2006

Proof of Global Warming

Sorry - creator unknown...
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The King is naked

Running an empire is a quite complicated task. You have to keep happy your subjects, aligned your allies, submitted your enemies and, in empires who live on the religion of Perpetual Growth like ours, you need to constantly find new...
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